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# OSLC OP Meeting minutes (Dec 19, 2024)
**Chairs:** Jim Amsden, Jad El-khoury
**Previous Minutes:** https://lists.oasis-open-projects.org/g/oslc-op/message/1731
- [x] Jim Amsden (Model Driven Solutions)
- [x] Jad El-khoury (Lynxwork)
- [ ] Tomas Vileniniskis (Dessault Systems)
- [x] Eran Gery (Sodius-Willert)
- [ ] Ralph Schoon (IBM)
- [x] Gray Bachelor (IBM)
- [ ] Jim Gammon (Raython Technologies)
- [ ] Partrick Ollerton (PTC)
- [ ] Michael Rowe (IBM)
- [ ] Ed Gentry (MID)
- [ ] Christoph Bergner (MID)
- [ ] Tanu (PTC)
- [ ] Robert Baillargeon (SodiusWillert)
- [ ] Andrew Berezovskyi (KTH)
- [ ] Axel Reichwein (Koneksys)
- [ ] Martin Ulrich (Bosch)
- [ ] Cory Casanave (Model Driven Solutions)
- [ ] Krishnan Srinivasan (Siemens)
- [ ] Saiganesh Ramani (Siemens)
## Agenda
- [ ] PGB Update
- [ ] PLM Specs
- [ ] SysML 2.0 Specs
- [ ] Config 1.1 PSD01
- [ ] Update on Rehosting open-services.net
## Minutes
Still no participants from the PLM stakeholders this week, even though we move the meeting to accomodate them.
### PGB Status Update
MID and Siemens are exploring becoming an OSLC-OP project sponsors.
### PLM Definition
An initial OSLC PLM draft specification has been produced and checked in. See https://github.com/oslc-op/oslc-specs/tree/master/specs/plm.
There was a meeting with MID and Siemens to discuss OSLC PLM earlier this week. There was general agreement on the approach taken in the currnet OSLC PLM working draft. We agreed to address the broader relationship between PLM and OSLC Configuration Mangement after the new year with Martin.
This version has Part subclass oslc_am:Resource and includes its properties in the constraints.
The additional properties that were proposed to be added to CM and QM are defined as oslc_plm properties, but are included as additional constraints on ChangeRequest and TestCase defined in the oslc_plm shapes document.
Dimension, boundingBox and weight only apply to PhysicalDesign, not Part or LogicalDesign.
### LDM
Jim has done an initial LDM review changes. There are more pending. Having trouble finding time to finish this up.
### SysML v2
The OSLC SysML vocabulary and constraints documents will be owned by OMG and managed in the SysML FTF2 and future RTFs. The OASIS OSLC SysML specification will reference rather than redefine these vocabulary terms and constraints.
OMG SysML FTF2 allowed the OSLC API to use the unversioned SysML namespace, and we added both versioned and unversioned namespaces with owl:sameAs to link them.
We have a conclusion on how to handle the multiply defined properties that does not impact the OSLC vocabulary.
We are waiting for the OMG FTF2 changes to SysML.ecore to be completed so the vocab and constraints documents can be regenerated.
Remove SysML namespace reference from open-services.net.
### Configuration Management
These notes will be carried forward in OSLC-OP TCS meetings until we get some resolution. We need participation from OSLC Configuration Management implementers to help resolve these questions.
Further progress on OSLC Configuration Management 1.1 is pending these resolutions.
Jim Studied ELM DOORS Next change set delivery. It appears that delivering the same change set to multiple streams is essentially treated as a branch merge operation, not a simple commit. So you don't set the Configuration-Context so that you can see the changes in a change set in the context of anoter stream (different from the one it overrides). Instead the delivery would be expected to provide some UI for comparing the change set and target stream to allow the user to reason about what should and shouldn't be delivered, and to resolve any conflicts.
Questions for Config 1.1 change set delivery:
1. Do we need to support delivering more than one change set at a time? Do we need to support delivering the same change set to multiple streams at the same time?
The current Config 1.0 spec does not allow a ChangeSet to override more than one stream. If changes need to be visible in another stream, then the ChangeSet has to be copied and set a new oslc_config:overrides stream.
See the last paragraph in section 13 Change Sets of https://docs.oasis-open-projects.org/oslc-op/config/v1.1/psd01/config-resources.html: "Since the shape for a change set allows only a single value for oslc_config:overrides, systems that allow a single change set to be applied to multiple base configurations need to represent that internal change set by multiple oslc_config:ChangeSet resources. These copies may be associated with each other using properties such as http://purl.org/datanode/ns#isCopyOf, dcterms:relation, or similar."
Change set delilvery will need to follow this same approach, meaning a change set would only be delivered to one target stream, the one it overrides.
3. If a ChangeSetDelivery fails, should there be a way of capturing that status in the ChangeSetDelivery so a subsequent GET would inform the client that the delivery did not complete? Perhaps adding the ChangeSetDeliveryConflict to the ChangeSetDelivery?
4. If a ChangeSetDelivery fails, should there be a way of requesting the delivery be tried again?
5. Should a ChangeSetDeliveryConflict indicate some information about what caused the conflict? Or is it enough to know that delivery would overwrite or loose already delivered changes and just list the conflicting resources?
6. Is there any need to specify delivery policies or rules, perhaps as a means of indicating how certain conflicts should be handled automatically (skip, overwrite, merge)? No. That should be handled by a tool using information from ChangeSetDeliveryConflict items. The workflow for dealing with and resolving conflicts is not something that easily fits into a single REST service.
7. When a ChangeSet is added to a contribution, its specifies what configuration it overrides using oslc_config:overrides. This contributes to resolving concept resources to version resources using the configuration.
Typically a ChangeSet would be delivered to the stream it overrides. In this case, the oslc_config:targetStream would be the same as the oslc_config:overrides.
But the changes in a change set could also be delivered to other streams. In this case, the oslc_config:targetStream could be different than the oslc_config:overrides stream, and each of those streams could refer to different components. This allows change set delivery to multiple streams, and is a way for refactoring components by adding version resources of a versioned resource to different components.
Since ChangeSet can only have exactly one oslc_config:overrides, the impact of those changes can only be seen on one stream. A ChangeSet should not be able to be delivered to a stream without having the ability to review the changes before delivery. So a single ChangeSet cannot be delivered to multiple streams. The ChangeSet should be copied and set to a different oslc_config:overrides so the changes can be seen in the stream before delivery.
An alternative would be for ChangeSetDelivery to have no oslc_config:targetStream, and only deliver to the ChangeSet's oslc_config:overrides stream. Delivering changes to multiple streams would require copying the ChangeSet (and its oslc_config:selections) and setting a different oslc_config:overrides, which is required to have changes override multiple streams.
Baseline has oslc_config:committed and oslc_config:committedBy properties, but ChangeSet doesn't. If ChangeSet had these properties, and an operation to commit the ChangeSetm then we would not need class ChangeSetDelivery.
This needs further discussion by OSLC config implementors.
### open-services.net
We are monitoring the migration of open-services.net to OASIS and will deal with issues as they arrise.
## Action items
- [ ] Ed will propose and agenda for the skew management discussion for a future meeting to determine if spec changes vor v1.1 are needed, or a project note would be sufficient.
- [ ] Jim will check the release tags, at least the latest revision is tagged.
**Project task board:** https://github.com/orgs/oslc-op/projects/2
**Call details:** https://meet.jit.si/oslc-op
**Minutes:** https://github.com/oslc-op/oslc-admin/tree/master/minutes/2022
**Spec drafts:** https://github.com/oslc-op/oslc-specs#quick-links
## Postponed agenda
- [ ] Terminology problems in Config
- [ ] Contradicts ISO/IEC 24765:2009
- [ ] See BFO book / Introduction on "imprecise thinking"
## Regular/ongoing items
### Links
- Open OSLC issues in [OASIS Jira](https://issues.oasis-open.org/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20TCADMIN%20AND%20statusCategory%20!%3D%20Done%20%20AND%20text%20~%20%22oslc%22%20ORDER%20BY%20key%20DESC%2C%20priority%20DESC%2C%20updated%20DESC)
### Specs
- Spec publication progress ([all EPICs](https://github.com/oslc-op/oslc-specs/labels/Kind%3A%20EPIC))
- [Core PS02](https://github.com/oslc-op/oslc-specs/milestone/25) progress
- [CM COS01](https://github.com/oslc-op/oslc-specs/milestone/23) progress
- [RM COS01](https://github.com/oslc-op/oslc-specs/milestone/22) progress
- [Actions PSD01](https://github.com/oslc-op/oslc-specs/milestone/19) progress
- [OSLC CCM Primer](https://github.com/oslc-op/oslc-specs/wiki/Configuration-Management-3.0-Primer) status
- Resolve [major discussions](https://github.com/oslc-op/oslc-specs/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Tag%3A+Major+discussion%22) with a consensus reached
### Technical
- /Nick/ NS fixes https://github.com/oslc-op/website/issues/265
- /Nick/ ReSpec year and publisher in the list of references https://github.com/oasis-tcs/tab-respec/issues/46
- ReSpec multiple clauses https://github.com/oasis-tcs/tab-respec/issues/47
### Admin
- Zero [untagged issues](https://github.com/oslc-op/oslc-specs/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+no%3Alabel)
- Zero [non-prioritized issues](https://github.com/oslc-op/oslc-specs/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+-label%3A%22Priority%3A+Critical%22+-label%3A%22Priority%3A+High%22+-label%3A%22Priority%3A+Medium%22+-label%3A%22Priority%3A+Low%22+sort%3Aupdated-asc)
- Code licensing https://github.com/oasis-open-projects/administration/issues/18
- SoUs
- [QM 3rd](https://github.com/oslc-op/oslc-specs/issues/477)
- Query 3 SoUs
- [Spec publication status](https://github.com/oasis-open-projects/administration/issues) ([roadmap](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1phBv2PHh14VSZboBpmq4KuWn8hw4wZr2qHGVB2W6PIY/edit#gid=0))
### Proposals
- Traceability Management proposal
- [OSLC 3.0 OP note](https://hackmd.io/ojZYshcATLyZ7ziowDnsCw) proposal