owned this note changed 10 months ago
Linked with GitHub

ESM Inventory

HPGF Inventory


Formation of groups into legible identities.

On-chain Examples:

SAFE https://safe.global

DAOs (self curated registry ala Protocol Guild) https://daohaus.club

Legal Examples

DUNA lexdao recommendations

Engaged Network / Human Sensors

Network effects.



Block Science https://block.science

Metagov https://metagov.org/

RnDAO https://www.rndao.io/

Local Community Organizers/Leaders

Open Problem Generators


Ecosystem Support Program wishlist https://efdn.notion.site/Ecosystem-Support-Program-Wishlist-ae88ec8d8fc34d01be96d35ddaff7d23

Optimism Builder ideas https://contribute.optimism.io/

Open Source Observer https://www.opensource.observer/

Proactive Funding

Grant Programs Impact Funds


Yeeter (Crowdfunding) https://yeet.haus

HyperStaker (Impact Prediction Market) https://www.hyperstaker.com/

GoFundOP https://gofundop.vercel.app/

Progressive Funding

Drips https://www.drips.network/

Progressive Funding https://solosalon.clinamenic.com/preview/WyH0oeMtV61YXB3VnLkS

Funding Protocols

Allo https://allo.gitcoin.co/

Grants Stack https://www.gitcoin.co/grants-stack

hypercerts https://hypercerts.org/

Hypercerts facilitate retrospective funding as the impact claims are identifiable, traceable and transferable.

Hypercerts projects: https://hypercerts.org/projects

Retroactive Funding


Optimism Foundation https://app.optimism.io/retropgf

EasyRetroPGF https://easyretropgf.xyz

DAO Drops https://daodrops.io/

Pair Drops https://pairdrop.daodrops.io/about

Filecoin RPGF https://github.com/filecoin-project/community/discussions/689

Impact Attestation

Ethereum Attestation Service https://attest.sh/

Hypercerts https://hypercerts.org/

Impact Evaluation

Deresy (Subjective) https://deresy.xyz/

Data-based https://www.opensource.observer/

The Evaluators https://hypercerts-evaluator.vercel.app/

Project Mgmt/ Tracking

Karma GAP https://gap.karmahq.xyz/

Open Source Observer https://www.opensource.observer/

Impact Journalism

Voicedeck https://voicedeck.org/our-mission/

Permapress https://permapress.xyz/

Reference Material

Library of Mechanisms https://mechanism.institute



Bandit Address Address to be used when action (receive, interact, etc) chain is not home chain, or unknown. Pass-through immediately to DAO (forthcoming)


DAO (forthcoming) Yeeter on OP


Public Nouns https://publicnouns.wtf/vote/40 Amount: 5 Eth (1 of 2, total ask = 10 Eth) Status: Queued

Hypercerts Round https://explorer.gitcoin.co/#/round/42161/28 Amount: xxx Status: Open

Framework Notes

Machine Components

Internal Coordination Components

DAO Tooling Project management software Chats & Forums

Funding Components

Proactive Retroactive Hybrid Market

Impact Components

Tracking Monitoring Verification (legitimacy) Assessment (impact size)

External Coordination Components

Inbound Outbound

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