![5 Essential Tips for Beginner Service-Based Businesses](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/By-9VmzbR.png) If you're a beginner, your job is to get your foot in the door. Do everything to make that happen. Here's what I'll tell myself if I was starting a service-based business today: 1. **Define your niche.** You need to determine: a. what service do you want to offer and b. who do you want to offer it to. 2. **Have multiple income streams.** Don't rely on just one client or one platform. Remember that if more than 50% of your income comes from one client, you're not a freelancer - you're a part-time employee without benefits. This is how you gain [financial security](https://rntble.com/financial-security-as-a-freelancer/) for your service busines. 3. **Optimize your profiles and build a great portfolio.** If you're starting out, offer free work in exchange for a testimonial. Over deliver on the trial work, then upsell your service after. 4. **Learn how to market and sell your services.** Reach out to your ideal clients in the platforms they're active in. 5. **Raise your rates.** It takes more effort and resources to work for a cheap client compared to a premium one, with a lot less stress. If you know what you bring to the table, [you can’t be afraid to eat alone](https://rntble.com/financial-security-as-a-freelancer/). Learn to get leads not likes.