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28 February 2023
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(*you can copy paste this example and add your code further down*)
## Yellow sticky notes
No yellow sticky notes online. Put your name + " | " and add a "*" each time you solve a challenge (see below).
## Participants
Name | Challenges
--- | ---
Damiano Oldoni | ***
Pieter Huybrechts | ****
Dirk Maes | ***
Heleen Deroo | *
An Leyssen | **
Wouter Depaepe | **
Raïsa Carmen | ****
Nele Mullens |
Arc'hantael Labriere |
Zoé Hermans |
Wim Kuypers | *
Amber Mertens | ***
Joppe Massant | **
Ioannis Rallis | **
Adriaan Seynaeve | ***
## Challenge 1
### Pieter's solution
``` r
# Display first 8 rows; display the last 8 rows.
## dplyr equivalents, I'm not sure when you'd use one over the other
slice_head(partridge,n = 8)
slice_tail(partridge,n = 8)
## or you can even do this with square brackets!
# Select columns wbe and date.
select(partridge,wbe,date) #tidy evaluation
select(partridge,c(wbe,date)) # usin
select(partridge,c("wbe","date")) #standard evaluation
# Display the values of type. How many different values of type are?
# data.table actually has a function for counting unique values
# you can also use distinct instead of unique, distinct is like unique but for
# whole data.frames or columns
partridge %>%
select(type) %>%
distinct %>%
# How to remove observations with type Sound? How to remove observations with
# type Sound and wbe NA?
filter(partridge, type != "Sound")
## you can keep adding filter expresssions
filter(partridge, type != "Sound", !is.na(wbe))
## or combine them
filter(partridge, type != "Sound" & !is.na(wbe))
# Add a new column called seen which is TRUE if type is not "Sound". Add a
# column month with the month of the observation. Tip: use lubridate::month()
# function
month = lubridate::month(date),
seen = type != "Sound")
## or with case_when, useful for more complex cases
## I like to keep my assignment (<-) on a new line, so it's very clear I'm
## creating a new object (overwriting one in this case)
partridge <-
partridge %>%
mutate(month = lubridate::month(date, label = TRUE)) %>%
mutate(seen = case_when(type == "Sound" ~ FALSE,
.default = TRUE))
# Place the column seen after type and month after date
partridge %>%
relocate(month, .after = date) %>%
relocate(seen, .after = type)
## select also allows you to reorder columns, it'll return them in the same order
## as you request them, you can use this together with tidyselect
select(partridge, date, month,
year, wbe, fieldworker, type, seen, xlambert, ylambert)
### An's solution
``` r
# Display first 8 rows; display the last 8 rows.
partridge %>%
slice_head(n = 8)
partridge %>%
slice_tail(n = 8)
# Select columns wbe and date.
partridge %>%
select(wbe, date)
# Display the values of type. How many different values of type are?
partridge %>%
# How to remove observations with type Sound? How to remove observations with type Sound and wbe NA?
partridge %>%
filter(!(type == "Sound"))
partridge %>%
filter(!(type == "Sound"), !is.na(wbe))
# Add a new column called seen which is TRUE if type is not "Sound". Add a column month with the month of the observation. Tip: use lubridate::month() function. Install lubridate package if not yet done.
partridge_2 <- partridge %>%
mutate(seen = ifelse(!(type == "Sound"), TRUE, FALSE),
month = lubridate::month(date))
# Place the column seen after type and month after date
partridge_3 <- partridge_2 %>%
select(date, month, wbe, fieldworker, type, seen, xlambert:year)
partridge_3 <- partridge_2 %>%
relocate(seen, .after = type) %>%
relocate(month, .after = date)
### Amber's solution
# Display first 8 rows; display the last 8 rows.
head(partridge, 8)
tail(partridge, 8)
# Select columns wbe and date.
select(partridge, wbe, date)
# Display the values of type. How many different values of type are?
# or:
distinct(partridge, type)
count(distinct(partridge, type))
# How to remove observations with type Sound? How to remove observations with type Sound and wbe NA?
partridge %>% filter(type != "Sound")
partridge %>% filter(type != "Sound",
# Add a new column called seen which is TRUE if type is not "Sound". Add a column month with the month of the observation. Tip: use lubridate::month() function. Install lubridate package if not yet done.
# Place the column seen after type and month after date
partridge %>% mutate(
seen = case_when(
type != "Sound" ~ TRUE,
month = lubridate::month(date, label = TRUE, abbr = FALSE)
) %>%
seen, .after = type
) %>%
relocate(month, .after = date)
### Joppe's Solution
``` r
### 1. Display first 8 rows; display the last 8 rows.
head(partridge, 8)
tail(partridge, 8)
### 2. Select columns wbe and date.
### 3. Display the values of type. How many different values of type are?
distinct(partridge, type)
count(distinct(partridge, type))
### 4. How to remove observations with type Sound? How to remove observations with type Sound and wbe NA?
filter(partridge, !(type == 'Sound'))
filter(partridge, !(type == 'Sound') & !is.na(wbe))
partridge <- mutate(partridge, seen=!(type == 'Sound'))
partridge <- mutate(partridge, month=month(date))
### 5.
# Relocate was wellicht cleaner
col_order <- c("date", "month", "wbe", "fieldworker", "type", "seen", "xlambert",
"ylambert", "year")
partridge <- partridge[, col_order]
### Arc'hantael's solution
``` r
# 1- Display the first 8 rows; display the last 8 rows
head(partridge, 8)
tail(partridge, 8)
# 2- Select columns wbe and date
partridge %>% select(wbe, date)
# 3- display the values of type. How many different values of type are there?
partridge %>% count(type)
# 4- How to remove observations with type Sound? How to remove observations with
# type Sound and wbe NA?
partridge %>% filter(type != "Sound", wbe != "NA")
# 5- Add a new column called seen which is TRUE if type is not "Sound". Add a
# new column month with the month of the observation. Tip: use lubridate::month
# function.
partridge %>% mutate(seen = case_when(type != "Sound" ~ TRUE),
month = month(date))
## Challenge 2
### Pieter's solution
``` r
# How many observations per WBE? Save it as overview_partridge as we will use it
# in challenge 3.
overview_partridge <-
partridge %>%
group_by(wbe) %>%
# How many observations per WBE and type?
partridge %>%
group_by(wbe, type) %>%
# Order the previous output per n_obs (descending order), wbe (ascending order)
# and type (alphabetically).
partridge %>%
group_by(wbe, type) %>%
tally(name = "n_obs") %>% # or add_tally() or add_count()
# For each month, return the wbe with the highest number of observations and
# report the number of observations for those wbe that month.
## filter can actually group internally, summarise is probably easier to read?
partridge %>%
group_by(wbe, month) %>%
tally(name = "n_obs") %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(n_obs == max(n_obs), .by = month)
### Nele's solution
``` r
## 2.1 How many observations per WBE? Save it as overview_partridge as we will use it in challenge 3.
overview_partridge <- count(partridge, wbe)
## 2.2 How many observations per WBE and type?
count(partridge, wbe, type) %>% View()
## 2.3 Order the previous output per n_obs (descending order),
## wbe (ascending order) and type (alphabetically).
partridge %>%
group_by(wbe, type) %>%
count(name = "n_obs") %>%
arrange(desc(n_obs), wbe, type)
### Amber's solution
``` r
## CHALLENGE 2 - Summaries
# How many observations per WBE? Save it as overview_partridge as we will use it in challenge 3.
overview_partridge <- partridge %>% group_by(wbe) %>% summarise(n_obs = n())
# How many observations per WBE and type?
# Order the previous output per n_obs (descending order), wbe (ascending order) and type (alphabetically).
partridge %>% group_by(wbe, type) %>%
summarise(n_obs = n()) %>%
.by_group = FALSE)
# For each month, return the wbe with the highest number of observations and report the number of observations for those wbe that month.
partridge %>%
group_by(month, wbe) %>%
summarise(n_obs = n()) %>%
arrange(month, desc(n_obs)) %>%
slice(1) %>%
### Joppe's solution
``` r
### 1. How many observations per WBE? Save it as overview_partridge as we will use it in challenge 3.
overview_partridge <- count(partridge, wbe)
### 2. How many observations per WBE and type?
count(partridge, wbe, type)
### 3. Order the previous output per n_obs (descending order), wbe (ascending order) and type (alphabetically).
partridge %>%
count(wbe, type) %>%
arrange(desc(n), wbe, type)
### 4. For each month, return the wbe with the highest number of observations and report the number of observations for those wbe that month.
partridge %>%
group_by(month, wbe) %>%
count() %>%
group_by(wbe) %>%
summarise(n = max(n))
## Challenge 3
### Raisa
WBE <- read_csv("./data/20230228/20230228_wbe_info.txt", na = "")
overview_partridge %>%
left_join(WBE, by = join_by(wbe))
WBE %>% right_join(overview_partridge, by = join_by(wbe))
WBE %>% anti_join(partridge, by = "wbe")
overview_partridge %>% inner_join(WBE, by = join_by(wbe))
overview_partridge %>%
full_join(WBE, by = join_by(wbe)) %>%
replace_na(list(n_obs = 0))
### Pieter's solution
# read the game management units details
WBE <- read_csv("./data/20230228/20230228_wbe_info.txt", na = "")
# Add WBE details in WBE to overview_partridge (where available)
## I don't need to tell it to join by what column, as the data.frames only have
## one column with the same name
overview_partridge %>%
left_join(WBE, by = "wbe")
# How are the columns ordered? Are the columns of overview_partridge on the
# left? Try to put them on the right.
inner_join(WBE, overview_partridge, keep = TRUE) %>%
filter(!is.na(n)) # keep only partridge wbe rows
## this approach will drop rows with no wbe (with wbe is NA)
## check first if you actually have a match in WBE for all overview_partridge
right_join(WBE, overview_partridge)
## I prefer reordering columns after a join in a seperate step
overview_partridge %>%
left_join(WBE, by = "wbe") %>%
select(colnames(WBE), colnames(overview_partridge))
# Which WBEs are not in partridge, i.e. are not linked to any observation?
anti_join(WBE, partridge) %>%
pull(wbe) %>%
# You don't need to use joins to get to this answer
setdiff(pull(WBE,wbe), pull(partridge,wbe))
# Some observations have a missing value for column wbe and some WBEs have no
# observations at all. Get rid of them while joining.
inner_join(WBE, overview_partridge)
# Now, join both again but retain ALL EXISTING WBEs. Set the number of
# observations equal to 0 for all WBEs where no partridges were observed.
full_join(overview_partridge, WBE) %>%
mutate(n = case_when(is.na(n) ~ 0,
.default = n)) %>%
### Nele's solution
# 3.1 Add WBE details in WBE to overview_partridge (where available)
overview_partridge <- left_join(overview_partridge, WBE, by = "wbe")
# 3.2 How are the columns ordered? Are the columns of overview_partridge on the left? Try to put them on the right.
#overview_partridge <- overview_partridge %>%
relocate(wbe, .after = province) %>% relocate(n, .after = wbe)
WBE %>% right_join(overview_partridge, by = join_by(wbe))
right_join(WBE, overview_partridge, by = "wbe") %>% view()
## Bonus challenge 1
### Pieter's solution
# if there are a lot of columns to pivot, you can use tidyselect
cols = c("english_name", "dutch_name", "french_name"),
names_to = "language",
values_to = "vernacular_name"
) %>%
# regex magic is also possible instead
mutate(language = stringr::str_remove(language, stringr::fixed("_name"))) %>%
mutate(language = dplyr::case_match(language,
"english" ~ "en",
"dutch" ~ "nl",
"french" ~ "fr"))
### Raisa
ias <- ias %>% pivot_longer(cols = 2:4,
values_to = "vernacular_name",
names_to = "language",
names_pattern = "(.*)_name") %>%
mutate(language = ifelse(language == "dutch",
str_sub(language, 1, 2)))
## Bonus challenge 2
### Example code Amber
Stukje code wat ik een tijd geleden geschreven heb toen ik pas net met R begon te werken, grote kans dat er dus ruimte is voor verbetering.
``` r
# Minimal reproducible example for coding club 20230228
# starting from a dataframe (result from other part of the process) with surface area per vegetation sub-categories for two different years and the difference in the area for these two years
# goal is to summarize these values per simplified/main categories (and removing NAs).
# Names of these simplified categories are given in a separate vector
# and column names are given as variables (because it had to be executed for many different year combinations)
# data
df <- structure(list(Code = c("A", "B1", "B2", "I1", "I2", "I3", "I4", "U1", "U2", "W"),
Habitat = c("Akker", "Wilg", "Berk", "Riet", "Lisdodde", "Mix Riet & Lisdodde", "Heen", "Ruigte type 1", "Ruigte type 2 ", "Water"),
`2013` = c(NA, 0.049591440864666, NA, 0.042735889211246, 0.248358365784165, 0.0977590620561381, NA, NA, 0.559824776974386, 3.68812422563596),
`2017` = c(NA, 0.049591440864666, NA, 0.042735889211246, 0.248358589051378, 0.0977590620561381, NA, NA, 0.352468819308082, 3.68812409798934),
Verschil = c(NA, 0, NA, 0, 2.23267212828837e-07, 0, NA, NA, -0.207355957666304, -1.27646623937494e-07)),
row.names = c(NA, -10L),
class = "data.frame")
categories_simple = c(
"A" = "Akker",
"B" = "Bos & struweel",
"I" = "Riet",
"M" = "Moeras",
"P" = "Pionier",
"U" = "Ruigte",
"W" = "Water",
"Z" = "Open zand"
year1 <- "2013"
year2 <- "2017"
df %>%
# get rid of na rows
filter(!is.na(year1) & !is.na(year2) & !is.na(Verschil)) %>%
# take only the letter part of the code using regex (to go from sub-categories to main categories)
mutate(code_simple = str_extract(Code, "[A-Za-z]+")) %>%
# group by main category and summarize the surface area values
group_by(code_simple) %>%
summarise(!!as.name(year1) := sum(!!as.name(year1)),
!!as.name(year2) := sum(!!as.name(year2)),
Verschil = sum(Verschil)) %>%
# change the code of main categories to the names found in the vector given above
mutate(Hoofdeenheid = recode(code_simple, !!!categories_simple)) %>%
# change the position of the new column
relocate(Hoofdeenheid, .after = code_simple) %>%
# remove the code column