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title: Carvel Community Meeting (Archived - do not use)
tags: community
# Carvel Community Meeting
The community meeting for ytt, kapp, kapp-controller, kctrl, secretgen-controller, imgpkg, kbld, and vendir.
*This doc is meant to serve as the "one doc to rule them all" for Carvel community meetings and open discussions.*
:information_source: **Community Meeting Details**
- Community meetings are held **every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 08:00AM Pacific Time** ([Convert to your time zone](https://dateful.com/time-zone-converter?t=08:00&tz=PT%20%28Pacific%20Time%29)).
- Join the [CNCF Carvel-specific Mailing List](https://lists.cncf.io/g/cncf-carvel-users) to get updates on the project and invites to community meetings.
- [Community meeting Zoom link](https://zoom.us/j/94291046332?pwd=dFZYS3RVbzlLWU9VaktJaUtZeDBodz09)
- Previous recordings:
- [Carvel YouTube Playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbzc2WTSZatU44ZYLkW5-uaxHDizgybP8) (Current)
- [VMware YouTube Playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7bmigfV0EqS1ZxRR1cRd8eqdwQij9Lsa)
- Archived Community Meeting Agendas:
- [2020 Community Meetings](https://hackmd.io/nST4xTprTKaA4EJ9ejhuWQ)
- [2021 Community Meetings](https://hackmd.io/PHGWaBYAR_iMkJaAvJZp0Q)
- [2022 Community Meetings](https://hackmd.io/F7g3RT2hR3OcIh-Iznk2hw)
- **Need help or have an issue to discuss with the team?** Add your item to **Discussion Topics** for the next meeting's agenda. :point_down:
:information_source: **Where to Find Us**
The Carvel team can be reached at:
* [#Carvel channel](https://kubernetes.slack.com/archives/CH8KCCKA5) in The Kubernetes Slack
* If you aren't already a member on the Kubernetes Slack workspace, please first [request an invitation](https://slack.k8s.io/) to gain access.
* [Email Us](mailto:cncf-carvel-maintainers@lists.cncf.io)
* GitHub: Within any of our [project repos](https://github.com/carvel-dev).
* X: [@carvel_dev](https://twitter.com/carvel_dev)
_Please read and abide by our [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)._
# May 22, 2024 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Aidan Delaney (Bloomberg)
2. Soumik Majumder (Broadcom)
3. Praveen Rewar (Broadcom)
4. Rohit Aggarwal (Broadcom)
### Announcements
* **New [Members to Carvel Org](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/people)!**
* [German Lashevich](https://github.com/Zebradil)
* [Rashmi Gottipati](https://github.com/rashmigottipati)
* [Max Brauer](https://github.com/mamachanko)
* **Content**
* Community Content Sharing (this means you :raising_hand: :point_left: )
* [Article - Simplify Kubernetes application management with Carvel kapp](https://medium.com/@seifeddinerajhi/simplify-kubernetes-application-management-with-carvel-kapp-ff0152870a36)
* TODO: Add a link to the blog in https://carvel.dev/resources/
* **Releases**
* kapp-controller [v0.52.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/releases/tag/v0.52.0)
* The go module name is changed to carvel.dev/kapp-controller
* secretgen-controller [v0.18.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/secretgen-controller/releases/tag/v0.18.0)
* The go module name is changed to carvel.dev/secretgen-controller
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* [Building tarred bundles without being dependent on a OCI registry](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/pull/737) proposal merged
* [Dependency management](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/pull/732) proposal merged.
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* imgpkg
* Saving bundles as an intermediate ocitar ([#612](https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/pull/612))
* vendir
* Add a cache for mercurial repositories ([#372](https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/pull/372))
* For vendir we need to make sure that we do not fill up kapp-controller with caching stuff. If HG is trying to cache everyhthing this might cause problems. We need to be careful with this
* kctrl
* DownwardsAPI at build time
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* Community meetings as is?
* Options,
* Monthly meeting?
* Reduce time to 30 minutes? - Preferred.
* Start discussions first.
* Keep meetings as is for the time being. if needed we will revisit.
# May 8, 2024 Agenda
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Praveen Rewar (Broadcom)
### Announcements
- Carvel Update
- Broadcom layoffs and team impact
# April 24, 2024 Agenda - missing recording due to zoom issues
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Rohit Aggarwal - Broadcom
2. Bryce Palmer - Red Hat
3. Prem - Broadcom
4. Praveen Rewar - Broadcom
5. Kumari Tanushree - Broadcom
6. Soumik Majumder - Broadcom
### Announcements
* **New [Members to Carvel Org](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/people)!**
* [Bryce Palmer](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/people/everettraven)
* [Thomas Vitale](https://github.com/ThomasVitale)
* What is Carvel [Community Membership](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/processes/community-membership.md)?
* **Releases**
* `kapp-controller` [v0.51.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/releases/tag/v0.51.0)
* `imgpkg` [0.42.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/releases/tag/v0.42.0)
* `ytt` [0.49.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/ytt/releases/tag/v0.49.0)
* `kapp`
* [0.61.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp/releases/tag/v0.61.0)
* [0.62.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp/releases/tag/v0.62.0)
* `vendir` [0.40.1](https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/releases/tag/v0.40.1)
* `secretgen-controller` [0.17.2](https://github.com/carvel-dev/secretgen-controller/releases/tag/v0.17.2)
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* `kapp-controller` [Release package repository as tar](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1277)
* Updates:
* `kapp-controller` [Dependency management](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/361)
* Updates:
* `Carvel` [Carvel.dev's docs improvements](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/744)
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* x
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* [Add support for jsonschema export similar to openapi-v3](https://github.com/carvel-dev/ytt/issues/898)
# April 10, 2024 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Scott Rosenberg - TeraSky
2. Nanci Lancaster - Broadcom
3. Bryce Palmer - Red Hat
4. Kumari Tanushree - Broadcom
5. Soumik Majumder - Broadcom
6. Abigail McCarthy - Broadcom
7. Rohit Aggarwal - Broadcom
8. Madhankumar Chellamuthu - Broadcom
### Announcements
* **Releases**
* none since last meeting
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* Steering Committee / TOC proposal - not yet started
* Incubation work - still need to fully review
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* [Release package repository as tar](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1277)
* Updates no updates, still need a few more weeks
* [Dependency management](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/361)
* Updates:
* [Praveen] Updated the [proposal](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/pull/732) based on feedback. Looking for another round of review.
* Looking for first round of reviews for the next week and then final reviews 1 week after.
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* [Nanci] Brought up by Max, what are the updates?
* [Cannot install package with prerelease identifier containing x #1518](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1518)
* [Cannot use downward API in PackageBuild #1523](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1523)
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* [Nanci] We did not submit Google Season of Docs on time :(
* [GSoD Proposal](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/744)
* Abby McCarthy to take on the work - also seeking help from community
* [Nanci] [xz Utils](https://arstechnica.com/security/2024/04/what-we-know-about-the-xz-utils-backdoor-that-almost-infected-the-world/) - a cautionary tale
* [Bryce] PR to add validation to the CRD Upgrade Safety pre-flight check for enum changes to an existing field in a CRD schema
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp/pull/921
* [Praveen] [Issue template](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/new/choose) for requesting membership.
* [Praveen] Request: Role change for myself
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/pull/747
# March 27, 2024 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Nanci Lancaster (Broadcom)
2. Jordan Keister (Red Hat)
3. Thomas Vitale (Systematic)
4. Todd Short (Red Hat)
5. Kevin Rizza (Red Hat)
6. Joao Pereira (Broadcom)
7. Bryce Palmer (Red Hat)
8. Madhankumar Chellamuthu (Broadcom)
9. Kumari Tanushree (Broadcom)
10. Praveen Rewar (VMware by Broadcom)
11. Yash Sethiya (Broadcom)
### Announcements
* **[Carvel is going for Incubating!](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/738)**
* **Content**
* Since we last met:
* KubeCon EU 2024 Talks now on YouTube!
* [The Carvel Way: Packaging APIs stitching together sharp Unix-like tools | Project Lightning Talk](https://youtu.be/_ic247XhM-A?si=wKcuxEO2qfxI2wAP)
* [Project Carvel: Composable Tools for Application Management](https://youtu.be/1u5LtsJqyrA?si=4DZs04g-ZrSOYcms)
* **Releases**
* `kbld` [v0.42.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kbld/releases/tag/v0.42.0)
* [Joao] - should open issues in the other tools to implement the same throughout (Action Item)
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* [Google Season of Docs](https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs)
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* [Release package repository as tar](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1277)
* Was Ashish's work reviewed? Proposal merged?
* not yet, will be a few weeks from now, unless someone else would like to review this and help out
* [Dependency management](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/361)
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* Focused on downstream items
* Working on updating the [file headers](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/680)
* [Proposals]
* Merged [CRD updated check proposal](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/pull/729)
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* [Bryce] - [PR](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp/pull/901) to introduce an initial `CRDUpgradeSafety` preflight check to `kapp`. Looking forward to collaborating with folks on the PR!
* [Todd] - related PR: https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp/pull/900
* Praveen to merge
* [Kevin] - Carvel governance model
* [Nanci] - Move to weekly cadence for these meetings?
# March 13, 2024 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Bryce Palmer - Red Hat
2. Soumik Majumder - Broadcom
3. Nanci Lancaster - Broadcom
4. Joao Pereira - Broadcom
5. Madhankumar Chellamuthu - Broadcom
6. Praveen Rewar - Broadcom
7. Prem - Broadcom
### Announcements
* **KubeCon EU 2024 Carvel Presence**
* Tuesday, March 19, 11:40–11:46: [The Carvel Way: Packaging APIs stitching together sharp Unix-like tools | Project Lightning Talk](https://sched.co/1aQXI)
* Speakers: Praveen Rewar and Soumik Majumder
* Location: Pavilion 7 | Level 7.1 | Room D
* Thursday, March 21, 10:30–13:30: Carvel Kiosk in the Project Pavilion
* Where: Solutions Showcase
* [Project Pavilion kiosk number](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-europe/program/project-engagement/#project-kiosk-schedule): PP4-B
* Friday, March 22, 14:55–15:30: [Project Carvel: Composable Tools for Application Management](https://sched.co/1YeRj)
* Speakers: Daniel Garnier-Moiroux & Soumik Majumder
* Location: Pavilion 7 | Level 7.1 | Room A
* **Releases**
* `project`
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* [Release package repository as tar](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1277)
* Joao and Soumik need to spend time reviewing work done by Ashish
* Proposal needs to be merged
* [Dependency management](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/361)
* (see discussion topics)
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* x
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* [Steering Committee Discussion on Slack](https://kubernetes.slack.com/archives/CH8KCCKA5/p1709662448909279)
* What would be the best direction - TOC or Steering Committee?
* [Google Season of Docs](https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs)
* [kapp CRD Upgrade Safety Preflight Proposal](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/pull/729) - Bryce
* Was approved by Praveen Rewar, and mentioned that it should now be in a lazy consensus period.
* 5 working days = lazy period; Starting today with 5 days the deadline is March 19
* Draft PR of base implementation: https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp/pull/901
* ?: A couple engineers from the Operator Framework and I were working on the branch in the draft PR to allow for breaking up the work. Would kapp maintainers prefer a "complete" PR or multiple smaller PRs that take the same iterative approach, allowing for multiple contributors to work on pieces in parallel?
* Header for code contributions being tied to a specific corporation - Bryce
* Some folks on the Red Hat side have expressed some concern around code contributions requiring a header tied to a specific company when CNCF graduation processes require multiple independent entities contributing
* Praveen created an issue on this and Carvel team needs help: https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/680
* Bryce to check in with Red Hat folks to see if there are any takers to help
* [Dependency resolution Proposal](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/pull/732) - Praveen
* [Joao] After reading the above if there are any use cases that we didn't add please let us know and add a comment with what's missing
* This is a first step towards the work and we want to encompass as many use cases as possible
* Would like to move this forward soonish
* [Bryce] will take a look today
* [Scott] There's alot of "it depends"; is that just out of scope? Dependency mgmt that can be conditional? Use case hasn't been addressed.
* [Joao] You can add optional dependencies and say you don't want those installed.
* [Scott] skip dependencies? [Joao] yes
* Need to extract out some of the details Scott mentioned into a separate proposal
* [long pending reviews for ytt] need review/approval for https://github.com/carvel-dev/ytt/pull/891 and https://github.com/carvel-dev/ytt/pull/870
* [Joao] will look into it today; even if you aren't a reviewer, is ok for you to say 'I approve'- gives someone more confidence that this can be merged - say explicitly you approve not just LGTM.
# February 28, 2024 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Soumik Majumder (Broadcom)
2. Madhankumar Chellamuthu (Broadcom)
3. Joao Pereira (Broadcom)
4. Prem (Broadcom)
5. Abhishek (Broadcom)
6. Kumari Tanushree (broadcom)
7. Nanci Lancaster (Broadcom)
### Announcements
* **Releases**
* `vendir` [v0.40.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/releases/tag/v0.40.0)
* `imgpkg`
* [v0.41.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/releases/tag/v0.41.0)
* [v0.41.1](https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/releases/tag/v0.41.1)
* `kbld`
* [v0.40.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kbld/releases/tag/v0.40.0)
* [v0.41.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kbld/releases/tag/v0.41.0)
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* [Release package repository as tar](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1277)
* [Dependency management](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/361)
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* kapp
* Reviews on Bryce's new [proposal](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/pull/729)
* We now have preflight checks for permissions! Thanks Bryce!
### Discussion Topics // Questions you may have
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* x
# :heartpulse: February 14, 2024 Agenda :heartpulse:
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Madhankumar Chellamuthu - Broadcom
2. Rohit Aggarwal - Broadcom
3. Soumik Majumder - Broadcom
4. Praveen Rewar - Broadcom
5. Bryce Palmer - Red Hat
6. Kumari Tanushree - Broadcom
7. Joao Pereira - Broadcom
8. Renu yarday - Broadcom
9. Prem bhaskal - Broadcom
10. Nanci Lancaster (Broadcom)
### Announcements
* **Carvel in Paris for KubeCon**
* Talks
* [Project Lightning Talk](https://sched.co/1ZOFb) - March 19, Time TBD (schedule will be announced Feb 26)
* [Project Carvel: Composable Tools for Application Management](https://sched.co/1YeRj)
* Friday, March 22, 14:55–15:30
* Speakers: Daniel Garvier-Moiroux, Soumik Majumder
* Kiosk in Project Pavilion
* We received an update from CNCF that Sandbox projects only get one time slot on one day. We are now Thursday, March 21, 10:30-13:30.
* Looking for one extra person to help out 12:30–1:30.
* **Content**
* This Week:
* [Create Crossplane function to use ytt for templating](https://carvel.dev/blog/crossplane-ytt-template-function/) by Rohit Aggarwal (Carvel Maintainer)
* **Releases**
* `kapp-controller` [v0.50.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/releases/tag/v0.50.0)
* `secretgen-controller`[0.17.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/secretgen-controller/releases/tag/v0.17.0)
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* [Release package repository as tar](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1277)
* Need to finish review of proposal.
* [Signature and SLSA attestation for all Carvel artefacts](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/619)
* What tools are remaining?
* All tools are signing, need to get to SLSA attestation
* Not doing on experimental tools unless we are releasing them
* [Provide information about layers for each image](https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/issues/348)
* Merged, (still) need to update roadmap
* [Option to skip ssl verification for git](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1286)
* Notes from last meeting: Done in vendir, need to do in kapp-controller
* Done - need update roadmap
* [Make kapp controller extensible](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1413)
* Notes from last meeting: waiting for proposal from Joao ;)
* Still waiting :) Working on another proposal that we want to bring to the community that can pave the way for this proposal. Working on POCs for dependency management of kapp-controller (high priority due to Broadcom priority).
* Seeking ideas from others on ideas to make it more extensible. If you have ideas, reach out to Joao on Slack. Not on top of priorities right now.
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* kctrl
* Make local reconciler bits more pluggable
* kapp
* Reviews for preflight checks: https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp/pull/887
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* [Add permission validation option to kapp deploy subcommand #887](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp/pull/887)
# January 24, 2024 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Scott rosenberg - Terasky
2. Soumik Majumder - Broadcom
3. Madhankumar Chellamuthu - Broadcom
4. Joao Pereira - Broadcom
5. Rohit Aggarwal - Broadcom
6. Kumari Tanushree - Broadcom
7. Yash Sethiya - Broadcom
8. Dan Baskette - Broadcom
9. Varsha Prasad Narsing - Red Hat
10. Ashish Kumar Singh - Contributor
11. Renu Yarday Broadcom
12. Nanci Lancaster (Broadcom)
### Announcements
* **Releases**
* `ytt` [v0.47.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/ytt/releases/tag/v0.47.0)
* `kapp` [v0.60.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp/releases/tag/v0.60.0)
* `imgpkg` [v0.40.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/releases/tag/v0.40.0)
* `vendir` [v0.39.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/releases/tag/v0.39.0)
* `kbld` [v0.39.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kbld/releases/tag/v0.39.0)
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* [Release package repository as tar](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1277)
* [Signature and SLSA attestation for all Carvel artefacts](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/619)
* completed in several tools already, continuing on with remaining tools
* [Provide information about layers for each image](https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/issues/348)
* Merged, need to update roadmap
* [Option to skip ssl verification for git](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1286)
* done in vendir, need to do in kapp-controller
* [Make kapp controller extensible](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1413)
* waiting for proposal from Joao ;)
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* kapp-controller
* [Proposal] Hardening kapp-controller container security by setting the `seccompProfile` to `RunTimeDefault`.
* kctrl
* Custom imgpkg lock files while releasing (same as the last time)
* We have settled on how we are consuming kctrl downstream while ensuring minimal changes upstream ([#1462](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/pull/1462))
* kapp
* Prioritise running a permissions check pre-deploy ([#855](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp/issues/855))
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* Resource Health Monitoring [Proposal](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/pull/717)
# January 10, 2024 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Scott Rosenberg - TeraSky
2. Fritz Duchardt - Myks
3. Soumik Majumder - Broadcom
4. Madhankumar Chellamuthu - Broadcom
5. Varsha Prasad Narsing - Red Hat
6. Joao Pereira - Broadcom
7. Praveen Rewar - Broadcom
8. Andy Goldstein - Red Hat
9. German Lashevich - Myks
10. Prashant Rewar - Independent
11. Kumari Tanushree - Broadcom
12. Prem - Broadcom
13. Nanci Lancaster (Broadcom)
### Announcements
* No Announcements
* **Releases**
* None to discuss right now
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* [Release package repository as tar](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1277)
* [Signature and SLSA attestation for all Carvel artefacts](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/619)
* [Provide information about layers for each image](https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/issues/348)
* [Option to skip ssl verification for git](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1286)
* [Make kapp controller extensible](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1413)
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* All tools:
* Signing release artifacts
* kapp
* Memory optimisation ([PR](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp/pull/863) in review)
* Assess possible impact of GVK scoping on diffing and apply stage
* imgpkg
* describe command should provide information about each layer ([#348](https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/issues/348))
* imgpkg fails to pull images built using ko ([#441](https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/issues/441))
* kctrl
* Using custom lock files while releasing ([#943](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/943))
* Still tweaking some bits around to make kctrl more consumable downstream
* vendir
* We have been reviewing and working with German and Fritz to get some of their work in!
* Documentation/content
* More comparatives as suggested by Adib in a few issues. Focus on the why along with the how? Blogs or docs?
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* [prembhaskal] a YTT issue [Ytt removes quotes for hex strings, which makes them ambiguous](https://github.com/carvel-dev/ytt/issues/822) needs a bug fix in [go-yaml/v3](https://github.com/go-yaml/yaml/issues/703) but that project seems unmaintained, Is it ok to proceed with changes in our vendored go-yaml?
* Soumik - We were assessing this project: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/yaml
* Joao - Let's look at K8s SIG yaml - ignore V2, only V3, see if it works. If it doesn't work, try to create a fix there. If they accept it we'll use that. Otherwise, copy yaml v3 code, never change the vendor folder - was a nightmare the last time we changed it
* [Tanushree] A vendir issue [Vendir directory sync ignores overlapping paths on directories](https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/issues/323), should we allow vendir to manage overlapping paths?
* Absolute paths in vendir configuration.
* Thoughts on more verbose release notes with information about installing and verifying specific versions (similar to how [sops](https://github.com/getsops/sops/releases/tag/v3.8.1) does it)
* [ncdc] RFEs from OLM team
* [Status checks](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1412)
* [Check permissions before install/upgrade](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1381)
# December 13, 2023 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Nanci Lancaster (Broadcom)
2. Soumik Majumder (Broadcom)
3. Andy Goldstein (Red Hat)
4. Varsha Prasad Narsing (Red Hat)
5. Praveen Rewar (Broadcom)
6. Madhankumar Chellamuthu (Broadcom)
7. Anthony Gallo (Broadcom)
8. Kumari Tanushree (Broadcom)
### Announcements
* **Update on the team post acquisition**
* **Content**
* Since we last met:
* Supercharge your Kubernetes Platform with Carvel” by Thomas Vitale at the CNCF Cloud Native Aarhus Meetup on December 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h67DXhtuZ9c&t=496s
* Community Content Sharing (this means you :raising_hand: :point_left: )
* Please [signup](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel/blob/develop/processes/weekly-content-sharing.md) to share your Carvel knowledge! All non-Carvel Maintainers will receive a t-shirt as a thank you!
* **Releases**
* `project`
* vendir:
* [0.38.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/releases/tag/v0.38.0)
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* kctrl
* Making bits of kctrl more configurable and consumable
* kapp-controller
* signing of release artifacts
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* [Varsha from Red Hat/Operator Framework] Quick demo on what OLMv1 APIs are and what registryV1 bundles looks like.
* Andy linked out https://olm.operatorframework.io/docs/concepts/olm-architecture/dependency-resolution/ for more details
* Jordan linked https://olm.operatorframework.io/docs/concepts/crds/clusterserviceversion/
* Topics from [slack thread](https://kubernetes.slack.com/archives/CH8KCCKA5/p1701360923622609):
* For exposing health metrics of individual resources: https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1412
* Re-thinking the kapp-ctrl architecture, allowing more extensibility in terms of customizing individual steps in the pipeline of applying content on clusters (as @João Pereira had suggested): https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1413
* [100mik] Thomas' ongoing proposal: https://github.com/ThomasVitale/carvel/tree/develop/proposals/kapp-controller/004-introducing-package-functions
* Action Items / Next Steps
# November 15, 2023 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. scott rosenberg - Terasky
2. Andy Goldstein - Red Hat
3. Soumik Majumder - VMware
4. Praveen Rewar - VMware
5. Joao Pereira - VMware
6. Varsha Prasad - Red Hat
7. Kumari Tanushree - VMware
8. Premkumar Bhaskal - VMware
9. Renu Yarday (VMWare)
10. Nanci Lancaster (VMware)
### Announcements
* **Content**
* Upcoming:
* KubeCon Recap
* Community Content Sharing (this means you :raising_hand: :point_left: )
* Please [signup](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel/blob/develop/processes/weekly-content-sharing.md) to share your Carvel knowledge! All non-Carvel Maintainers will receive a t-shirt as a thank you!
* **Releases**
* `project`
* imgpkg:
* [0.39.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/releases/tag/v0.39.0)
* [0.38.1](https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/releases/tag/v0.38.1)
* Vendir:
* [0.37.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/releases/tag/v0.37.0)
* [0.36.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/releases/tag/v0.36.0)
* [Scott] Will this be added to kapp-controller?
* [Renu] we plan on this when we have time to work on it
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* kapp-controller
* Non-blocking behaviour for sticky namespace deletion scenarios
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* **KubeCon + CloudNative Con Europe CFPs due November 26!!**
* [CFP Page](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-europe/program/cfp/#submit-your-talk)
* Any ideas to submit? Interest?
* OLM <> Carvel discussion continued from [this meeting](https://youtu.be/G8fef7Y0BrQ?si=raoakbBolWSbDOrw)
* Proposal to introduce support for OLM packaging format (would appreciate comments/thoughts on the additions): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ROxnv0ttzDGgjI_fIzdQAg0tcoefdcjVwpdM6LZyknE/edit
* [Multi-tenancy/permissions slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1bZQ1Y98KummoaKlMOqc7Ge4-Bms_b9kMTnZT4qejM2Y/edit#slide=id.g297a3794468_0_358)
* Need to join https://groups.google.com/g/operator-framework-olm-dev for access
* [Multi-tenancy longer doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xTu7XadmqD61imJisjnP9A6k38_fiZQ8ThvZSDYszog/edit#heading=h.x9emz9q1swqc)
* [OLM community meeting agenda/notes doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zuv-BoNFSwj10_zXPfaS9LWUQUCak2c8l48d0-AhpBw/edit#heading=h.gk0nkjojazrv)
* Meetings are [Tuesdays at 11am ET](https://zoom.us/j/5511723751?pwd=QVFqVVNMYkk1cUlRcXFvQlIycUZudz09)
# November 6, 2023 - KubeCon In-Person Project Meeting
### Attendees
1. x
### Agenda
* **Welcome + Introductions**
* **Brief overview of Carvel**
* **[Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)**
* **Open Discussion Topics** *Have something you are curious about regarding Carvel? Have a feature request? A particular use case you need help with? A demo request? Anything at all, please add below ahead of the meeting.*
* `add your discussion topic/question here`
# October 31, 2023 - Special Meeting
We are meeting with the maintainers of [Operator Framework](https://operatorframework.io/), a Cloud Native Computing Foundation Incubating project, centered around their [Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM)](https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager).
We'll chat about packaging, APIs, and if there is overlap or not between Carvel and OLM in this topic. Users and community members from both Operator Framework and Carvel are welcome and encouraged to attend as we'd love to hear from your perspective and get your feedback!
### Meeting Details
* **When:** Tuesday, October 31, 2023, 9AM Pacific Time
* **Meeting Links to Join:**
* Google Meet joining info
* Video call link: https://meet.google.com/jyq-xryc-spe
* Or dial: (US) +1 315-754-3562 PIN: 675 455 927#
* More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/jyq-xryc-spe?pin=6159334681006
* Or join via SIP: sip:6159334681006@gmeet.redhat.com
* If you have any questions before then, please reach out in Slack or Twitter. You can also put in any comments/questions below if you are unable to attend the meeting but still want to participate. Be sure to include your name:
* add question/comments here
### **Notes from meeting:**
* Carvel and OLM both have catalogs, packages/bundles, where there is a good opportunity for synergy
* Been talking to Joao about adding OLM components to kapp-controller, specifically registry v1, it's an artifact with a specific layout. Makes an operator an operator to deply to cluster
* Would OLM use packaging APIs that kapp-controller has or something else. If we use the kapp-controller we would want to add the OLM catalog.
* Several areas to collaborate on.
* Dependency resolution
* Check if CRUD operations can succeed before proceeding
* Joe Lanford has a PR and POC now that is OLM integration:
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1369
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/pull/1376/files#diff-bc00768ebd04ba476955998b305f77aa206bf78f76408cc0650722cbd8fb2bad
* Joao - create a proposal before code discussion so that we can get a better understanding
* We should be mindful of API server because kapp-controller bombards API server.
* The ability that we have in each Carvel tool is that we are pulling them out and making them available in kapp-controller in some way.
* We at VMW, kapp-controller is going to have a role in the new world that is going to require us to be more performant.
* Need to think about scaling kapp-controller and make more customizable for people that using it.
* How do we move the collaboration between OLM and Carvel in a more customizable way?
* Andy - we are interested in coming up with a path to get the APIs to beta, fewer breaking changes coming. Don't want to rush either side. Both OLM and Carvel APIs are alpha but we have a ways to go before beta. Trying to create a next gen architecture for OLM. Need to have a plan in place for stability.
* Joao - we always try to make sure we are backwards compatible. Even tho we are still in v1 alpha 1, we are still in the mindset of a more stable product. Kbld is a tool that is stable for almost a year now even tho it's still in an alpha state.
* Start to think about putting tools in a more visable stable state.
* Andy - meeting's purpose was more around OLMs catalogs. For each package there is a concept of a channel. The channel is a way to sub divide each package into one or more, can have a stable channel, beta channel, v3 channel... within a channel you can specify ways to upgrade from one channel to another. If we worked together to add support OLMs catalogs to kapp-controller package apis, we will need to specify optionally when you're creating a package install, comes from the stable channel or whatever you put in there.
* Joao - We could provide 'the channel' to inform kapp-controller that this is the channel they are looking for. If the package has a label that contains the channel/channels, then what the package install could look like instead of me look for semver, make it more generic
* Josh Gavant - might be room to fit into OCI - https://github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/blob/main/image-index.md
* Use our public meetings / weekly meetings to keep discussing - OLM has weekly meetings at 11am ET
* Renu - start a proposal first before we meet again so that we can work on it / scratch pads for all
* Gavin Bell - Another talk ... more along the lines of brainstorm and imagining of how things could connect, at what level. The result of which would be a set of viable directions (ranked) we can explore.
# October 25, 2023 Agenda
This week's meeting is cancelled as we await news of VMware's acquisition with Broadcom.
# October 11, 2023 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Fritz Duchardt
2. Joao Pereira (VMware)
3. Soumik Majumder (VMware)
4. Ashish (CNCF Mentee)
5. German Lashevich (South Pole)
6. Scott Rosenberg (TeraSky)
7. Thomas Vitale (Systematic)
8. Kumari Tanushree (VMware)
9. Varsha Munishwar (VMware)
10. Renu Yarday (VMWare)
11. Premkumar Bhaskal (VMware)
12. Madhankumar Chellamuthu(VMware)
13. Nanci Lancaster (VMware)
### Announcements
* **[Hacktoberfest](https://hacktoberfest.com/)**
* imgpkg
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/issues/288
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/issues/267
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/issues/111
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/issues/29
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/issues/239
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/issues/576
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/issues/423
* kbld
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/kbld/issues/171
* vendir
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/issues/288
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/issues/275
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/issues/176
* Secretgen-controller
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/secretgen-controller/issues/230
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/secretgen-controller/issues/102
* **KubeCon North America**
* Project Meeting: Monday, November 6, 11am–12pm, link and room coming soon!
* Kiosk:
* :rotating_light: Seeking volunteers!! Please fill out [this sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aov_QAvEdwipUivIoMSbIUjus5eunv5DeLNcKCx0Wys/edit#gid=1284535314) if you are traveling to Chicago and would like to take on a shift (or more!) to talk about Carvel with attendees
* Hours open:
* Tuesday, November 7: 10:30am–8pm
* Wednesday, November 8: 10:30am–5:00pm
* Thursday, November 9: 10:30am–2:30pm
* **Content**
* Since we last met:
* Recording of Cloud Native Computing Foundation Live Webinar: [Tackling the Kubernetes Software Packaging Puzzle with CNCF Sandbox Project Carvel](https://community.cncf.io/events/details/cncf-cncf-online-programs-presents-cncf-live-webinar-tackling-the-kubernetes-software-packaging-puzzle-with-cncf-project-carvel/): https://youtu.be/AGNvQ-feo9A?si=GIp55kOdbf-Bxo_q
* Recording of [The Carvel tool suite: Build, Configure, Deploy K8s Apps, following the Unix Philosophy](https://cloudnativeday.ch/sessions/458712) at Cloud Native Day in Bern, Switzerland: https://youtu.be/Tm2n674Q8aY?si=jHvdQI1IF5_QxQ68
* Coming soon: Recordings from KubeCon China
* Community Content Sharing (this means you :raising_hand: :point_left: )
* Please [signup](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel/blob/develop/processes/weekly-content-sharing.md) to share your Carvel knowledge! All non-Carvel Maintainers will receive a t-shirt as a thank you!
* **Releases**
* Ton of new releases: https://x.com/carvel_dev/status/1709263427640639590?s=20
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* vendir:
* [Bug fix](https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/pull/280) http fails to unpack certain tar.gz files
Thanks to reegnz for raising the issue and your contribution.
* [New feature](https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/issues/260) merged to develop. This provides an optional flag 'dangerousSkipTLSVerify' to skip SSL verification when using Git. This feature will be available in the next release.
Thanks to 'Alexandre Roman' for requesting this feature.
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* Proposal for Imgpkg [Ashpect] -
* Building tarred bundles without being dependent on a OCI registry
* [Linked Issue](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/pull/692)
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/pull/286
* We need to think about how we manage memberships and contributor permissions better
* [Thomas] After the approval of the "Signatures for Carvel Artifacts" proposal, I plan to submit the two following proposal: "SBOMs for Carvel Artifacts" and "SLSA Provenance for Carvel". Thoughts?
* [Thomas] News: I'm presenting about Carvel at the Cloud Native Aarhus Meetup (Denmark) in December. Will share more info once it's announced. Is it possible to get some Carvel stickers to distribute?
# September 27, 2023 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Soumik Majumder (VMware)
2. Thomas Vitale (Systematic)
3. Yash Sethiya (VMware)
4. Madhankumar Chellamuthu (VMware)
5. Praveen Rewar (VMware)
6. Renu Yarday (VMW)
7. Neil Hickey (VMW)
8. Nanci Lancaster (VMware)
### Announcements
* **Hacktoberfest**
* **Releases**
* `kapp`
* Released [v0.59.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp/releases/tag/v0.59.0)
* `kapp-controller`
* Released [v0.48.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/releases/tag/v0.48.0) and [v0.48.1](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/releases/tag/v0.48.1)
* `kwt`
* Released version [0.0.7](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kwt/releases/tag/v0.0.7) and [0.0.8](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kwt/releases/tag/v0.0.8)
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* `ytt` [Support emitting comments in resulting YAML](https://github.com/carvel-dev/ytt/issues/63)
* No updates. Might have the new folks who have joined the team take up some of the work. We would focus on ytt emitting comments and not ytt emitting ytt.
* `Carvel Overall`
* [Signature and SLSA attestation for all Carvel artefacts](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/619)
* RFC has been reviewed with 3 approvals from maintainers.
* Great issue for Hacktoberfest. Can mark 5-7 issues for Hacktoberfest. Something folks could contribute to easily [Soumik]
* PR needs to be merged first. [Thomas]
* Carvel supports the ability to sign and verify assets (such as images, bundles, pkg/pkgr)
* A bit of a pause on this for the past couple of weeks -SM
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* kctrl
* Bootstrapping clusters with kctrl without kapp-controller
* Managing multiple value references for a PackageInstalls with kctrl
* kapp
* Patching resource history annotations instead of applying
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* Integration with Flux sources?
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1335
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/ytt/issues/802
* Updating go modules for migrated repositories (vanity urls?)
* Since moving to /carvel-dev GitHub Org we are still using VMware Tanzu. If we change could be breaking changes.
* Is there a general pattern that others follow?
* Related issue: https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/689
* Nanci to check with CNCF about vanity URLs and ask others who have similar experience what they ended up doing
* SOPS uses vanity URLs: https://github.com/getsops/sops/blob/main/go.mod#L1
* Copyright headers
* What is the CNCF direction about the Copyright in our files?
* And if we change it should we change the Copyright days to 2023 or keep the original ones? And should we update 'VMware' to 'CNCF'
* Send Nanci an example and she will check with CNCF
* issue: https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/680
* example: https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/blob/develop/cmd/vendir/vendir.go
# September 13, 2023 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Soumik Majumder (VMware)
2. Renu Yarday (VMWare)
3. Yash Sethiya (VMWare)
4. Madhankumar Chellamuthu (VMWare)
5. Kumari Tanushree (VMware)
6. Premkumar Bhaskal (VMWare)
7. Praveen Rewar (VMware)
8. Nanci Lancaster (VMware)
### Announcements
* Carvel kiosk at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America - seeking volunteers
* Please fill out [this sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aov_QAvEdwipUivIoMSbIUjus5eunv5DeLNcKCx0Wys/edit#gid=1284535314) if you are traveling to Chicago and would like to take on a shift (or more!) to talk about Carvel with attendees
* **Content**
* Since we last met:
* x
* This week:
* x
* Upcoming:
* Tuesday, September 19 • 10:00am Pacific Time - Cloud Native Computing Foundation Live Webinar: [Tackling the Kubernetes Software Packaging Puzzle with CNCF Sandbox Project Carvel](https://community.cncf.io/events/details/cncf-cncf-online-programs-presents-cncf-live-webinar-tackling-the-kubernetes-software-packaging-puzzle-with-cncf-project-carvel/)
* [The Carvel tool suite: Build, Configure, Deploy K8s Apps, following the Unix Philosophy](https://cloudnativeday.ch/sessions/458712) at Cloud Native Day in Bern, Switzerland on September 21, 16:00
* kapp-controller will be one of the gitops choices featured in the keynote presentation at KubeCon China on September 28: [Choose Your Own Adventure: The Perilous Passage to Production - Whitney Lee, Staff Technical Advocate, VMware & Viktor Farcic, Developer Advocate, Upbound](https://sched.co/1PTLF)
* Thursday, September 28 • 11:00am - 11:35am (China Standard Time) - KubeCon + CloudNativeCon China: [Carvel:云计算问题的清洁工具 | Carvel: Clean Tools for Cloudy Problems - Leigh Capili, VMware](https://sched.co/1PTIg)
* [Register to attend](https://www.lfasiallc.com/kubecon-cloudnativecon-open-source-summit-china/register/#register-now) (in-person only)
* Community Content Sharing (this means you :raising_hand: :point_left: )
* Please [signup](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel/blob/develop/processes/weekly-content-sharing.md) to share your Carvel knowledge! All non-Carvel Maintainers will receive a t-shirt as a thank you!
* **New folks!!**
* Ashish - LFX Mentee
* Premkumar - New Hire
* **Releases**
* kapp-controller: [v0.47.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/releases/tag/v0.47.0)
* Shoutout to [Usman Malik](https://github.com/imusmanmalik) and [Andrew su](https://github.com/andrew-su)
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* [ytt] Support emitting comments in resulting YAML
* No updates since last meeting
* [Carvel] Carvel supports the ability to sign and verify assets (such as images, bundles, pkg/pkgr)
* Soumik has flushed out some bits, still WIP
* fleshing out the use cases being more specific about the changes in imgpkg
* will make PR once there's enough people to look over
* https://hackmd.io/@Btc74ctOQnGhhkBcZZ5ItQ/SJqPr-Znh
* [Carvel] Signature and SLSA attestation for all Carvel artefacts
* Soumik has reviewed but requests another approval, needs to be merged in before proceeding
* Once fully approved input issues describing changes for each tool
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/pull/668/files
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* kapp-controller
* Ability to create app resources in different namespaces ([#1318](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1318))
* kapp
* Fix app-changes-max-to-keep=0 usage ([#806](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp/issues/806))
* Set namespace for storing app metadata ([#815](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp/issues/815))
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* Hashicorp licensing update and recommendations [Joao] -
* [Linked Issue](https://github.com/carvel-dev/terraform-provider-carvel/issues/35)
* Due to changes made by Hashicorp to the license of some of their products, I would like to provide some recommendations to the Reviews/approvers of all the tools so they do not impact Carvel.
* If a dependabot PR bumps any Hashicorp libraries, we should not merge it. (We can discuss maybe bumping some of these libraries in the future if we are sure that no changes will happen on their licenses.)
* If a PR unrelated to Hashicorp bumps some Hashicorp library, check if the version of the Hashicorp library is the Apache License, and if it is, we can go ahead and merge the PR.
* If a PR unrelated to Hashicorp bumps some Hashicorp library, check if the version of the Hashicorp library is the Apache License, and if it is NOT, the PR should NOT be merged. We should bring this up in the community meeting to see if any mitigation factor can be done or if we should move to a different library.
* Every PR that bumps dependencies in kapp-controller, especially sops and helm, should be vetted using the above. steps
* [Neil] Is there a GitHub action to scan libraries in PRs for license violations rather than relying on human eyes?
* [Abbie] Lets talk docs! Discussion of current status, pain points, and improvements for the docs
* I put together a doc with some suggestions, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l5DQvPAU0VzI6NYh6wHjU0_ORuhbaf2qicwpyY3A3lU/edit, based on [CNCF tech docs eval process](https://github.com/cncf/techdocs/blob/main/assessments/criteria.md)
* x
# August 23, 2023 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Fritz Duchardt (German Edge Cloud)
2. German Lashevich (South Pole)
3. Linus Frotscher (German Edge Cloud)
4. Soumik Majumder (VMware)
5. Praveen Rewar (VMware)
6. Joao Pereira (VMware)
7. Neil Hickey (VMW)
8. Nanci Lancaster (VMW)
9. Madhankumar Chellamuthu (VMware)
### Announcements
* Kris Nóva
* **Content**
* Since we last met:
* x
* This week:
* x
* Upcoming:
* Turning this into a digestable blog post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsyGOv_Nwb0
* Community Content Sharing (this means you :raising_hand: :point_left: )
* Please [signup](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel/blob/develop/processes/weekly-content-sharing.md) to share your Carvel knowledge! All non-Carvel Maintainers will receive a t-shirt as a thank you!
* **Releases**
* `project`
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* `ytt` [Support emitting comments in resulting YAML](https://github.com/carvel-dev/ytt/issues/63)
* `Carvel Overall`
* [Signature and SLSA attestation for all Carvel artefacts](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/619)
* Will set some time aside post community meeting to review this - SM
* Carvel supports the ability to sign and verify assets (such as images, bundles, pkg/pkgr)
* Was caught up a bit these past two weeks not a lot has moved here. Next steps still involve fleshing out more concrete details - SM
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* kapp, kapp-controller: Reducing memory footprint ([slack thread](https://kubernetes.slack.com/archives/CH8KCCKA5/p1686575635485759)
* kctrl
* A bug fix around using values while building ([PR](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/pull/1310/files))
* More thought being put in around generating a tar/tar-like, pushable artifact while releasing PackageRepositories
* imgpkg
* Fix bug [#373](https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/issues/373) where imgpkg shouldn't error when no command is given
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* Copyright headers in all files in all the projects: Do we need to change these? (As the current headers use `VMware, Inc`)
* Answer: Yes. Change to 'Cloud Native Computing Foundation'
* While we are doing that we should also change the modules
* Should change the dates on the copyrights? (Nanci to ask around)
* [German Lashevich] - 'pivotal' still appears in the codebases.
* Create two issues for the above to track work:
* one for copyright, one for module changes
* Proposal for lazy synching: https://github.com/fritzduchardt/carvel/tree/lazy_syncing/proposals/vendir/001-lazy-synching-on-stable-config
* Next steps - move to review status, add PR, share in slack to gather comments / feedback for a week, and after one week there is no comments we can merge.
* [Soumik] - KEPs generally get merged only after all approvers have signed off with +1s
* Issue with dependency flag (plus fix): https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/issues/277
* PR: https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/pull/286
* [Moving to next meeting due to Abby traveling] Docs work with Abby! Abby has put together a doc on recommendations for improving our docs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l5DQvPAU0VzI6NYh6wHjU0_ORuhbaf2qicwpyY3A3lU/edit
* [JOAO] - Need to update to 'in review' and share again in Slack for comments and feedback then give one week. [Signature and SLSA attestation for all Carvel artefacts](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/619)
* [Proposal](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/c139081b39b3ea2b00292986c6a9b3f32615253f/proposals/carvel/002-artifact-signatures/README.md)
* [PR](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/pull/668)
* Dedicated proposals will follow for SLSA and SBOMs
# August 9, 2023 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Fritz Duchardt (German Edge Cloud)
2. German Lashevich (South Pole)
3. Thomas Vitale (Systematic)
4. Rohit Aggarwal (VMware)
5. Yash Sethiya (VMware)
6. Scott Rosenberg (TeraSky)
7. Soumik Majumder (VMware)
8. Neil Hickey (VmWaRe)
9. Praveen Rewar (VMware)
10. Renu Yarday (VMWare)
11. Linus Frotscher (German Edge Cloud)
12. Kumari Tanushree (VMware)
### Announcements
* **New Hire**
* Madhan (VMware)
* **Content**
* This week:
* `YouTube Live` [Deploy to Production & Database Implementation (You Choose!, Ch. 2, Ep. 4)](https://www.youtube.com/live/Hw8sSBO3YhI?feature=share) - In this episode, they deploy our application to production, including the database using the combination of all the tools we chose so far.
* `Blog Post` [Saying the Quiet Part Loud: Open Source Projects Are Suffering From Attrition](https://carvel.dev/blog/carvel-help-wanted/) by Nanci Lancaster
* Upcoming:
* `Live Presentation` Potentially Thomas Vitale presenting his talk that he did at KCD Munch (TBD)
* Have something you wish to share? Submit your idea here: https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/processes/weekly-content-sharing.md
* **Releases**
* None since we last met.
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* `ytt` [Support emitting comments in resulting YAML](https://github.com/carvel-dev/ytt/issues/63)
* Voting Results
* Summary of Poll:
* From all the feedback that we have collected so far about this issue, we can split the problems that the users are facing into the following two problem statements:
* **Emit YAML comments from YAML templates** - Configuration Authors want ytt to provide a facility to safely emit YAML comments from YAML templates. These are mainly used by the authors to add context to YAML configuration files. These comments work as a reference for the configuration consumers who may need to read and understand the configurations to make changes as per their requirements.
* **Generate ytt with ytt** - Configuration Authors also want to generate ytt with ytt. In other words, they want to automate building ytt templates, primarily having the ability to make it possible to produce a yaml file that can be used as a template for further processing.
* Voting Options:
:one: Emit YAML comments from YAML templates is very important to have
:two: Generate ytt with ytt is very important to have
:three: Both are equally important for the work I do
:four: Neither are important or necessary for the work I do with ytt (edited)
* :one: Received a total of 10 votes: 1 from external community and 9 from internal
* :two: Received a total of 5 votes: 5 from external commuity and 0 from internal
* :three: Received a total of 5 votes: 1 from external commuity and 4 from internal
* :four: Received a total of 4 votes: 3 from external commuity and 1 from internal
* `Carvel Overall`
* [Signature and SLSA attestation for all Carvel artefacts](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/619)
* [Proposal](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/c139081b39b3ea2b00292986c6a9b3f32615253f/proposals/carvel/002-artifact-signatures/README.md)
* [PR](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/pull/668)
* Dedicated proposals will follow for SLSA and SBOMs
* Carvel supports the ability to sign and verify assets (such as images, bundles, pkg/pkgr)
* Baseline [doc](https://hackmd.io/@Btc74ctOQnGhhkBcZZ5ItQ/SJqPr-Znh) enumerating goals and a skeleton for the intended proposal
* Lots to flesh out and that is what's next !
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* imgpkg:
* Merged fix for copy of bundles that do not have signatures associated with them [#548](https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/issues/548)
* Merged PR that allows users to add labels to the OCI images/bundles created by imgpkg [#552](https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/pull/552)
* [WIP] Allow multiple tags to be created when pushing and OCI image/bundle [#355](https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/issues/355)
* [Mentorship Project](https://mentorship.lfx.linuxfoundation.org/project/91398424-f095-4b85-bb0f-e7c56e777ea0)
* Mentorship program begins with the initial work assignments from 4th September
* August 16th - mentee will be assigned
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* Fritz: not pulling charts freuently for stable versions, caching?
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/issues/274
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/issues/278
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/vendir/pull/279
* **Next Steps:** Create proposal within 1 week; team will discuss at next community meeting on August 23.
* Process: https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/tree/develop/proposals
* Proposal Example: https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/c139081b39b3ea2b00292986c6a9b3f32615253f/proposals/carvel/002-artifact-signatures/README.md
* Thomas. While trying to identify all artifacts produced by the different Carvel projects, I bumped into this container image. Is the project maintaned? Do we need to include it in the signature proposal? https://github.com/carvel-dev/docker-image
* Thomas. I noticed that some Carvel tools are released for Windows ARM64 (kbld, ytt) whereas others are not (imgpkg, kapp, kctrl, vendir). Is there a reason for that? Should all tools publish binaries for Windows ARM64?
# July 26, 2023 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Rohit Aggarwal (VMware)
2. Yash Sethiya (VMware)
3. Varsha Munishwar (VMware)
4. Renu Yarday (VMWare)
5. Joao Pereira (VMWare)
6. Praveen Rewar (VMware)
### Announcements
* **x**
* **Content**
* Since we last met:
* Kubernetes Days Munich: Community member, Thomas Vitale, will deliver a 30-min presentation on 'Supercharge your Kubernetes Platform with Carvel'
* [Choose Your Own Adventure: Configure Synchronization with GitOps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tRYJ0mZf5A) featuring kapp-controller
* This week:
* x
* Upcoming:
* x
* **Releases**
* `kapp` [v0.58.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp/releases/tag/v0.58.0)
* Thank you to these folks for their contributions!
* Eng Zer Jun @Juneezee
* Tim Heurich @theurichde
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* `ytt` [Support emitting comments in resulting YAML](https://github.com/carvel-dev/ytt/issues/63)
* Please vote if you haven't already done so in this Slack message: https://kubernetes.slack.com/archives/CH8KCCKA5/p1689808017009409
* `ytt` Thanks to @testwill for your contribution PRs to ytt.
* `kctrl`
* Still focussing on items talked about last meeting - Soumik
* `imgpkg`
* Working with the community to allow users to add labels to the images [issue](https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/issues/153)
* `Carvel Overall`
* [Signature and SLSA attestation for all Carvel artefacts](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/619)
* Thomas: Still working on the RFC for the supply chain security proposal (signing + SLSA). I’ll open a pull request next week once I’m back from vacation
* Carvel supports the ability to sign and verify assets (such as images, bundles, pkg/pkgr)
* Still on this, targetting to have a doc out by end off next week - Soumik
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* x
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* Documentation and onboarding complexities
* Identify Project for [LFX Mentorship program](https://github.com/cncf/mentoring/tree/main/programs/lfx-mentorship/2023/03-Sep-Nov)
* Which issue could be used as project
* Benfits the mentee to learn
* Not too complex or too simple, 3 months time frame
* Benefits the commmunity
* Mentor volunteers
* Renu
* Soumik
* ?
* Project plan voluteer
* Renu
* Reminder on timeline:
* project proposals due: July 27, 2023
* mentee applications open: Aug 2 - 15, 2023
* application review/admission decisions/HR paperwork: Aug 16 - 29, 2023
* [Examples of past projects](https://github.com/cncf/mentoring/tree/main/programs/lfx-mentorship/2023/02-Jun-Aug)
* Suggested projects:
* `imgpkg` attestations and sboms
* Issue: https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/issues/269
* Initial PR: https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/pull/392
* `imgpkg` augment the API of imgpkg to include copy and push command
* Baking in Kyverno policies into Packages
* Interesting pattern that Thomas shared that might help us bake in verification of container images via various means into our packages: https://github.com/kadras-io/package-for-knative-serving/blob/main/package/config/policies/verify-image.yml
* We can discuss more about this when we are around, it should definitely be captured as a strategy when we put together information about signing and verification with Carvel
* New OCI Working Group - Joao getting involved
* [Notes on Working Group](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E7iKPOuyA1jxPe8vDG8aPd8jtnCEbpDpCifXDvDCnA0/edit)
# July 12, 2023 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Scott Rosenberg (TeraSky)
2. Soumik Majumder (VMware)
3. Thomas Vitale (Systematic)
4. Varsha Munishwar (VMware)
5. Joao Pereira (VMware)
6. Kumari Tanushree (VMware)
7. Anthony Gallo (VMware)
8. Renu Yarday (VMware)
9. Nanci Lancaster (VMware)
10. Eugene Khabarov (eBay)
### Announcements
* **Hiring Update**
* Have positions been filled? Any more openings on the horizon?
* one offer out and waiting to accept, possibly joining in October
* another accepted and joining in September
* **Content**
* Upcoming:
* July 18, 14:30, Kubernetes Days Munich: Community member, Thomas Vitale, will deliver a 30-min presentation on 'Supercharge your Kubernetes Platform with Carvel' Tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/kubernetes-community-days-munich-2023-tickets-526260839337
* Have something you wish to share? Submit your idea here: https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/processes/weekly-content-sharing.md
* **Releases**
* none since last meeting
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* `ytt` [Support emitting comments in resulting YAML](https://github.com/carvel-dev/ytt/issues/63)
* We will be discussing this in our next section of the agenda.
* `Carvel Overall`
* [Signature and SLSA attestation for all Carvel artefacts](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/619)
* [Thomas] - next few days uploading first draft of rfc, left comment in issue about that
* Carvel supports the ability to sign and verify assets (such as images, bundles, pkg/pkgr)
* [Soumik] - will be working on this, there's a discussion topic below tied to this and what Thomas shared.
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* secretgen-controller
* Working with devthejo to get throught the finish line the PR that fixes [#348](https://github.com/carvel-dev/secretgen-controller/issues/348) which allows secrets to be copied to different namespaces using Selectors
* kapp-controller
* Working with Usman Malik to get throught the finish line the [PR](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/pull/1259) that allows users to configure a default syncPeriod for PackageInstalls globally
* kapp PR
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp/pull/760
* Carvel CLI Tools security vulnerabilities
* To reduce the likelihood of externally known security vulnerabilities affecting our tools we are actively triage such CVEs and we resolve them with the available fixes.
* kctrl
* Users might not want to rebuild images everytime release is run
* See through PR for persisting custom images lock file
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/pull/963
* Explore how we can allow users to use a lock file for manual iterations
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* For the feature request in ytt - [Support emitting comments in resulting YAML](https://github.com/carvel-dev/ytt/issues/63), we have raised a [Pull Request](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/pull/657) with the proposal. Please read and add your comments/questions before the meeting below:
* Upon further exploration we realized there were two different problems happening. Want to understand from the community, which of the two problems stated is most needed? (joao)
* Scott: for me personally it would be ytt comments; having the ability to template out ytt with ytt would make things a lot more reproduceable and better. There may be more people that would benefit from YAML comments, however. The amount of use by ytt would be higher used with smaller group of people. YAML comments would be used by higher amount of people but less often.
* Renu: that was our understanding also; the 2nd problem looks more complicated than we anticipated, do not see a clear path forward on 2nd one.
* Some split in the community to clone ytt to make it compatible with yaml 3
* Is ytt really supposed to generate ytt code? (Joao)
* If you need runtime templating then how do you generate that? That's where things get more complex (Scott) With ytt I can generate kustomize, it's much more limited than ytt is
* Outside cartographer, I haven't found myself needing that functionality (Thomas)
* Can you provide concrete examples that would be helpful (Joao)
* YAML v3 has much more complaints from community, fork it, fix complaints all the community wants fixed (Scott)
* Varsha: 2nd option on proposal - See pros and cons in proposal for details
* [Soumik] - This is something to look forward to: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/yaml/pull/76
* Final Thoughts: joao - steps forward: we do not have a consensus on this. We need to split problems on requests. Comments part - personally. I'd like to see from community if they really want this because amount of work is going to be a big chunk of work. We really need to have a big 'yes we need this from the community' to proceed forward and dedicate the amount of work and time.
* someone in community interested or has a suggestion on how to do this?
* Most important right now is to know if this what the community really wants/needs.
* Documentation and onboarding complexities
* Identify Project for LFX Mentorship program
* Which issue could be used as project
* Benfits the mentee to learn
* Not too complex or too simple, 3 months time frame
* Benefits the commmunity
* Mentor volunteers
* Renu
* Soumik
* ?
* Project plan voluteer
* Renu
* Baking in Kyverno policies into Packages
# June 28, 2023 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Rohit Aggarwal (VMware)
2. Thomas Vitale (Systematic)
3. Soumik Majumder (VMware)
4. Praveen Rewar (VMware)
5. Yash Sethiya (VMWare)
6. Renu Yarday (VMWare)
7. Kumari Tanushree (VMware)
8. Neil Hickey (VMW)
### Announcements
* **Content**
* Since we last met:
* [Meetup Online - Kubernetes and the Seven Clouds](https://www.youtube.com/live/Q4M7QKDqDLM?feature=share)
* Tiffany Jernigan discusses kapp and ytt. Note: She delivers the presentation in English but the rest of the recording is in French.
* This week:
* Any talks, blog posts, etc.?
* Upcoming:
* July 18, 14:30, Kubernetes Days Munich: Community member, Thomas Vitale, will deliver a 30-min presentation on 'Supercharge your Kubernetes Platform with Carvel' Tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/kubernetes-community-days-munich-2023-tickets-526260839337
* **Hiring Update [Renu]**
* The two reqs are actively being hired for.
* **Releases**
* `imgpkg` [v0.37.1](https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/releases/tag/v0.37.1)
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* `kapp` [Long running: Performance enhancements: reduce CPU usage](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp/issues/599)
* `kapp-controller` [Enable kapp-controller to delete App when namespace is deleted](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1132)
* `ytt` [Support emitting comments in resulting YAML](https://github.com/carvel-dev/ytt/issues/63)
* We have created a [Pull Request](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/pull/657) with the proposal for this feature. We will be using the meeting of 07/12/2023 to have a discussion about it, but feel free to read it and add comments before that meeting.
* `Carvel Overall`
* [Signature and SLSA attestation for all Carvel artefacts](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/619)
* Carvel supports the ability to sign and verify assets (such as images, bundles, pkg/pkgr)
* kctrl
* We now allow supplying values while building packages
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* x
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* Alternate to sops in kapp-controller: sops is not maintained for a year, security fixes are not available. PRs are not reviewed.
ref: https://github.com/mozilla/sops/discussions/927
* Issue Triage
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/issues/153
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1048
* Should kbld have chdir?
* What happens when kbld with image building disabled?
* Revamping the website to ease onboarding of new users (also based on inputs from community meeting at KubeCon Amsterdam 2023)
* `winget` packages for the CLIs
# June 14, 2023 Agenda
### Meeting cancelled last minute due to team schedule conflicts.
# May 24, 2023 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Renu Yarday (VMWare)
2. Neil Hickey (VMW)
3. Praveen Rewar (VMware)
4. Yash Sethiya (VMW)
5. Scott Rosenberg (TeraSky)
6. Varsha Munishwar (VMware)
7. Nanci Lancaster (VMware)
8. Joao Peirera (VMware)
### Announcements
* We're hiring! 2 positions. Please refer your friends
* https://vmware.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/VMware/job/IND-Karnataka-Bangalore/Job-Posting-Title-Member-of-Technical-Staff---Tanzu-Packaging-and-Installation--Carvel-_R2302429
* https://vmware.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/VMware/job/IND-Karnataka-Bangalore/Job-Posting-Title-Member-of-Technical-Staff---Tanzu-Packaging-and-Installation--Carvel-_R2302429
* John Ryan (@jtigger), maintainer of Carvel with focus on ytt, has moved on to a new opportunity.
* **Content/Events**
* Since we last met:
* Carvel at [cdCon + GitOpsCon](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/cdcon-gitopscon/)
* [Deliver a Multicloud Application with Flux and Carvel - Peter Tran, VMware](https://cdcongitopscon2023.sched.com/event/1Jp8h/deliver-a-multicloud-application-with-flux-and-carvel-peter-tran-vmware)
* Video: https://youtu.be/ENaaA1_Nwjk
* [Application Configuration Management at the Edge: Taming Thousands of Deployment Targets - Cora Iberkleid & Maria Gabriella Brodi, VMware](https://cdcongitopscon2023.sched.com/event/1Jp9x/application-configuration-management-at-the-edge-taming-thousands-of-deployment-targets-cora-iberkleid-maria-gabriella-brodi-vmware)
* Video: https://youtu.be/OhZ3UybnpIU
* [Choose Your Own Adventure: The Treacherous Trek to Development with Whitney Lee and Viktor Farcic](https://gotoaarhus.com/2023/sessions/2504/choose-your-own-adventure-the-treacherous-trek-to-development)
* This week:
* x
* Upcoming:
* x
* Have something you wish to share? Submit your idea here: https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/processes/weekly-content-sharing.md
* **Releases**
* `kapp` [v0.56.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp/releases/tag/v0.56.0)
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* Follow-up from last week:
* [GCP Cherry Pick Bot](https://github.com/apps/gcp-cherry-pick-bot)
* has been added to all of repos, just one PR needs to be approved, but will be used moving forward!
* future reviewing - have to start thinking / adding to our list of to-dos when reviewing PRs
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* `kapp` [Long running: Performance enhancements: reduce CPU usage](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp/issues/599)
* close to closing and completing, will see in next release in early June
* `kapp-controller` [Enable kapp-controller to delete App when namespace is deleted](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1132)
* `ytt` [Support emitting comments in resulting YAML](https://github.com/carvel-dev/ytt/issues/63)
* Scott has volunteered his time to help out and has a hackmd file that he previously worked on with John
* `Carvel Overall`
* [Signature and SLSA attestation for all Carvel artefacts](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/619)
* Carvel supports the ability to sign and verify assets (such as images, bundles, pkg/pkgr)
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* [KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-north-america/program/cfp/) CFP due June 18
* Event Dates: November 6–10, 2023
* Location: Chicago, IL
* Moving examples of all tools to a single repository to reduce false alarms during various types of checks [Praveen / Joao]
# May 10, 2023 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Soumik Majumder (VMware)
2. Praveen Rewar (VMware)
3. Varsha Munishwar (VMware)
4. Yash Sethiya (VMware)
5. Renu Yarday (VMWare)
### Announcements
* We're hiring!
* 2 positions. Please refer your friends
* https://vmware.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/VMware/job/IND-Karnataka-Bangalore/Job-Posting-Title-Member-of-Technical-Staff---Tanzu-Packaging-and-Installation--Carvel-_R2302429
* https://vmware.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/VMware/job/IND-Karnataka-Bangalore/Job-Posting-Title-Member-of-Technical-Staff---Tanzu-Packaging-and-Installation--Carvel-_R2302429
* New mailing list: https://lists.cncf.io/g/cncf-carvel-users
* Click on "+ Join This Group" to join the list
* **Releases**
* `project`
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* kapp
* Supporting CiliumIdentity resources out of the box [#748](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp/issues/748)
* CiliumIdentity resources are added by [Cilium](https://cilium.io/) and the labels from Pods are copied, but these resources are not garbage collected instantly which results in `kapp delete` getting stuck on waiting for the cluster to delete them.
* ytt
* Picking up Emitting YAML Comments feature soon - WIP on proposal.
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* Automating releases of Carvel tools by configuring the [GCP - Cherry-Pick Bot](https://github.com/apps/gcp-cherry-pick-bot) on all our repos.
* More Details: https://github.com/googleapis/repo-automation-bots/tree/main/packages/cherry-pick-bot
# March 22, 2023 Agenda
# March 8, 2023, Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Nanci Lancaster
2. Neil Hickey (VMW)
3. Joao Pereira (VMware)
4. Thomas Vitale (Systematic)
5. Praveen Rewar (VMware)
6. Varsha Munishwar (VMware)
### Announcements
* **Roadmap Survey Results**
* 21 responses
* Four issues topped them all:
* 1. `Carvel Overall` [Signature and SLSA attestation for all Carvel artefacts #619](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/619) **7 votes**
* 2. `imgpkg` [Ability to extract images from bundles into a registry #60](https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/issues/60) **4 votes**
* 3. `ytt`: [[lang] support emitting comments in resulting YAML #63](https://github.com/carvel-dev/ytt/issues/63) **4 votes**
* 4. `kapp-controller` [Add ability to fetch resources from the cluster #410](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/410) **3 votes**
* Honorable Mentions:
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1048
* https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/789
* Terraform Provider
* Next steps
* **Content**
* Since we last met:
* Choose Your Own Adventure with ytt: https://t.co/1A3MEp7Crx
* ytt won! Thank you!
* This week:
* [What is kbld?](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/saqUgKCS0KI) by Whitney Lee
* Upcoming:
* Blog on 'Deep Dive on Carvel's kbld' by Cora Iberfleid and Leigh Capili, followed by a video series
* **Carvel at KubeCon EU**
* [Project Meeting - Tuesday, April 18, 2:30pm CET](https://sched.co/1JWTN)
* Project Booth in Project Pavilion
* Open Hours:
* Wednesday, April 19, 10:30am–9pm CET
* Thursday, April 20, 10:30am–5:30pm CET
* Friday, April 21, 10:30am–2:30pm CET
* Interested in representing Carvel at the booth? 2-hour shifts available!
* **Releases**
* kapp [v0.55.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp/releases/tag/v0.55.0)
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* kctrl
* "When adding a package repo, include option to create the namespace if not existing" => PR in review ( https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/pull/1113)
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* UX design help - is having an "empty" value for the target-cluster reasonable ==> [PR](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/pull/1115) / [Issue](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1103)
➜ kapp-controller git:(develop) ✗ k get App
caddy-app 2d20h
nginx-app 2d20h
simple-app 38h
➜ kapp-controller git:(develop) ✗ k get App -o wide
caddy-app 2d20h
nginx-app ebayk-cluster-kubeconfig 2d20h
simple-app 38h
➜ kapp-controller git:(develop) ✗
* Update of description in #carvel Slack channel
# February 23, 2023 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Scott Rosenberg (TeraSky)
2. Thomas Vitale (Systematic)
3. Rohit Aggarwal (VMware)
4. Kumari Tanushree (VMware)
5. Varsha Munishwar (VMware)
6. Nanci Lancaster (VMware)
7. Praveen Rewar (VMware)
8. Joao Pereira (VMware)
### Announcements
* Final survey seeking community input for our 2023 roadmap!
* Please fill out [this form](https://forms.gle/iCVeMFca4L5Y1kAM7) by EOD TODAY to indicate what you think the team should prioritize working on next.
* Huge thank you to those that gave input on issues to add to this form:
* Scott Rosenberg
* Thomas Vitale
* Rober van Voorhees
* Guillaume Berche
* **Content**
* Since we last met:
* Choose Your Own Adventure with kbld: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDInFocQJTU
* This week:
* Choose Your Own Adventure with ytt: https://t.co/1A3MEp7Crx
* Go vote!! https://twitter.com/wiggitywhitney/status/1628080116982067231?s=20
* Upcoming:
* March 14, 6:30PM CET, Cloud Native Luxembourg Community Group: [Intro to Carvel Tooling](https://community.cncf.io/events/details/cncf-luxembourg-presents-introduction-to-carvel-tooling/) livestreamed with João Pereira
* **Releases**
* `imgpkg` [v0.36.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/releases/tag/v0.36.0)
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* **WIP** [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* Please fill out [this form](https://forms.gle/iCVeMFca4L5Y1kAM7) by 11:59pm PT TONIGHT to indicate what you think the team should prioritize working on in 2023.
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* kapp
* Allowing app name to have more than 63 characters (wrapping up the first step, i.e using a new label in app-changes which uses the label generated by kapp instead of using the name)
* kctrl
* Letting users take a look at resources being created by kctrl creation commands (the dry run [issue](https://github.com/carvel-dev/kapp-controller/issues/1029) that Alex raised). We are wrapping some reviews up on this one.
* imgpkg
* working on providing support to copy and describe SBOM and Attestations created by cosign; relevant PR: https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/pull/392
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* x
# February 8, 2023 Agenda
# Did not record // Did not go through with meeting due to lack of quorum
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Renu Yarday (VMWare)
### Announcements
* Seeking community input for our 2023 roadmap!
* Please fill out [this form](https://forms.gle/AdNdRMEfpEYJNom17) by February 15 to indicate what you think the team should prioritize working on in 2023.
* Huge thank you to those that gave input on issues to add to this form:
* Scott Rosenberg
* Thomas Vitale
* Rober van Voorhees
* Guillaume Berche
* **Content**
* This week:
* 8am PT this morning, happening now, Choose Your Own Adventure with kbld: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDInFocQJTU
* Upcoming:
* Feb 21: Choose Your Own Adventure (same as above) this time through ytt
* **Releases**
* x
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
- **WIP** [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
- Please fill out [this form](https://forms.gle/AdNdRMEfpEYJNom17) by February 15 to indicate what you think the team should prioritize working on in 2023.
- [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/vmware-tanzu/projects/16)
- kctrl
- dry run for install/add commands
- kapp
- Wrapping up regex PR (allowing regular expression in kapp config path)
- Allowing app name to have more than 63 characters (step 1 - Use app label as app change label value for apps with name having more than 63 characters. Step 2 - Enhancement: Use app label value for app with name having more than 63 characters and also look into the backward compatibility aspect)
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
- x
# January 25, 2023 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. John Ryan (VMware)
2. Joao Pereira (VMware)
3. scott rosenberg (TeraSky)
4. Varsha Munishwar (VMware)
5. Praveen Rewar (VMware)
6. Rohit Aggarwal (VMware)
7. Kumari Tanushree (VMware)
8. Renu Yarday (VMWare)
9. Nanci Lancaster (VMware)
### Announcements
* CNCF Onboarding update
* Migration complete!
* You can find all of our repos under the new org here: https://github.com/carvel-dev
* Please let us know immediately if you encounter any issues!
* **Content**
* Since Last Meeting:
* ytt was listed as one of the best [DevOps Tools, Platforms, and Services in 2023](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zKYT2I_WhE) by Viktor Farcic
* Upcoming:
* TBD: Blog post on becoming a contributor -> maintainer by Nanci Lancaster
* Need to iron out some more details and processes before publishing
* Feb 8: Choose Your Own Adventure-style journey through the CNCF landscape featuring kbld (thank you, Scott!)
* Feb 21: Choose Your Own Adventure (same as above) this time through ytt (thank you, Cora!)
* **Releases**
* `imgpkg` [v0.35.0](https://github.com/carvel-dev/imgpkg/releases/tag/v0.35.0)
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
- [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
- Still ongoing: Needs to be updated, has not been updated since October.
- If you have any thoughts or ways you want to influence our roadmap, please reach out to us and let us know what would be most helpful to you!
- If there are any specific issues that you know of for any of the tools that you would like to see being worked on, please let us know!
- [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/vmware-tanzu/projects/16)
- kapp
- Allow app names to be have than 63 characters (currently there is a limit because we use the app name as a label value in app change ConfigMaps)
- Garbage collect config maps while deleting app even if it fails
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
- [scott rosenberg] imgpkg - allow keeping full registry structure and or keeping at least image names when relocating images and packages
- [imgpkg-003 Rename images when copying bundles #150](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/150)
- [Proposal Preview](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel-community/blob/960c063ae4a1ed68c3c91963826641de2d8d3815/proposals/imgpkg/003-copy-bundles-with-rename/Readme.md)
- [Open PR](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel-community/pull/22)
- [Joao] Vanity links
- [Scott] Support emitting comments in resulting YAML [#63](https://github.com/carvel-dev/ytt/issues/63)
# January 11, 2023 Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. Aaron Hurley (VMware)
2. Soumik Majumder (VMware)
3. Thomas Vitale (Systematic)
4. John Ryan (VMware)
5. Varsha Munishwar (VMware)
6. Renu Yarday (VMWare)
7. Guillaume Berche (Orange)
8. Nanci Lancaster (VMware)
### Announcements
* CNCF Onboarding update
* Reminder: The migration will have an impact on any projects that are using the carvel tool directly via go libraries. The organization will be changing from `vmware-tanzu` to `carvel-dev` so gomodules will need to be updated to reflect these changes. We will announce in adanced in the #carvel channel on the kubernetes slack, this is an early warning.
* **Content**
* Since last meeting:
* [Enlightning - Carvel: Clean Tools for Cloud Native Problems](https://youtu.be/gsyGOv_Nwb0) with Leigh Capili
* Upcoming:
* Blog post on becoming a contributor -> maintainer by Nanci Lancaster
* Community Content Sharing (this means you :raising_hand: :point_left: )
* Please [signup](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel/blob/develop/processes/weekly-content-sharing.md) to share your Carvel knowledge! All non-Carvel Maintainers will receive a t-shirt as a thank you!
* **Releases**
* none since last meeting
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
- [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
- Needs to be updated, has not been updated since October.
- If you have any thoughts or ways you want to influence our roadmap, please reach out to us and let us know what would be most helpful to you!
- [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/vmware-tanzu/projects/16)
- kapp
- Garbage collect config maps while deleting app even if it fails
- Reducing unnecessary list calls while creating a new app
- Regex matching for paths
- Working with Cristoph to see how kapp can better support kustomize
- Excluding status from diffs
- kctrl
- Discussing how we can go about easing some pain points while getting started with kapp-controller (Thomas' idea) [carvel-kapp-controller#1001](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel-kapp-controller/issues/1001), [carvel-kapp-controller#1043](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel-kapp-controller/issues/1043)
- imgpkg
- [imgpkg tag list without the .imgpkg tags](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel-imgpkg/issues/459)
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
- Making kapp friendlier towards Custom Resources with stable APIs from other projects.
- Praveen creating issue during meeting, will add link soon!(kapp [#668](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel-kapp/issues/668))
- Integration of ytt as a flux controller ? (From Guillaume Berche @Orange)
- Similar work: https://kluctl.io/docs/flux/
- https://kluctl.io/docs/kluctl/reference/templating/
- Guillaume opened an issue in the kapp_controller repo to share ideas there: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel-kapp-controller/issues/1048
- Is there community members that are using Carvel tools to bring continuous integration use-cases such as running tests, merging branches, etc...
- Leigh Capili (@stealthybox on K8s Slack)
# [Date] Agenda
If you are using any of the Carvel tools, please add details on your usage in this pinned issue: [Are you using Carvel?](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/issues/213)
### Attendees (Please add your name + organization below)
1. x
### Announcements
* **x**
* **Content**
* Since we last met:
* x
* This week:
* x
* Upcoming:
* x
* Community Content Sharing (this means you :raising_hand: :point_left: )
* Please [signup](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel/blob/develop/processes/weekly-content-sharing.md) to share your Carvel knowledge! All non-Carvel Maintainers will receive a t-shirt as a thank you!
* **Releases**
* `project`
### Status Updates / What's Being Worked On Since Last Meeting
* [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/carvel-dev/carvel/blob/develop/ROADMAP.md)
* [Backlog](https://github.com/orgs/carvel-dev/projects/1)
* x
### Discussion Topics
_(Something you'd like to share/ask? add it here!👇)_
* x