The BTCR resolver driver process:
"resolver-specific envelope": "blahblah",
"doesn't matter to DID spec": true,
"resultDid": {
"@context": "",
"id": "did:btcr:mytxid",
"publicKey": [ {
"id": "did:btcr:mytxid#key-1",
"owner": "did:btcr:mytxid"
"type": "EdDsaSAPublicKeySecp256k1",
"publicKeyHex": "02b97c30de767f084ce3080168ee293053ba33b235d7116a3263d29f1450936b71",
"timestamp": "XXXX"
"authentication": [{
"type": "EdDsaSAPublicKeySecp256k1Authentication",
"publicKey": "#keys-1"
"service": {[
"type": "BTCREndpoint",
"serviceEndpoint": ""
"timestamp": "XXXX"
"SatoshiAuditTrail": {[
"chain": "testnet3",
"blockhash": "00000000b3487880b2814da8c0a6b545453d88945dc29a7b700f653cd7e9cdc7",
"blockindex": 1,
"outputindex": 1,
"blocktime": 1499502050,
"time": 1499501000,
"timereceived": 1499501000,
"burn-fee": -0.05
// fields found in BTCREndpoint marked using JSON type "DID Document"
"future DID-spec term_a" : {
"future DID-spec term_b: : {
// Excluded from this diddoc are some other things allowed in
// the files storing patches to the diddoc, when using it like a
// "bag of keys". One example would be verifiable claims stored
// in the same github document as a BTCREndpoint.
// Here the method resolver, sometimes also called the method
// driver, may add a signature (which is out of scope for the DID
// spec), confirming that it looked these things up on the
// blockchain then-current, and merged all applicable patches
// found following the BTCREndpoint algorithm. The resolver will
// have stripped any signature from a BTCREndpoint file on a
// mutable filesystem, since it MUST at minimum add its own
// SatoshiAuditTrail section.
Open questions:
how to represent updates?
Ryan claims that proofs about update are not proper for the DID document, other than to require methods to provide a way to do updates. Why should a client app need to know about updates? The DID spec should not try to provide a signed DID Document that is JSON-LD self-complete. Instead, trust in the method resolver is needed.
This also means we can remove the following (which I have now removed from the above example):
"update": {[
// update is implicit
// Optional: txout index
"type": "BTCRTip",
"serviceEndpoint": "bitcoinaddress"
Should this be part of the audit trail? (Ryan thinks yes. Any objections?)
At which layer is this happening? is it a requirement of the universal resolver? or is this simply returning info from which this can be determined? (Ryan doesn't know what a universal resolver does. halp.)
How to represent timestamp?
Should the BTCR spec demand that compliant method resolvers sign the returned DID Document (diddo), using a standard envelope? (This, even though it's out of scope for the DID spec.)