See the Aura Definitions document for more detail on the meaning of the terms used.
Subjects, Players, Trainers, and Managers can achieve levels by being evaluated by Players, Trainers, or Managers.
Levels are team-specific and set by team captains. A team must try to create useful levels to increase their chance of being included in leagues[1].
Levels are a convenient way to consistently measure quality. For example, "subject level 1" communicates a certain level of quality about the subject. As conditions in the network change, the underlying requirements (score, minimum evaluations) for a subject to achieve level 1 might change, but the quality conveyed by that label will remain constant.
Each level defines an score needed to achieve the level.
A participant's score is defined as follows.
\[ score = \sum_{n=1}^{num\_evaluators} \max(score_n \cdot confidence_n \cdot sign_n , cap) \]
A level may define minimum evaluation requirements. A requirement may define both a minimum confidence and a minimum evaluator level. Requirements can be combined with logical AND and OR operations.
For example, Team BrightID might attach the following minimum evaluation requirements to its subject levels.
Player, Trainer, and Manager levels have their own minimum evaluation requirements.
Energy is a special name for a manager's score, and it's computed differently. Energy flows between managers for a limited number of iterations (usually 2 or 4 depending on the size of the team) using a weighted SybilRank algorithm. The seeds in the algorithm are the team captains. Manager energy flows from one manager to another proportionately to the confidence they have in their positive evaluation. When a manager evaluates a new manager positively, it reduces the energy flowing to other managers they're already evaluating. This is different from trainer and player scores, where one evalution doesn't diminish other evaluations.
Despite the differences in how they receive their scores, managers can still receive levels, including level -1. To bootstrap manager levels, team captains are exempt from minimum evaluation requirements and achieve their manager levels based on score alone.
Level 0 indicates a provisional role. Anyone can choose any provisional role for themselves, but to achieve a positive-numbered level, they need to receive evaluations and meet the requirements for the level.
It's possible for a subject or participant to receive level -1 if their score is negative. Minimum evaluation requirements aren't used in level -1; only the score is considered.
A league is an entity in Aura that aggregates levels from one or more teams to create its own set of levels that are easy for apps to consume. Leagues track the rise and fall in utility of different teams so that apps don't have to. For example, BrightID (League) levels 1-3 might correspond to what were previously called Aura Bronze, Silver, and Gold. ↩︎
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Syntax | Example | Reference | |
# Header | Header | 基本排版 | |
- Unordered List |
1. Ordered List |
- [ ] Todo List |
> Blockquote | Blockquote |
**Bold font** | Bold font | ||
*Italics font* | Italics font | ||
~~Strikethrough~~ | |||
19^th^ | 19th | ||
H~2~O | H2O | ||
++Inserted text++ | Inserted text | ||
==Marked text== | Marked text | ||
[link text](https:// "title") | Link | ||
 | Image | ||
`Code` | Code |
在筆記中貼入程式碼 | |
```javascript var i = 0; ``` |
:smile: | ![]() |
Emoji list | |
{%youtube youtube_id %} | Externals | ||
$L^aT_eX$ | LaTeX | ||
:::info This is a alert area. ::: |
This is a alert area. |
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