Note: M3taloot has been chosen to be the main ingredient for M3 season 1!
Thread from Oct 15th:
No art, no leader, no core dev, no roadmap, free to mint, on-chain, CC0, text-only NFTs. Pure raw ingredients for open creation and catalysts for decentralized coordination.
Contract src is uploaded:
Less is more, NFTs boiled down to their primitives
Here's a couple articles to refresh your memory with, recommended for anyone reading this:
Loot variations with links to announcement tweets:
Great thread:
If you're interested in loot and aren't following Timshel you should:
Core group of pepole working on a trailer also:
Presentation video:
The current 2D visualizers are cool for pfps, trading cards, and perhaps tabletop games, but aren't that great for other types of game dev.
I think the real fun for others begins with an open 3D asset library. 3D assets have a lot more versatility to become rendered 2D art, sprites, avatar wearables, etc.
M3taloot = open and remixable 3D loot asset library for avatars and game dev
Many people are going to own 3D avatars soon, we want to create a collection which unites our communities through wearables. Loot is a perfect fit because of how accessible it is and what it can teach us about composability + interoperability.
The 3D NFT avatar projects would be all more able to use loot by modding the initial collection to fit their avatar base models.
Perhaps there will be an event in the Internet Cinematic Universe that catalyzes the drive to do so, similar to the "suits on for Christies" meme.
We also want to build a culture of makers and builders which the loot ecosystem aligns with. We're making things that make things, which is the sort of thing that makers want.
Goal #1 - Get on
Make PR on website:
Note: Best for composability is to simply follow the same style guide as
Suggestions for M3taloot section:
Bundle onto a single avatar / knight stand GLB
Unbundle and mint separately (per unbundled loot NFT)
See announcement tweet:
LootLoose lets you unbundle your Loot Bags into individual item NFTs or rebundle items into their original Loot Bags.
It works by transfering your ERC721 Loot bag to the contract, and it proceeds to mint you 8 ERC1155 tokens, with IDs corresponding to the item slot (head, neck, …) and the item’s “components” from @dhof's LootComponents.sol contract.
Floor is ~3 ETH
Present these ideas at the community call for feedback:
Estimate 80-120 ETH into M3 DAO treasury
Cryptovoxel wearables have all been made, can start selling or make it part of an expansion pack. M3taloot can also become a mint pass for future drops.
First PR the website with M3taloot addition
(These are all ideas, open to feedback / suggestions)
Get dank anime style 2D art of interoperable ICU avatars wearing assets, hero image
Have 3D avatars wearing the loot and posing in video / photo shoots:
Makes it like a fun game we're all larping, similar to South Park The Stick of Truth.
Teaser content with closeup shots, cool music, perhaps a fireball or logo at end? See from%3Apolygonalmind&src=typed_query
Side by side or fade effect of a loot NFT and full 3D display. Perhaps go through lots of loot bags like a film reel, zooming out, then 3D loot variations.
The next drop after M3taloot GLB NFTs can be digi-physical trading cards. I think its a great idea to follow up with because it demonstrates the composability aspect for all the new M3taloot holders + XR community and creates a set of assets that we can mimic fun game-dev ideas and on-chain interactions with.
So many ppl dream about games made with loot, but we haven't quite figured out what is fun to do with loot just yet.
Trading cards are a primitive in which we can larp out ideas like buffs, spells, quests, and other mechanics. The best concepts can make their way to become new assets and code for on-chain interactions. Send to graveyard can represent burn, buff can represent composability, etc. This can all happen on L2.
Webaverse has a trading card generator pipeline prepared. NFTs that are minted from the dashboard or discord bot are given a trading card representation.
If interested in a more technical flow chart, there's some documentation here:
I found a trading card game manufacturer ( that can do shiny text and holographic cards, the real quality stuff! For the loot trading cards we can open up a window to sell the NFTs first to figure out how many to order. Fulfillment is something that MetaFactory can help us with.
The card art can also act as an image tracker for AR and VR. The hologram could start out as something simple like a rotating 3D model of the item, just to start with.
Eventually however, with enough interest we can create very cool custom animations with the cards to make a yugioh show game feel to it. The cards can come to life with attack and defend animations.
Unbundle loot into trading card pack?
Mint fee to create cards of loot bag?
Should the RNG stats on trading card loot mean something?
What should the card back art be?
Rarity = silver text / holographic?
Metaloot is a project by Metafactory which embroiders physical garments according to the persons loot bag. The merch is purchasable with $AGLD, aligning our communities while maintaining the larp.
Announcement tweet:
Redemption windows for the custom physical merch collections + single wearable will be announced and updated here. Secondary:
Luxury apparel for your Loot Bags. This token can be burned to redeem a physical bag of 1/1 handcrafted apparel/accessories custom embroidered with the adventurer gear in your Loot Bag; plus a 3D metaverse wearable NFT. Synthetic or OG Loot. Free shipping worldwide included. Redemptions to open ~November 2021. Physical Content: Drawstring Loot Bag, Hoodie, Pants, Hat, Socks, Gaiter, Gloves. (Subject to change.)
Price: 420 $AGLD
Also works with Synthetic Loot. Every Ethereum address has a Synthetic Loot Bag:
3rd Party Synthetic Loot Viewing Tools:
Maybe we can do something with LootRealms, turn into 3D glTF NFTs or visualize with webgl / webxr? Setup home spaces here?
There's a DCL project to build an MMO which can be a cool way for loot owners to claim bags of DCL wearables.
Create M3taloot parcels in various virtual worlds (VRChat, Webaverse, Cryptovoxels, Somnium Space, Decentraland).
Perhaps just as we have an outpost in the loot project discord, there can be outposts in other vitrual world community discords. This can tie into the Rarity Discord bot ideas below.
Same recipe, but lower barrier to entry and different flavor. I like to think these universes will coexist, which flash imagery of GTA mods invading Skyrim.
Website reminds me of with an web desktop design and dopeTV playlist. The discord also feels like a virtual hackerspace, good vibes for modding / remix culture and metadata NFTs.
The DAO has nearly a milli from opensea royalties and the sales of Hustlers to build with. How's that for a virtual hackerspace G?
Some stuff coming up soon (posted Nov 27)
If you want to learn more check out this DOPE and PAPER tldr by Wolf Crypto.
Currently have a repo setup for making dopewars 3D assets:
Need to collect images / reference art for all the assets before starting 3D mock-ups, good task for anyone who wants to stack some $paper.
Made hoodie / tshirt designs for Dope Wars, can do same thing as and let people pay with $PAPER for fresh merch. Stack that $paper son.
AndreCronjeTech had ideas about game mechanics where instead of dropping the loot NFTs first, you can summon a hero for free and then earn XP and gold on-chain (quick and cheap on the fantom network) to craft the NFTs with.
Summoners are heros that are free to mint. You can pick a class and level them up. Several people have written UIs on top of this smart contract, pictured below is
The main draw seems to be that in Rarity you earn the NFTs by leveling your character up, acquiring gold, learning skills, and crafting. The NFTs that you craft can then be sold on the open market. It's exploring a proof of work / play to earn direction.
Rarity has amazing features with very fantasy D&D lore which I think would be more fun playing with friends in discord. Other ppl in servers can watch and learn, which is great for crypto onboarding.
Discord bots can be a great UI/UX to implement the fun features we discover with M3taloot.
EPIC RPG bot is a good inspiration:
Also Piggy, a bot with >4M members across >122k servers which lets you earn crypto currencies when playing:
Metadata NFTs are potent seeds for DAOs, but I haven't really seen much DAO tooling in these communities yet besides snapshot and collab land.
I wonder what tools like sourcecred / coordinape to measure objective / subjective data on value creation could do if used properly?
Explain how a DAO will work to build around these ideas
Keep it simple and fun
Group chat -> multi-sig -> NFTs -> Treasury
Explain composability and derivs in a few slides
Example with loottunes or realms project
ASSPlayers builds on ideas like this:
The Dope Wars, Pills Universe, and Ether Orcs are also exploring similar ideas
NFT Chain Rule:
Definition: a meme’s value is proportional to the number of derivatives based on it.
- Singularity - NFT released by dom
- Rapid expansion (week 1) - thousands join, AGLD created, main derivatives, culture solidifies through governance debates
- Cool down - entering building phase (where we are now)
"Composability is to software as compounding interest is to finance.” - @cdixon
Airdrops for loot NFT holders:
Copycat projects are coming:
One really interesting mechanism is generating loot for pre-existing NFT projects, with traits that are related to the universe.