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# <span style="color:#007ea3"> Young European BarCamp: EU'll love it
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*This is the English page. [Click here](https://hackmd.io/HwzeCRhGRFGszalW3imWHw) for the German version.*
## A special event for young Europeans
Do you want to get an impression of what it is like to live in other European countries without having to get on a plane? Are you interested in European topics or what is going on in other European countries? And are you between 15 and 35 years old? Then the *Young European BarCamp* is for you! The *Young European BarCamp* is an online event giving young people from all over Europe the chance to meet across borders.
Individuals, schools and youth groups across Europe are invited to join. Each group can register up to 10 participants – free of charge. (Teachers, youth workers or youth leaders can join the event together with their class or group, but we ask you to let the members of your group take the lead in the workshops – after all, it’s their event!)
There is no ready-made conference programme or long talks from senior professors. Instead, there is time and space for *your* topics, questions and creativity. You can discuss a film clip, call a parliamentarian, host a debate, do a poetry slam! Whatever you are curious about or interested in, it's worth making a session about. So team up and join!
You don’t know what a BarCamp is? Then read on or take a look at this video:
{%youtube Q6oMAgWSunk %}
### When and where?
In 2023, the *Young European BarCamp* takes place on **Friday, the 26th of May**.
11:00-15:00 WEST/IST
(Western European Summer Time/Irish Standard Time; Lisbon, Dublin...)
**12:00-16:00 CEST
(Central European Summer Time; Frankfurt, Brussels...)**
13:00-17:00 EEST
(Eastern European Summer Time; Bucharest, Athens...)
[You can find the schedule for the event below](#Timetable). Keep a snack at hand for the break time!
The BarCamp is held **online** via Zoom, a video-conference tool. For data-protection reasons, we will use the Zoom version Connect4Video, which connects via European servers only. The link to get into the virtual plenary room will be sent to you via e-mail about a week in advance of the event.
The working language of the event is English.
## What is a BarCamp?
A BarCamp is an event that consists of many different “sessions”. A session lasts 45 minutes and can for example take the form of a workshop, a debate or a creative programme. The best sessions are interactive, meaning that the participants are invited to do, play, investigate or watch something together, exchanging thoughts and views. For inspiration, we have gathered some [examples of past sessions below](#Sessions-and-documentation).
What your session is about or what you want people to do or learn there, is for you to decide. It’s a good idea to get together in pairs or small groups to plan a session. Then it’s more fun. Consider what you are curious about or what you would like to share or dicuss with others. All participants are invited to prepare and host a session. Describe what you would like to do and give your session a title [here on this padlet](https://padlet.com/kjellgren/YBC_session_proposals). Here, you can also see if other participants have already posted own ideas. If someone comes up with a great session idea on the very day of the BarCamp, there is still a way to throw one’s hat in the ring. Read on to find out how!

### What happens at a BarCamp?
The *Young European BarCamp* starts with a quick round of introductions in small groups so that we can get to know each other. Then, everyone who has a proposal (regardless of whether they submitted it beforehand or came up with it just 5 minutes before the BarCamp started) briefly describes what they want to do or discuss in their session. Everyone else is asked whether they think the proposal sounds interesting. Once all proposed sessions have been described, it’s time to fill the thus far empty timetable with content. The sessions that met with interest are fitted into the schedule of time slots and virtual rooms and – voilà – we have our program!
Now the BarCamp can truly begin! The schedule shows when and where each session will take place. All session hosts go to their designated virtual rooms to wait for the first participants. (And remember: Sometimes sessions with just 3-4 participants are great!) Everyone else looks at the schedule and picks which session they want to join. After the first round, there is a 15-minute break before the second round of sessions begins – with new hosts and group constellations. This way, each participant can put together her or his own unique schedule according to their interests. After two or three rounds of sessions (let’s see how many proposals are put forward), we will all come together in the main room for a final wrap-up session.

## How to join and what does it take?
To register for this event, please [sign up using this form](https://www.jef-hessen.de/events/young-european-barcamp-2023/). We kindly ask each participating group to submit at least one proposal for a session that they would like to host. If you need assistance coming up with a session concept, we're happy to help!
We kindly ask for an online-meeting with each registered group in advance of the BarCamp. This is to test that the technik works, to answer questions and make sure that you have what you need and feel prepared. If it is of interest, these meetings can be arranged to have a workshop-character, to assist you in the development of your session proposal. In the time between May 8th and 17th, there will be time windows for online-meetings and consultations. You will be informed about these per e-mail after registering.
Once you and your friends have come up with an idea for a session, please share it with everybody at [this link](https://padlet.com/kjellgren/YBC_session_proposals). On this page everyone can see, like and (respecting common netiquette) comment on each others' proposals.
Apart from submitting a session proposal, all you need to join is a computer, laptop or tablet with stable internet connection and audio equipment like a headset with a microphone to allow you to hear and speak.
## Timetable
| | [Main-Room Frankfurt](https://evangelische-akademie-de.zoom.us/j/67895071245) | [Session-Room Brussels](https://evangelische-akademie-de.zoom.us/j/66541452493?pwd=N0twb3QrZWs1YmNEeG81Ymp6a1JUQT09) | [Session-Room Strasbourg] | [Session-Room Luxembourg] |
| ----- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 11:50 | Coming online, technik check | | | |
| 12:00 | Welcome! Introduction and getting to know each other | | | |
| 12:30 | Sessionplanning | | | |
| 13:00 | Session | What's life like in... ? Pick a card, ask a question! | | Session |
| 13:45 | Break | | | |
| 14:00 | Session | Media perspectives on the EU: Between justified criticism and populist propaganda | Session | Session |
| 14:45 | Break | | | |
| 15:00 | Session | Session | Session | European Expedition: Uncover the Facts in a quiz |
| 15:45 | Summary and feedback | | | |
| 16:00 | End of Barcamp | | | |
## Sessions and documentation
These are some of the sessions hosted 2021 and 2022:
* Creating a song together
* What influence has EU on european cities - Civic participation and dotations from EU
* Idiom Investigation
* Language Masters
* The future of the EU -How can community life in Europe be improved?
* EU Crash Course compact - European institutions, no longer confusion
* What the Meme? Internet politics in the EU
* European Youth Dialogue and Slovenian Youth
Documentation is part of the BarCamp-concept. Of course, it is voluntary, but taking some notes helps others to get an impression of what happened in the sessions that you joined and allows you to learn what happened elsewhere. So please use the links in this overview to help document the sessions.
| Room | Frankfurt | Brussels | Strasbourg | Luxembourg |
| ----- | --------- | ----- | ---- | ------ |
| 13:00 | [Session notes ](https://yopad.eu/p/ybcfrankfurt1-365days) | [Session notes ](https://yopad.eu/p/brussels1-365days) | | |
| 14:00 | [Session notes ](https://yopad.eu/p/ybcfrankfurt2-365days) | [Session notes ](https://yopad.eu/p/br%C3%BCssel2-365days) | [Session notes ] |
| 15:00 | [Session notes ](https://yopad.eu/p/ybcfrankfurt1-365days) | [Session notes ](https://yopad.eu/p/brussels1-365days) |[Session notes ] | |
## Organisation, Funding and Contact
*Young European BarCamp* is organised by us: the team behind the project **1040 Berlaymont** of the [Young European Federalists of Hesse](https://www.jef-hessen.de/), **Dr. Stina Kjellgren** from the [Protestant Academy Frankfurt](https://www.evangelische-akademie.de/) and **Christina Schnepel** from the [Ecumenical Center](https://www.zentrum-oekumene.de/en/) of the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau and the Evangelical Church of Kurhessen-Waldeck.
If you have questions or want to get in touch, please contact us at <kjellgren@evangelische-akademie.de> and <team@1040berlaymont.eu>.

This event recieves funding from the *Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth* in cooperation with the *Evangelische Trägergruppe für gesellschaftspolitiche Bildung*.