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ETHProduct Community Call #2
## Topic:
Nuances of why web 2.0 product management is different to what is needed in web 3.0 during this current period.
## Agenda:
- Feedback of interviews so far, how to improve it
- Office hours
- Collection of resources
- Suggestion: Try to use async more
- advocate for PMs and project managers, why execution matters, how to convince teams
- Sharing the nuances of the job, what is needed, why you need it, reading from 3rd party not convincing enough, default is to dismiss content, tell the story of web3 through people, more relevent
- 98% of open source projects will fail, more relevence, how can teams avoid problems, pitfalls, things, more digestable, more believeable
- But product manager in this space? what do you do? awareness of PMship ~ wondering how do you basically best plug in an existing team and project, what do PMs here need to do different? security requirements? development, design, data with compared to 2.0
- A path for plugging into existing systems, path into web3, path to jumping into a new project... ideolgoical anarchistic attitudes "allergy"
- Develop product management framework, assess usual PMs compare web 2.0 technologies, developer owned framework
- Educational piece: develop a medium publication for ethereum based product developers, series of posts to educate about project management, deep dive into etc. how to do PM for security etc.
- The spectrum and challenges and therefore requried compentencies in a product managemnt positions are vaster in web3, from what is tehc feasible, user interest
- ignorance to ego
- average token holder explainations
- How are we viewed from outside in
- What an effective PM would do, a good PM is so much more
- PMs looking to get into the space
- Do we need a PM?
- Mindmap the differences of web 2.0 vs. web 3.0 PMship https://www.figma.com/file/YijNLOqepwJCkUfg75Qxc5l4/Untitled?node-id=0%3A1
## Time & location
11th Tuesday
7:30pm Berlin
1:30pm NYC
10:30am SF
Where?: https://zoom.us/j/939861625
Contact @pet3rpan on telegram if it is not posted
## Agenda
- Discussions on the interview notes https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/interviews-on-product-management-in-the-web3-open-source-ecosystem/2129
- ETHProduct office hours initiative discussion
- Backlog of research for ETHProduct, who is willing to participate
## Attendees
(name + your city/timezone)
* Pet3rpan, Sydney
* Chris R, New York
* Chadwick, San Francisco
* Tobias, Berlin
* James Hancock, Berlin