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# Website Updates WG -- Rolling shared meeting notes
_When a meeting is completed, the meeting notes are copied from here into a pull request for the repo https://github.com/operate-first/community/tree/main/sig-community/wg-website-updates/meeting-notes/_
* [OpenInfra Foundation Community - Code Of Conduct](https://openinfra.dev/legal/code-of-conduct)
* [Meeting Notes](https://hackmd.io/KE7KRZZRQwyQfRYZw78k_Q)
* [Project board](https://github.com/orgs/operate-first/projects/48)
* [Website Repo](https://github.com/operate-first/operate-first.github.io)
* [Blog Repo](https://github.com/operate-first/blog)
* [Website](https://www.operate-first.cloud/)
* [Blog](https://www.operate-first.cloud/blog/)
* [Calendar Op1st Community Meetings](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=operate.first.community%40gmail.com&ctz=America%2FNew_York)
## 2022-08-23
### Attendees
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
### Agenda & notes
- MOC-Alliance mock-up
1. Today during the meeting: Make PR of the website with the affiliation added
2. At end of meeting: Open thread on community@ list to include everyone's awareness and ability to feel the connection we're going to claim/highlight
- You may not be aware of this or have a mixed understanding
- We are part of this thing
- This is what the thing is and why it's cool
- If you have any questions or concerns, let's bring those up now because we want to go live with the affiliation link before the end of this week
- Make it clear we aren't seeing any controversy, but if there is concern then let's talk about it, and as with all things we can full-stop (-1) if there is a need
3. Goal is to go live by Thursday?
- Rename/evolve WG
- Issue stack
## 2022-08-09
### Attendees
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Tray Keller @traytorous
### Agenda & notes
1. Issues moved last week to active repo
2. Going over Purpose page:
1. https://github.com/operate-first/operate-first.github.io/issues/117
2. Need visual designer help
2. Can do some page layout changes (as marked in the issue), which may help
1. Look for diagrams to create or add?
1. Community page: https://github.com/operate-first/operate-first.github.io/issues/169
1. No visual problems seen by WG
1. Fixing a single link https://github.com/operate-first/operate-first.github.io/issues/179
1. Looked at a new problem on the "Community Cloud" page and created an issue about how Grafana is displaying `no data`: https://github.com/operate-first/support/issues/622
### Actions
- [ ] Create and follow-up on Grafana issue
- [ ] @quaid can rewrite the about/who are we content
- [ ] @quaid to ask RH OSPO for @tigert availability to audit website
## 2022-08-02
### Attendees:
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Tray Keller @traytorous
### Notes
- Discussion about writing styles and style guides, which are not complete for the Operate First project.
- https://github.com/StyleGuides/WritingStyleGuide
- https://github.com/redhat-documentation/supplementary-style-guidehttps://stylepedia.net/
- https://github.com/operate-first/community-handbook/tree/main/contributing
- Maintaining the github project board
- PRs happening the last week (blog, templates, some typos)
- the nav bar on the blog page still visually jumps compared to the other pages
- moving issues from the [old repository](operate-first/operate-first.github.io-old) into the current one
## 2022-07-26
### Attendees:
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
- Karsten Wade @quaid
### Agenda and notes
1. went over the changes on the website since the last two weeks
1. checking the connected PRs and Issues
1. explained the new blog folder inside the website content repo
1. thinking about renaming the folder `operate-first.github.io/content/posts/` to sth like `blog-content/posts/`
1. [#47](https://github.com/operate-first/operate-first.github.io/issues/147)
1. creating a PR to unpublish the blog post sre coloring book
1. not ready yet
1. [#144](https://github.com/operate-first/operate-first.github.io/pull/144)
## 2022-07-19
### Attendees:
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Tray Keller @traytorous
### Agenda and Notes
1. Merging https://github.com/operate-first/operate-first.github.io/pull/116
1. Status on https://github.com/operate-first/operate-first.github.io/pull/89
1. WG decided that any further changes, including the ones @durandom was holding PR#89 for can be put in a new PR.
1. WG agreed this PR is ready to merge, @traytorous is going to make a comment to the effect of the above point and this point, and then @quaid is going to ACK and merge.
1. Purpose page
1. why does it look like sooo much text
1. comparing to kubernetes.io -> maybe just bigger headlines & color and more space between chapters can losen it up a bit for better reading
- https://github.com/operate-first/operate-first.github.io/issues/117
1. The loading process of the website looks unstyled for a few seconds after refresh/first loading
- [#119](https://github.com/operate-first/operate-first.github.io/issues/119)
## 2022-07-12
### Attendees:
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Isaac Okumu-Ringa
### Agenda and notes
1. https://github.com/orgs/operate-first/projects/48
1. Definition and use of Operate First
1. how & when to use lower case and upper case O & F
1. what do people mean and see, when they say operate first
1. the idea, the project, the community cloud?
1. vs/includes upstream first
1. upstream-first is a method to ...
1. The operate-first approach ...
1. Going through the Website
1. Menue looks fine
1. headline looks fine
1. the "why build"
1. looks clickable?! (not urgent, but just a fyi)
1. make it clickable?
1. change the design?
1. the box "SRE and DevOps" has the "s" outside the box
1. looks messed up
1. use "&"" instead of "and"
1. or change padding of the box
1. Data Science
1. "only" for supporting operate first
1. or also users/a persona in the community cloud
1. Idea: Changing "Data Science Learning Path" to "Data Science and AI Ops"
1. or "Data Science / AI Ops Learning Pathway"
1. yellow instead of white
23. in general: all clickable links/buttons yellow
24. should the yellow "you" be clickable (https://www.operate-first.cloud/our-community)
25. yellow is called gold
26. setting up a design glossary/template/rule book/guide
27. what is gold
28. what blue, etc
29. Last FAQ has no/mixed up padding between bottom and footer
30. a general or better dynamic padding
31. Changing "Is X service down" to "Is my service down"
32. X looks like a placeholder/unanswered FAQ
## 2022-07-05
### Attendees:
- Tray Keller @traytorous
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig (had to leave early)
- Karsten Wade @quaid
### Agenda and notes
1. Tray meeting with Marcel and Thorsten tomorrow to work through next steps of merging blog into the main site format
1. Karsten working himself and with others to create an issue for each problem on the website
## 2022-06-28
### Attendees:
- Tray Keller @traytorous
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
### Agenda and notes
1. check Tray's changes and PR
2. merge the about PR
### Actions
1. Squash commits (Tray)
## 2022-06-14
### Attendees:
- Tray Keller @traytorous
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Marcel Hild @durandom
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
### Agenda and notes
1. Blog
2. Idea [Issue 80](https://github.com/operate-first/operate-first.github.io/issues/80)
3. merge blog repo into website repo
5. Discussion
6. +1: maintaining and layout easier and streamlined
6. -1: blog post could interfere with other repo forks e.g.
7. -1: following idea docs in own repo
8. +1: update frequenzy of blog and website seem similar
9. +1/-1: (google) analytics
10. Decision
11. Merge now, if needed we can split up later again
10. Introduction
11. Tray, Karsten, Marcel, Thorsten
12. Checking Project board and test Tray's access
### Actions
1. Blog entries as cards @traytorous
2. Merge
## 2022-05-31
### Attendees:
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Bryan Montalvan @bryanmontalvan
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
- Stephanie Watson @stefwrite
- Aakanksha Duggal
### Agenda and notes
1. What is the end goal for this working group?
2. Content refresh, stale link check, is all where it should be?
3. "Getting Started" page is useful to people
4. Find and update any placeholder text
5. Polish round on all the new pages
6. Establish Jupyter Notebook style guide-lite for SIG, WG, and subproject areas, including a how-to
7. SIG list: https://github.com/operate-first/community/blob/main/sig-list.md
8. Rename and link-in the "User and Contributor Handbook"
9. Conduct working group exit SOP
10. Format TBD
3. Architecture diagram of the website updated here so we can work from that as we move forward: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOBO_7kw=/?share_link_id=218110643778
### Actions
1. Links at the end of "Our Purpose" should be replaced with just a link to the "Getting Started" page (a single place to maintain "getting started" links).
2. Create a mock-up PR on making the `things*` link/re-direct on the home-page more noticeable
## 2022-05-24
### Attendees:
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Bryan Montalvan @bryanmontalvan
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
- Stephanie Watson @stefwrite
- Aakanksha Duggal
### Agenda and notes
1. Show Status of Clusters and Services
2. Update/Shine existing webpage, then create new ones
3. ?missing link to https://www.operate-first.cloud/community/README.html
4. User Experience: let users use the website and collect the feedback
5. [links you use](https://github.com/operate-first/operate-first.github.io-old/issues/378)
6. [do you find all content and information you need/are looking for](https://github.com/operate-first/operate-first.github.io-old/issues/379)
### Actions
1. ...
## 2022-05-10
### Attendees:
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Bryan Montalvan @bryanmontalvan
- Aakanksha Duggal @aakankshaduggal
- Marcel Hild @durandom
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
### Agenda and notes
1. KubeCon
2. website switch before or after kubecon?
3. good enough: launch on Thu with what we have
4. stephanie precommits open
5. faqs fill or not?
6. content in navi bar
4. wait and make it perfect
5. let community vote
### Actions
1. Karsten to write up content for each of the new six pages, into one HackMD file each
~~1. Karsten to email community with announcement to go-live with new website design on Thur and continue tweaking through KubeCon; any objections are welcome but you must be ready to help implement the fix.~~
~~2. Karsten to ask on Slack for FAQs.~~
~~3. Karsten to connect Bryan and TigerT~~
4. Bryan to mockup new logo
5. Thorsten & Marcel to mock-up all the new pages as PRs
## 2022-05-03
### Attendees:
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Stephanie Watson @stefwrite
- Aakanksha Duggal @aakankshaduggal
- Marcel Hild @durandom
- Hema Veeradhi @hveeradh
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
- Michael Clifford @mcliffor
### Agenda and notes
1. New site design: https://www.operate-first.cloud/website-ng/
2. Docs & Training [landing page]
3. GitOps documention: https://www.operate-first.cloud/apps/content/README.html
4. Stephanie can add training links to the page when it's ready
1. Layout
- (Getting Started)
- Docs
- [Getting Started](/commmunity/getting-started/)
- [User & Contributor Handbook](/community-handbook)
- [Community Cloud Operations Documentation](/apps/content/)
- [Data Science Workflow & Best Practices]()
- Training
- [Overview](/training)
- ["Open Source Basics"](/training/open-source-basics)
- ["Introduction to Operate First"](/training/introduction-to-operate-first)
### Actions
1. Marcel to create two training repos to build from, for now; will solve as one repo down the road.
2. Karsten finish the Getting Started
3. WHO retitle and organize the Handbook
4. WHO create the Docs landing page
5. Bryan finish new front page design (https://ui.mantine.dev/#main)
## 2022-04-26
### Attendees:
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Stephanie Watson @stefwrite
- Bryan Montalvan @bryanmontalvan
- Aakanksha Duggal @aakankshaduggal
- Marcel Hild @durandom
- Oindrilla Chatterjee @oindrillac
- Michael Clifford @mcliffor
- Hema Veeradhi @hveeradh
### Agenda and notes
1. KubeCon deadline --
1. Current framework has some challenges
1. Experimenting with
2. Parallel workstreams - continue to create new content and site re-design with new template
3. @bryan's work in progress https://operatefirst.slack.com/archives/C036JDXAH0S/p1650551279992679
4. @schwesig, @erik, @aakankshaduggal and @hemajv are working on [this issue.](https://github.com/open-services-group/community/issues/135)
1. Agreed: we'll work the new framework in parallel and switchover when it's ready, ideally by KubeCon
1. Broad personas or examples of ways in which one can use Operate First.
### Actions
1. Docs on new site framework with Gatsby
## 2022-04-19
### Attendees:
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Stephanie Watson @stefwrite
- Humair Khan @HumairAK
- Bryan Montalvan @bryanmontalvan
- Oindrilla Chatterjee @oindrillac
- Surya Pathak
- Aakanksha Duggal @aakankshaduggal
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
- Marcel Hild @durandom
### Agenda and notes
1. Marcel/Karsten working on toolchain for blog posts
2. Suggestions raised for adding a getting started link on the front page instead of introducing links to personas on the front page
3. Having personas on the front page may turn away users not fitting those personas. Consider not using personas as a way to filter.
4. Infographic for personas and how they are related/connected
5. New design for website and upgrading to latest gatsby versions and moving away from Patternfly.
* pick open source theme
* community should choose theme
### Actions
- Need more details on training pipeline: https://github.com/operate-first/training/issues/7
- Nav items pr by Marcel pending: https://github.com/operate-first/operate-first.github.io/pull/369
- PR to add blog repo pending: https://github.com/operate-first/common/pull/95
- Karsten will create a PR for getting started page that can be linked from the landing page
- Create issue for identifying personas, which can be converted into an infographic. Use existing work that took place last year for identifying personas.
## 2022-04-12
### Attendees:
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Stephanie Watson @stefwrite
- Humair Khan @HumairAK
- Bryan Montalvan @bryanmontalvan
- Marcel Hild @durandom
- Oindrilla Chatterjee @oindrillac
### Agenda and notes
1. Project board: https://github.com/orgs/operate-first/projects/48
1. Menu item changes: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOBO_7kw=/?userEmail=kwade@redhat.com&track=true&utm_source=notification&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=add-to-board&utm_content=go-to-board
1. Where does training go?
1. `operate-first/training/`
1. Once a PR is merged, the notebook is published to the website.
1. Two initial modules in Jupyter book format are coming.
1. Following this, content will need to be converted from Red Hat's LMS format into a Notebook, all within this repo.
1. Expanding area of website covering the community cloud to cover more personas beyond data science
### Actions
- Humair creating the initial menu change PR
- Marcel mocking up initial blog
- OBSOLETE example: https://github.com/OSAS/community-website
- Karsten working up blog procees & styleguide
## 2022-04-05 Meeting
### Attendees:
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Stephanie Watson @stefwrite
- Humair Khan @HumairAK
- Bryan Montalvan @bryanmontalvan
### Agenda and Notes:
1. Needs attention - open floor to bring timely topics
- Where does Documentation and Training land? High visibility
- Have landing page soonest
1. Work block - sitemap PR [30 mins]
- Preparing Miro board for page redesign session
- https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOBO_7kw=/?userEmail=kwade@redhat.com&track=true&utm_source=notification&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=add-to-board&utm_content=go-to-board
1. Work check - are we on track? [5 mins]
1. Work block / open floor [Remainder of time]
- Finish action of scheduling the front page redesign session?
- Create new issues or PRs based on expected Contrib_X Docs WG needs?
## 2022-03-29 Meeting
### Attendees:
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Marcel Hild @durandom
- Stephanie Watson @stefwrite
- Humair Khan @HumairAK
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
- Bryan Montalvan @bryanmontalvan
### Agenda and Notes:
1. What are the top tasks we want to get started on?
2. [Thorsten] Menu categories with: who are we, who are you, what do you want to learn
3. [Stephanie] First action is to create a menu structure (top level + one level below); then that gives us a framework to hang the persona on. That will help us identify gaps for each persona and ways to improve info organization.
4. [Karsten] Yes to menu, info arch
5. [Marcel] Site map approach, top menu; start with what we've done; inventory of existing content. Curate that inventory.
6. How to find the content? The website repo should be the one calling out.
7. GitOps docs is mostly from `apps` repo, some in `community` repo.
8. GH onboarding docs are in the Community Handbook.
9. [Humair] Menu/info flow
10. [Bryan] Improve home page, also includes navigation.
11. Explains what exactly Operate First is, can we make something that is understable for each persona type.
12. A sub-tab/space of explanation for each persona?
1. Use cases, where is it being used.
2. Have the whole page tell a story, like a book, the more you scroll the more you learn. E.g. https://www.noobaa.io/
### Actions:
* @quaid: make a PR with a sitemap.md
* What we have vs. what we need (also input from Contrib_X Docs WG)
* Organize a front page redesign session, wide publicity. Organizers: @stefwrite leads session & preps Miro/whiteboard, @quaid schedules session
### Agenda and Notes:
## 2022-03-22
### Attendees:
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
- Stephanie Watson @stefwrite
- Bryan Montalvan @bryanmontalvan
### Agenda and Notes:
1. What do we want to work on first? A brainstorm.
1. Existing issues on this issue:
1. https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/40
2. https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/103
1. Central point for Docs
2. Existing problems
1. Message is unclear?
2. Layout of menu is confusing, goes nowhere
3. CTA - one is "I am...", the other is "I want to..."
4. Expand what SRE means
3. New info architecture
4. Paths to take
5. Menu (item goes to landing page)
- Doing things (Who are you)
- Learners
- Data science users
- SRE (GitOps) users
- Open source dev users
- Op1st cloud operators
- User support
- Docs & Training (What do you want to learn)
- Community Handbook
- Training
- Cloud operations documentation
- Help/FAQ
- About Op1st (Who are we)
- "Mission" (Read more)
- Open community cloud environment
- Community of practice
- Getting involved
- Glossary (link to page)
(Menu mock-up)
### Actions:
* putting ideas into https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/40
[OpenInfra Foundation Community - Code Of Conduct]: https://openinfra.dev/legal/code-of-conduct
[Meeting Notes]: https://hackmd.io/KE7KRZZRQwyQfRYZw78k_Q
[Project board]: https://github.com/orgs/operate-first/projects/48
[Website Repo]: https://github.com/operate-first/operate-first.github.io
[Blog Repo]: https://github.com/operate-first/blog
[Website]: https://www.operate-first.cloud/
[Blog]: https://www.operate-first.cloud/blog/