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  • “All of us must become more ontologically inventive and sensible.” - Donna Haraway Tl;Dr This document proposes a guild model for institutionally unaffiliated humanities and social science research into mutualist organizational technology. A guild implies that members retain a high level of autonomy over their work while pooling legitimacy in an associative capacity in the hopes of developing a mutual sustainability in their efforts. Though the authors come from a context heavily informs by the DAO form, a guild implies a much lower collaborative overhead than what is typically associated with a DAO. Open Mutualism Guild proposes support for work in two research tracks: an economic mutualism track (referring to strategies of human-to human political economic reciprocity), and a weird mutualism track (referring to strategies of political economic reciprocity with greater than human creatures and forces). OMG departs slightly from the strict guild model forerun by Protocol Guild in that it proposes a small portion of resources go to a fund for comparative study between the two, a form of reciprocity in itself that this document argues is necessary to keep an empirical or practical edge to both tracks. Our intention is to aid web3 and other high technological contributions to a mutualist politic while maintaining an open orientation that will keep fidelity to the practical, ideologically ambivalent heart of the engineers' sensibility. Introduction On the Friday of GFEL 2024 in Portland, the question was posed to a morning panel: “We are all anarchists here, right?” The question was half joking, since a key element of the technological zeitgeist us web3 regens and localists have generated is ambivalence to overwrought political labels. The response was overall enthusiastic - the panelists mentioning books like Thomas Swann’s Anarchist Cybernetics, Noam Chomsky's On Anarchism and Kevin Carson's Desktop Regulatory State. Still, it wasn’t quite right- in our practical orientation, our empirical integrity, our pacifism, parallelism and willingness to work with the state given productive and autonomous outcomes, we are in fact more akin to mutualists. And yes, we are some kind of libertarians.
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  • Divinity persists in plurality. Ethereum Social contracts. hello Uploading file..._rhooyylg4 IMG_5172 IMG_5212 camphoto_1804928587
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  • This document was created to provoke open & collaborative ideation of research intersections between web3 and the humanities. Add to it as you please. If you'd like to delete or consolidate comments other than your own, discuss first in this telegram chat. If you decide to fork the document (please do), add a link to the fork at the bottom. philosophy deleuze studies What are the implicatons of blockchain protocols and DAOs for the themes of territoriality, deterritorialization & "the war machine" explored in the later chapters of A Thousand Plateaus? How might the notion of "control" described in Deleuze's essay Postscript on the Societies of Control be reified in a decentralized and blockchain enabled future? What is the relevance of Deleuze's framing of analogue and digital (elaborated in many places by Alexander Galloway, e.g. here) to web3? extitutional theory history
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