Are we mid-way through a steep correction or about to bounce? Probability may favour the bears at this point but as always nothing in crypto is certain. EOS had its big moment - did disappoint? Checkout out the video below by Investing With A Difference for an upbeat assessment. Bitcoin SV pumped mysteriously, KIK and the SEC locked horns as did the US and China over an ever-expanding trade dispute. Never a dull moment.
As usual, I’ve selected the articles etc. because I found them enlightening, compelling or challenging in some fashion. I don’t necessarily agree with the sentiments of each Tweet or article but aim to provide a door into the competing narratives that comprise crypto.
This cogent argument for acquiring at least one BTC. Also highly recommend the podcast featuring the CEO of Blockchain - lots of high value crypto information here though delivered in a very casual manner.
Perhaps the Howey test needs to be changed in relation to crypto?:
Settle-in an epic tweet-storm on 'Satoshi's vision':
A brief tour of global market metrics:
A brief account of why Ari Paul got into and still supports crypto:
BTC pullbacks can be a longtime in coming:
Hodling visualized:
Cause math:
Dan Larimer on privacy/freedom of speech (hot topic):
Financially high risk times we live in (recommended but perhaps somewhat overstating the risk):
Decentralization of the internet will take time but…:
Money now and in the future:–-4–––0–––––––––––-
Supply based blockchain - basic explanation:
Enter blockchain - rewriting the internet:
Voice is going to be awhile:
Investors have had it good - perhaps too much so?:
Personal finance may not simply be about efficiency (non-crypto):
A return to city states? (fascinating):
Exploring the history of custodial versus non-custodial solutions for Bitcoin (highly recommended):
The first of a 5-part series focusing on how to make the most of the next crypto bull run:
A developer's take on owning 1 Bitcoin (and then some):
Short, sweet and part of the answer to 'Why don't people send their Bitcoin?':
A positive take on's June 1st announcements (Use your own judgement):
Brave now has a dedicated metric tracker:
That's it for this week's journey down the crypto rabbit hole. Until next time! A always, looking forward to your comments and suggestions.
Twitter & Reddit (cryptos current meta-brains) / Medium / Trybe / Hackernoon / Whaleshares / TIMM and so on/ YouTube / various podcasts and whatever else I stumble upon. The aim is a useful weekly aggregator of ideas rather than news. Though I try to keep the sources current – I’ll reference these articles and podcasts etc. as I encounter them – they may have been published just a couple of days ago or in some cases quite a bit earlier.
Also pubished on TIMM.
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