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, COSCUP2023
COSCUP Early Bird CfP 開始徵稿啦
全球疫情趨緩,各國也逐漸開啟了大門。相信熱愛「開放文化」與「開源技術」的您,不論身處在世界何處,也想一同參加 COSCUP 盛會。為了讓您的稿件在通過後有更加充裕的時間做準備。也為了讓在非台灣地區的您能提早準備來台計畫。為此,我們推出「CfP - Early Bird」方案,適合想做好時間規劃的您。
我們非常期待您能再次回到 COSCUP 和其他社群朋友見面,並在現場分享您寶貴的經驗。
**English **
Welcome to the Early Bird Call for Paper of COSCUP 2023!
New this year, for the first time in COSCUP’s history, we are doing Early Bird Call for Paper . By recognizing the international air travel is resumed,now have access to earlier submission to better prepare our potential speakers to attend the 2023 COSCUP
COSCUP is an annual conference organized by the Taiwanese Open source community since 2006. COSCUP aims to provide a platform to connect Open Source coders, users and promoters, while promoting FLOSS within the annual conference. The conference is free to attend and all the staff are volunteers.
We had more than 2800 attendees last year, and we believe this year there will be more. It is the biggest open source gathering in Taiwan, and the attendees are mostly developers, along with some power users and FLOSS promoters and lovers. Here is an album of our previous events:
Where is Taiwan? Find it on Google maps
If you implemented an open source solution or product, or participated in a project that uses FOSS• Serving as a sole or co-core maintainer in open source projects• Open sourcing internal tools and platforms• Using GitHub as a platform from which to host/maintain/maintain projects• Using /integrating external open source code into an existing product/code base• Using open source license – knowledge of and familiarity with• Creating/Developing/working in an environment with an open source governance policy • Open source projects encompass all topics related to open collaboration research and practice, including open source, open data, open science, open education, wikis, and related social media, Wikipedia, and IT-driven open innovation research.
You can submit three types of proposals to the Call for Papers:
🔸Conference Date: July 29-July 30, 2023
🔸Early bird Call For Paper submissions begin-March 1, 2023
🔸Early bird Call for Paper deadline: March 30th, 2023
🔸Early bird call Acceptance Notification :April 30th, 2023
At COSCUP we share OSS values and promote access to the open source projects/talks/products that champions inclusivity, and displays transparency. All this while creating a variety of voices and ideas,and focused on a meritocracy of collaboration and community.
If you are considering sending a proposal to our call for papers, consider the following:
We have hand-picked open source communities to review all papers
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Q1:Why Early Bird CFP?
Q2:Any differences between this CFP then the past one?
Q3:If I am in Taiwan can I still participate?
Q4:Which track will my paper fall into?
Q5:What are the differences between community track and mix track?
Q6:How do we get inform on April 30th Early bird Call for Paper deadline?
Q7:If I miss the early bird CFP deadline, can I still submit my talk later on?
Q8:If I didn’t get accepted on Early Bird CFP, can I still submit my paper later on this year before the regular CFP deadline?