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# Xlator options update guide
This is a guide to help update xlator options to include new fields required for GD2.
The aim for migration is to make information currently presently available in the volume options map in GD1, into the xlators themselves. GD2 will load this information directly from the xlators.
In addition, we will also attempt to identify a few special options that require additional help from GD2.
## Updating Options
We will be working on the experimental branch for now, and will cherry pick the changes onto master later. Ensure you branch off from experimental before continuing.
- Choose the xlator you want to work on. Mark yourself against the xlator in the [xlator list](#list-of-xlators) below.
- Open the glusterd volume options table (`glusterd_volopt_map`). This is available in the file `xlators/mgmt/glusterd/src/glusterd-volume-set.c`.
- Open the file with the xlator options table (usually <xlator>.c)
- Search the glusterd map, for options of the xlator you chose.
- For each option you find in the map,
- If the option has been flagged 'VOLOPT_FLAG_XLATOR_OPT' ignore the option
- Find the relevant option in the xlator options table, by searching for the same key
- Sometimes, you might need to search using the value of the `.option` field.
- Update the new fields for the option in the xlator options table. Information about the new fields is available as comments on the [new fields](http://git.gluster.org/cgit/glusterfs.git/tree/libglusterfs/src/options.h?h=experimental#n93).
- `.op_version` - A single entry array, with the value copied from the map
- `.flags` - Bitwise ORed [`opt_flags_t`](http://git.gluster.org/cgit/glusterfs.git/tree/libglusterfs/src/options.h?h=experimental#n47). Always set `OPT_FLAG_SETTABLE`. OR any existing flags from the map. If the map has `.type` set with `*_DOC` or `GLOBAL_*`, add the DOC and GLOBAL flags.
- `.tags` - An array of descriptive tags that can be used to group and filter options in documentation. A list of existing tags can be found [here](#list-of-tags). If you add additional tags, add them to the list linked above.
- `.validate_fn` - Copy this over now, but keep the field commented out.
- Ensure that your option has a default value set.
After all the options found in the glusterd map have been updated, there might options left in xlator options table that haven't been updated. For each of these options,
- If the option is suitable for being user settable, update the option as described above. Set op_version to GD_OP_VERSION_4_0_0
- If it shouldn't be user settable, ensure a valid default value is set.
- If a default value can't be set and it is required that GD2 set them, follow instructions for [variable strings](#variable-strings).
Once all the changes have been made, commit and add 'Updates #302' in the commit message to link to the [issue](https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs/issues/302) being used to track this effort. Send the patch for review and add the review link to the [list](#list-of-xlators)
If there are any questions or comments, add them in the [section](#questions--comments) below.
### List of xlators
|Xlator |Worked On By |Patch|Comments|
|features/arbiter|Ravi||Does not have any volume options.|
|meta|Rafi KC|-------------------------------------------|No updation required|
|mgmt/glusterd|||Not needed|
|nfs/server|||Possibly not needed|
|performance/io-cache|Rafi KC|||
|performance/io-threads|Pranith|https://review.gluster.org/19120|TODO: Do we need anything specific for it to be working fine on both client and server side|
|system/posix-acl|Raghavendra Talur|||
|experimental/fdl|Rafi KC|||
|experimental/jbr-client|Rafi KC|||
|experimental/jbr-server|Rafi KC|||
### List of tags
A list of known tags that can be used to tag options. If you tag your option with a new tag, add it to this list.
- perf
- cache
- cacheconsistency
- cachetimeout
- dev
- debug
- linux
- nfs
- samba
- container
- security
- backup
- upcall
- replicate
- halo
- journal
- georep
- glusterfind
## Variable Strings
There are some options that are not user settable, but still need to be set by GD2 for the xlator to work. These options also cannot have a default value set, as the value depends on the volume information.
GD2 will define a set of replaceable strings. Xlators can use these strings in the default values of their options, and GD2 will replace the string with proper information when generating the volfiles.
For eg., the `storage/posix` xlator has the option `directory`. This options isn't user settable, changes for each volume(/brick) and needs to be set for the xlator to work. The default value for this can be set to the variable string `"{{brickpath}}"`, to let GD2 know that it should be replaced with the relevant value.
As GD2 doesn't have a list of these options or variable strings yet, we are building the [list](#list-of-variable-strings).
For any option of this type you find,
- Search for an applicable variable string from the [list](#list-of-variable-strings), and set it as the default value for the option
- If a relevant string isn't found, define one yourself.
- Add the option and the variable string to the [list](#list-of-variable-strings)
### List of variable strings
|Xlator|Option|Expected value|Expected VarString|Settable|Comments|
|posix|brick-path|Brick path|{{brickpath}}|||
|changelog|changelog-brick|Brick path|{{brickpath}}|||
|bitrot-stub|export|Brick path|{{brickpath}}|No||
|ctr|hot-brick|on|||will be set by glusterd because of another xlator|
|quota||server-quota|??(needs to be cleaned .. stale)||||
|quota||volume-uuid|uuid of brick||||
|marker|volume-uuid|uuid of brick||||
|marker|quota-version|needs to be read from quota conf file||||
|disperse|redundancy|This should be set based on the cli option||||
## Questions / Comments
- How would you handle conflicting options?
- How would you handle closely related options, options that should be set and unset together
- How to target individual xlators occuring in both client and server graphs? eg. io-threads
- In case option has multiple keys, GD2 should set first option using first key only. Xlators should always lookup options using the first key (in GF_OPTION_INIT/RECONF).
- The validations done for each xlator in glusterd_op_stage_set_volume() will ported to glusterd2 as well?