Enter ./clean.sh to create the Job_JobName file as follow as:
sbatch {Job_Name}
Step6: Check run.card
All of the information are in the “run.card” file, so we usually type cat run.card to check the job state.
Set up output variables
Choose the variable levels in a new tasks
To find the run.def in a new task.
Path: {New Task Folder}/ PARAM/ run.def
Set up levels of variables
Assign CPU resources
Edit AA_job file
Path: /ORC_4262/libIGCM/AA_job
#SBATCH --job_name=::Jobname:: (a dynamic variable for job name)
#SBATCH --ntasks = ::JobNumProcTot:: (a dynamic variable for number of cores, CPU)
#SBATCH –account=MST111248 (project name for accounting CPU resources)
#SBATCH -p ct56 (queue_name depend on the available queue in the system )
#SBATCH -o output script for your job
ferret layout
use pic1
set view left
shade height[K=2, L=1]
use pic2
set view right
shade height[K=2, L=1]
frame /files=test2.gif