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# Software Sustainability
## Resbaz Arizona Conference: Tuesday, May 19th, 2020 09\:00-10\:00
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Software sustainability has gained increased attention in academia over the last decade which reflects the importance of software for research. We will talk about a couple of simple rules which can help to support software sustainability and one general rule: no software is error free.
## Getting Started
1. No setup required
## Introductions
Name, Affiliation, Title, Email, Social Media
- Sandra Gesing, University of Notre Dame, Associate Research Professor, sandra.gesing@nd.edu, @sandragesing (Presenter)
- Sateesh Peri, UArizona, sateeshp@email.arizona.edu
- Zack Jarrett, business finance and Macintosh desktop automation software developer, zack@zackswagon.com, @AzironaZack
- Alise Ponsero, UA department of Biosystems engineering, Postdoc, aponsero@email.arizona.edu, @APonsero
- Adriana Picoral, University of Arizona, adrianaps@email.arizona.edu, @adrianapicoral
- Chun Ly, Research Data Systems Integration Specialist, UA Libraries, chunly@arizona.edu
- Fernando Rios, Research Data Management Specialist, University of Arizona
- Tiffany Bledsoe, Laboratory Aide, University of Arizona, Aquaculture Pathology Laboratory; Bioinformatics and MCB undergrad; tbledsoe1@email.arizona.edu
- Alex Bigelow, University of Arizona, Data Science Fellow / Postdoc, alexrbigelow@arizona.edu, @accidental_PhD
- Anthony Azari, Rutgers University Newark, Graduate Student, Anthony.Azari@rutgers.edu
- Julian Pistorius, University of Arizona, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, julianp at arizona dot ee-dee-u
- Yang Song, University of Arizona, Department of Hydrology and Atmsopheric Sciences, Assitant Professor, chopinsong@email.arizona.edu, @chopinzi
- [Software Sustainability Institute](https://www.software.ac.uk/)
- [Conceptualization of the US Research Software Sustainability Institute](http://urssi.us/)
- [Research Data Alliance](https://www.rd-alliance.org/)
- [RDA COVID-19 Software Working Group](https://rd-alliance.org/groups/rda-covid19-software)
- Make your software available while in development
- Release the software under a license
- Cite the software you use
- Provide metadata/documentation for others to use your software
- Ensure portability reproducibility of results
- Reference your software in a trustworthy repository with Persistent Identifiers (PIDs)
- Following any of the recommendations is already a step in the right direction!
## Questions and Answers
In this section, you can post your questions and feel free to answer if you have it. Questions will be answered during or after the workshop.
1. Could you expand on the gender bias in open-source software contributions? How do we encourage women (and other underrepresented populations) to be comfortable sharing their source code?
- Encourage via inclusiveness at events and code of conduct
- Giving examples
- Pointing to projects with involvement of women and minorities
2. When doing 'computer science as a service', how do get credit for that work?
- Virtual residency (http://www.oscer.ou.edu/virtualresidency2020.php)
- CaRCC (https://carcc.org/)
3. Has software development for research been integrated into cybersecurity for better protection of user's resources and data?
- [TrustedCI](https://trustedci.org/)
4. What are the requirements for projects who need help from the Science Gateway Institute?
- Need to describe it one paragraph
- There is a waiting list
- Candidate projects don't _have_ to be NSF funded - any funding agency is fine
- Ability/motivation to reach many researchers
- https://sciencegateways.org/
## Session Feedback
Use the link below to provide your feedback on the session:
[**Session Feedback Form**](https://bit.ly/resbazfeedback)