--- tags: code-is-science --- # Code is Science 2022 tech team meeting notes :::info Yo Yehudi is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Code is Science Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99110462365 Meeting ID: 991 1046 2365 ::: ## 2022-07-15 ### Present - Isaac - Padma - Yo - Devesh ## Notes: Dependency issues - difficulty installing packages from npm. Maybe try yarn? ## 2022-05-20 ### Present: - Yo - Pritish - Tiz ## Notes GSOC! WOOHOO, two students. - Pritish will work on the community site and set up a blog so students can post weekly updates. - Make sure to have clear weekly goals. - GitHub tickets to track - Heroku had some vulnerabilities - GSoC Meetings: - 1 week separate frontend/backend, 1 week team meetings. - Yo's calendar: https://calendly.com/yo-yehudi/1hour?month=2022-05 <-- use this if you want to invite Yo to the mentor meeting :sparkles: - Tiz's tips: - Reserve time for code reviews for students. - Small PRs are easier to work with than big ones ## 2022-02-18 ### Present: - Yo - Pritish - Isaac - Padmaja ### GSoC - https://hackmd.io/@ols-4/gsoc-outreachy-2022-ideas - ready to submit ### Current open tickets - Thanks Padmaja for reviewing - Yo to review other front-end tickets. - Backend - Pritish to review and close any that aren't needed anymore. ## 2022-01-21 ### Present: - Yo - Pritish - Isaac - Shabik - Abhibhaw - Padmaja ## Notes - 2021: - GSoC - design for frontend redesigned - backend implemented. - Frontend on netlify - Backend Heroku - Just bugs to solve. User signup bug. - 2022: - Pritish considering moving to node - take forward with Tiz. - Shabik interested in contributing, will need good mentor. - Onboarding docs project. - Time to start - [GSoC Project ideas](https://hackmd.io/UA0JSF1LSvGi-ZPBxwjo2Q) - [Pritish] - Approach DigitalOcean for sponsorship - Go ahead! :) - [Link to the form](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1P1ZqpxgKtiNibtWs53dLeCBmfp47Nqi6QlRg74lbsAc/mobilebasic#) - Approach Vercel for their premium subscription(I've seen folks approaching them) - Let's wait until we're in prod and tested. - I guess we've to draft a mail for the same - [Isaac] - Refactor some of the code in the Front-end repo. To avoid too much dependency on frameworks and make it easier for new contributors and students to make contributions to the project.