Arrivals and departures planning for OpenDreamKit mathematical data workshop and OpenDreamKit's final reports sprint


Cernay is 9km from the nearest train station (RER B, Saint-Rémy-les-Chevreuse). There are buses from there, but few, so we will mostly be doing car shuttles. This page is the central point of communication for organising those. Please specify here when you plan to arrive / leave and by which means of transportation. Keep an eye on the page for the planning of shuttles.

The RER B trains are now fully operating, and will take you to St-Rémy-les-Chevreuse.

[ Until August 25, due to planned works, RER B trains would stop at Orsay-Ville and replacement buses would cover the final section to Saint-Rémy-les-Chevreuse, see RER B works and
RER B blog ]

For the math data workshop, Samuel was in charge of the shuttles: +33 661 749 080.

For the final reports sprint, Nicolas is in charge of shuttles: +33 6 77 90 32 79.

Address and webpage of the place we are staying at:

Cernay-vacances, 37 rue de la Ferme, 78720 Cernay-la-Ville

Saturday 17 Aug 2019

Katja and Samuel (car)

Andrea and Michael (car, in the afternoon)

Madison (afternoon)

Dennis, Tom, ~ 19:30 (pick-up: Samuel)

Julian (bike, afternoon)

Sunday 18 Aug 2019

Gabe, Jukka, ~ 14:30 (pick-up: Samuel)

Michael T, ~ 17:00 (pick-up: Samuel)

Florian: CDG 20:40, St. Remy ~22:30 (pick-up: Samuel)

Monday 19 Aug 2019

Odile (with car). Monday morning or maybe Sunday but late.

Tuesday 20 Aug 2019

Wednesday 21 Aug 2019

Thursday 22 Aug 2019

Friday 23 Aug 2019

Saturday 24th

Andrea and Michael leave before breakfast.

Nicolas (with car)

Samuel (with car; already on site)

Florian already on site

Gabe has a 2:05pm flight and needs a ride of some sort

Jukka has a 19:00 flight from CDG, some ride or help with buses would be appreciated

Steve (just got on an rer b at cdg 17:50)

Hi Steve! I can pick you up from RER station Orsay Ville, which will save you the last stretch in bus. From the RER time table, I am aiming to be in Orsay at 19:15. Please send me a sms at +33 6 77 90 32 79 for synchro!

Sunday 25th

Dennis, Katja and Tom leaving 11:49 by train from Orsay Ville / around 30 min earlier by car

Monday 26th

RER B now fully operational.

  • Jeroen (by train, Gare du Nord 10:38, St-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse 11:46)
  • Luca (by scooter or bike), some time around Lunch.
  • Daniel (by train) ~12:50 in Gare de l'est, Saint-Rémy ~14:30
  • Hans and Marijan, Saint-Rémy-les-Chevreuse around 19:00.
  • Clément available online from now on until the end of the week.
  • Alba (arrive at Saint-Rémy at 20:17)

Tuesday 29th

Steve (leaving during the afternoon, flight at 21:00 from CDG)

Wednesday 28th

Daniel (leave by train from Gare de l'est at 17:10)

Evening: Viviane (with Sébastien and baby Octave) for dinner

Thursday 29th

Florian: leave after lunch to CDG

Samuel: leave after dinner

Friday 30th

  • Jeroen (by train, 17:25 at Gare du Nord)

Saturday 31st

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