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# Fedora Week of Diversity 2021 Meeting Notes
## Links
### Tickets
[D&I Team Fedora Week of Diversity ticket](https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/195)
[D&I Team Nest ticket](https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/201)
### Resources
[Fedora Women's Day 2020 doc](https://hackmd.io/I-GhZX1TQF6tJ_8w1IwbhQ)
## Working Group Meeting notes
### October 19th 2021
* Marie
* Vipul
* Jona
Release Party Presentation
* Who was a part, what countries they are from, how many
* Views from Youtube, and retweets
* Check hashtags
* Work session to put together presentation
* Share some ideas we wanted to do but didn't have the resources
* Talk about how we want it to evolve
Wrap Up
* For next year: an event where we gather and tell each other stories
### October 2nd 2021
Remember to:
Add Stories playlist link to Blog post
### September 28th 2021
* Marie
* Vipul
* Jona
* Onuralp working on videos still, checked in
Happiness Packets
* Vipul to ask Akash and update
* We can ask Misc as well
* Jona to continue work on storyteller descirptions/tweets
* Marie to continue work on blog post/mailing list
* Marie to design banner for blog post
I dumped all of our text into this scratchpad:
**TO DO**
* Tweets
* Add links
### September 27th 2021
* Marie
* Jona
* Onuralp
* Fedora Women's Day
* Descriptions
* Ben is uploading
* thumbnails
* Fedora Stories
* A lot are done
* A couple more question slides were needed
* Some sound distortion is being working on
* Hopefully should be done with today
* Discussion
* Transitions
* Should be consistent
* Final slide
* Social Media
* CommBlog
* Release Party
* Join Fedora
* Panda!
* Shooting for EOD on Wednesday the 29th
* Jona to work on
* Tweets/youtube descriptions for each storyteller
* Reviews
* Marie to work on
* [x] final slide
* [x] review of general tweets
* [x] fedora womens day tweets
* [ ] community blog post/mailing list post
### September 17th 2021
* Jona
* Marie
Video editing
- Follow up with Onuralp & Grayson
- Email the design list to ask for volunteers (Marie)
- Discussion (Marie)
- Marie is starting to learn
- Docs page for FWD
- Youtube
- [ ] Playlist title
- [ ] Title format
- [ ] Description
- Community blog post
- [ ] Blog post scheduled to post
- [ ] Pinned on Discussion
- Mailing Lists
- [x] Written & Reviewed
- [x] Send the October 3rd
- [ ] Fedora D&I list
- [ ] Mindshare announce
- [ ] Announce
- Twitter
- [x] General tweets
- 1 each day
- [x] Tweets for each storyteller
- Spread out through the week
- [x] Resource library
- 1 each day
- [x] Fedora Women's Day 2020
- [x] General: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
- [x] Tweets for each presenter spread through week (14)
- [x] Fedora Social Hour
- 10AM EST
- Instagram
- General post
- Logo, info, link to youtube playlist
- Fedora Women's Day playlist
- Logo, info, link to youtube playlist
### September 14th 2021
* Attendees
* Marie
* Ashlyn
* Happiness Packets
* haven't heard back from Jon
* no capacity currently to work on this more
* Banner
* Info:
* October 3rd-9th 2021
* tagline: Celebrate Fedora's diversity with storytelling
* CTA -> button to docs page
- What we do
- follow the magic
- Find out more
- **Check it out**
* Links to:
* Docs page
* youtube playlist
* page like fedoraloveskde
* links to videos
* basic information
* pictures
* **don't do this idea**
* Work on a docs page for Fedora Week of Diversity
### September 8 2021
* Attendees
* Marie
* Jona
* Video Series
* Marie has done multiple interviews
* Write up instructions for video editors
* https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HEXIwG04WfdHi_JXti2ggQpQliZwpHHjF8oOgMdNr3Y/edit?usp=sharing
* Logo & Assets
* https://pagure.io/design/issue/785
* Designed a logo
* Working on video layouts
* simplify
* make the "question slides"
* Content copy session:
* For next friday
* Work on youtube descriptions & tweets & posts
* Identify folks to help us upload videos
* Ben?
* Resource library PR
* https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/pull-request/213
* Review if possible
* Happiness Packets
* Emailed Jon to check in
### August 31 2021
* Attendees
* Vipul
* Marie
* Ashlyn
#### Video Series
* Nest with Fedora
* Session went well
* Approx 10 people told stories
* Interviews we still want to do
* Pingou
* jrichardson
* Aoife
* carl (george)
* t0xic0der
* Video Editing (Marie)
* Share the folder for FWD 2021
* Gather videos from individual interviews
* nest video
* fedora womens videos
* Grayson and Onuralp will be working on editing
* Goal to gather by end of this week, with some additions next week
* Open Hours (Marie)
* Two hours, one early one late
* Blog post
* Messaging advertise to send on channels, mailing lists, discussion, twitter
* "starting now messages" need to be written
* Graphics (Marie)
* Marie to mock up something, open a design ticket, get approval
* Logo, banner, twitter poster, videos assets
* Happiness Packets
* Ashlyn touch base with Jon and help
#### Resource Library
* Status
* Vipul to do PR tomorrow so we can review
* To Do
* Promotions
* blog post to publish during FWD
* some art for socials
* promote on mailing lists/channels
#### Fedora Happiness Packets
* Status
* Jon reached out to me
* Marie to drop a note to see how things are going, CC: Ashlyn
#### Events during FWD
* D&I panel potentials
* Amy Marrich (red hatter & open source diversity) Contact:
* Ansible
* Outreachy
* Gitlab
To Do:
[x] update meeting invites
### July 20 2021
* Attendees
* Marie
* Ashlyn
* Jona
* Nest with Fedora
* Put the script somewhere accessible
* Docs page or pagure repo
* Short blog post, tweets
* Promote at D&I & mindshare meeting
* FWD Promotion
* Blog posts
* We want to get a banner up
* We need to get a design and a ticket open with W&A by end of August
* Let's update the design process for the banners
* design assets needed (best case scenario, just logo, text and links are totally necessary)
* svg of logo (paths unioned to reduce code size)
* text content (date, title etc)
* any relevant links
* color codes to be used
* notes on any gradients
* TO DO:
* Get script onto docs page, open a ticket on d&i pagure (Jona)
* DYI Events -> Resource pack
* https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/211
* Done
* Write up blog post (marie)
* Move banner notes to w&a team docs (ashlyn)
* Review happiness packets for feasibility (ashlyn)
### July 13th 2021
* Attendees
* Marie
* Vipul
* Jona
* Nest with Fedora CfP
* Hour long session
* Basics of the session
* Badge to earn
* Earn by contributing to FWD generally (not just session)
* Set of questions
* What is your fav Fedora memory?
* Who is your Fedora mentor and how did you meet them?
* What is your fav Fedora event? And why?
* How has someone in the Fedora community helped you?
* How did you first learn about Fedora/open source?
* Script
* Need to find and add in here
* Gathering content for week of diversity
* How to frame it? How to promote the session?
* Happiness packets
* this is up in the air
* Contributor Stories
* Previously organized by Justin as part of CommOps
* https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/contributor-stories
* Promote the submissions
* Create timeline
* September 12-25th to collect to contributor stories
* Dates of Fedora Week of Diversity
* October 3rd-9th
* Resources library
* The idea would be to launch it during FWD
* Looking for recommendations, community input
* Promotion
* Live event
* Social time
* pictionary, geoguesser
* Fedora Social Hour takeover
* Experts on diversity
* Panel discussion
* D&I training
* Can we pay in advance?
* Offer two diff times
* Could be a tangential topic
* such as how to communicate, feelings at work, resilience
* Social Media during the week of
* #wearefedora #fwd2021
#### To Do
- Open the nest ticket (Vipul)
- https://pagure.io/flock/issue/321
- Open the badge ticket (Marie)
- https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/840
- Find the script (Marie)
Hi, my name is _____, I am from _____, I am _____, and I speak _____.
(Ex: Hi, my name is Marie, I am from the United States, I am a woman, and I speak English.)
We are from different countries, We speak different languages, We are of different cultures, But Fedora unites us with Open Source. WE ARE FEDORA!
- Reply to email about happiness packets (Marie)
- Email d&i list (Jona)
- about dates
- about resources for resource library
- PR based work flow
- https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/diversity@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/M6X5YRVHTXAB2RJ6CHNT3WRBX2PHQGX6/
### June 22nd 2021
#### Agenda
* Hellos!
* Who is here today?
* Marie Nordin (riecatnor)
* Vipul Siddharth (siddharthvipul1)
* Jona Azizaj (jonatoni)
* Review ticket #195
* Discussion:
* Zine: make a creative prompt for folks to make dei related art that will end up in the zine
* Podcast: partner with the podcast team to create a Cross collaborative d&i panel episode
* TO DO:
* Pick a topic, come up with some questions
* Make a list of people, and invite folks
* Scheduling
* Build in time for folks to edit
* Promotional content
* Live event ideas:
* Socials
* Someone to talk on intersectionality
* DEI Resources: Vipul wants to work on this
* Curate a page of resources/content related to DEI
* https://www.coursera.org/lecture/gender-sexuality/intersectionality-FHe1F
* Potentially offer sponsorships if they cost $
* Happiness Packets
* Can we get help from websites & apps team?
* Bringing up this up at their meeting
* This should happen during FWD
* Badge?
* Contributor story
* Invite folks to submit stories
* Edit & publish during FWD
* Promotional pieces
* TO DO:
* Develop and confirm timeline & dates for both gathering content & FWD
* Review ticket #201
* Discussion