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# MSF Project Constellation
## Links
- Previous notes: https://hackmd.io/L-aVP_ElQjqKfUsTMMsWFA
- OMI notes https://github.com/omigroup/omi-archive
- Meeting notes: https://github.com/madjin/msf-archive
- Example blog post: https://hackmd.io/@XR/msf-3d-asset-interop
## Problem
**Organizational challenges**
- working group meetings are at a weekly or bi-weekly cadence
- members often only pay attention to previous meetup notes
- discord / zoom calls all begin to look and feel the same
- we are bombarded with URLs daily that they become easy to lose and forget
- every URL / tab is somewhat silo'd from each other, ton of context switching
- It'd be nice if we can see multiple pages in one place (like on an [infinite canvas](https://infinitecanvas.tools/))
- How can we visualize our activities and goals better? What's the bigger picture?
- Can we onboard people faster with automated high level overviews of past meetups?
- How can we turn a github repo or knowledge base into an AI agent and/or 3D space?
## The Campus
- AI agent per working group / standards org
- Role locked to a channel `The Campus`
- OMI discord can host
## Deliverables
### Eliza Agent per Working Group
**Bounty: $2000 in sol + $4000 in $ai16z**
Already have summarized meeting notes up until July 2024 for every MSF group: https://github.com/madjin/msf-archive/tree/main/groups
Also have notes for OMI groups: https://github.com/omigroup/omi-archive
Task: Design a character (it can be a 2D image / art) and create an Eliza `characterfile` per each working group. Then using the RAG pipeline give each agent context of that group's past meeting activities, and invite them all to a discord server to talk with each other.
Further reading:
- https://github.com/ai16z/characterfile/tree/main/scripts
- https://ai16z.github.io/eliza/docs/core/agents/#memory-systems
- https://ai16z.github.io/eliza/docs/core/characterfile/
## Tools for Visualizing
### Thread to Canvas to glTF
**Bounty: $1000 in sol + $3000 in $ai16z**
- github issues / discussions -> JSON canvas format
- JSON canvas -> Blender geometry nodes -> glTF pipeline
I've made a script that scrapes miladychan threads and visualizes them in Obsidian Canvas, which is now an open source spec: https://jsoncanvas.org/.
I plan to open source this script so that it can be studied / improved upon to visualize any sort of thread structure on the internet like GitHub issues for instance. Methods to extract the JSON from GitHub discussions are in https://github.com/omigroup/omi-archive/tree/main/scripts.
Here's some blender geometry node files that can help with creating the 3D part using nodes + edges: https://github.com/kolibril13/bpy-gallery
### Text-to-glTF
**Bounty: $1000 in sol + $4000 in $ai16z**
Main usecase would be converting hackmd or documentation markdown pages to glTF. This would be a great setup for DeSci use cases where papers and blog posts can become the collectible art form.
Another use case for this would be with knowledge bases, github api, hackmd pages, and mirror blog posts.
- text2gltf release (markdown -> glTF)
- Blog post about how it works
- https://hackmd.io/@XR/text2gltf
### 3D Mirror Posts
**Bounty: $1000 in sol + $2000 in $ai16z**
### Force Graphs Explorer
{%youtube DrXFpepPvoE %}
### Virtual Workspace / Expo
## Project Funding
Here are some messages from my liason Ben Erwin:
I had a one-on-one call with Neil today, to run by him alignments with several things I'm working on for the Forum and what I've been working on.
This hasn't been announced publicly yet, but I have co-founded the Academy of Immersive Arts and Sciences, Inc. a New York State nonprofit 501(c)(3) public charity.
We discussed with MSF and the Academy co-applying for grants.
Constellation could potentially play an important role in this, and make it way bigger than the MSF Working Group Dataset.
Neil and I talked about a grant proposal for a spatial wiki to apply for government funding and make it open source and the data free and public.
I'm particularly interested in the front-end of this, basically making an MR, infinitely recursive tactile force graph on a large dataset.
Would it be possible to get a written proposal from you by Tue, Aug 6th? Two weeks from today? Throw in the kitchen sink. Team, money, roadmap, milestones.
dream big. Consider what you would need to put your back into it and develop it as a product with a life of its own.
SDOs->Standards->People working on it->modules->progreess status as the dataset over meeting transcripts as the dataset to visualize. ARe you up on the Standards Register Github issue tracker and progresss tracker spreadsheet?
the more clarity, the sooner, the better on what you want to do with Constellation, what you want in it for yourself, what you bring to the table, who you bring to the table.
Does this article mean you're working with Andressen Horowitz, using their platform, or looking at them as a model?
Insights into funding would be appreciated as well. Crypto is challenging for Non-profits to use. It will take time to have that infrastructure.
Neil and I had dinner in Hollywood on Thursday. We have decided to form a liaison agreeement between Metaverse Standards Forum and Academy of Immersive Arts and Sciences to fundraise to build Project Constellation.
Less than 36 Hours later, the universe seemed to provide people who are a perfect fit to help out with both business development and project management.
The next steps include formalizing this arrangement, including drafting the agreement and putting it in front of the respective boards.
Now would be a great time for you to provide your vision in for this project. We are looking to use the standards register as the starter use-case data set instead of meeting transcripts, but meeting transcripts as a data soruce would still be useful.
The idea is that we build a flexible data source the can be populated by AI, curated with human oversight, exported to a simple schema that can be loaded into an infinitely recursive 3D mind-map a-la 3D Force Graph.
We had talked about you submitting a proposal. We like to discuss what kind of role you want to build into this for yourself, possibly as lead developer, if that's somethign you want to tak on.
If you could put together something that represents how you would like to see this done your way, we'd like that to inform how we spec this out to come up with a comprehensive plan.
Again, the idea is to get this funded. We don't want to approach this from a part-time volunteer effort. We feel this has strong possibilities and aligns with both organizations goals.
The time is upon us to move quickly to get the bones of the proposal in place, though it will take months to get the fundraising going.
Please let me know where things stand in terms of your intent and willingness to help get this project going and what it would take to be able to engage you more formally to help deliver it.
Please coordinate through me, because I'm working directly with Neil and we're putting together a liaison agreement with MSF and the Academyto use the Academy's 501(c)(3) status for fundraising.
We have people standing by with interest in handling the project. You're a key figure in the inception of this and we want you to carve out for yourself the role for this that you want, and to help guide the vision. A grant proposal deadline is coming up at the end of the month so things are going to move quickly. Emily and Christine are about to be looped in by Neil. Having your intentions and desires clear is timely as we begin scheduling meetings, when need to know when and on what to include you.
We respect your time and abilities and want to turn this into a compensated project as soon as possible. We need to understand under what parameters you can make time commitments, and to what degree of ownership you want to have over this.
MSF wants to start with metaverse standards register first apparently:
https://register.metaverse-standards.org/ is every group on here
https://github.com/MetaverseStandards/Metaverse-Standards-Register/issues from here?
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mDR2qwRh2iMggwpn0bmImZb7nHZY7_Ge1GZDm7XpLyg/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.p8v9pb1ul069
- https://metaverse-standards.org/domain-groups/call-for-metaverse-related-standards-setting-and-community-organizations/