# Leaders Meeting - Playground: https://www.rustexplorer.com/ - Date: Oct. 9th 2023 - Last Weekly meeting agenda: https://hackmd.io/2of1Uu2oRbGgVIHVlgCy3w?view ## Topics - Our meeting time - Opinion on the agenda topics - Pinged the t-compiler for an official calendar, and hackmd note team ### Notes - High level strategy and goals - MCP had a 1 year reevaluation date - How to manage the working group? Where to publish notes? - mdbook website - track where people are working - Everyone likes the reading club - Especially previously history of Rust macros - How to do triage? - Asynchronous 24 hour meetings on Zulip - Eric likes the idea. Challenge will be tracking decisions. Zulip polls might help, and a two phase process to summarize discussion and ratify decisions. - Be notified about changes to macro system - Helps us learn - Figure out who's interested in what kind of work - auto-tag @wg-macros - Want to avoid the failure where no one knows we are working on macros - reason for triage: there are known issues already, make sure we understand them and can make a plan for the right way to resolve them - Team introduction threads on #wg-async - why interested in wg-async? - any relevant background or expertise? - Our meeting time - after wg-async triage, but flexible on times if break is needed - Might need to restructure triage/reading club meetings after a few weeks --- Eric's goals and strategies: 1. Earn the respect of the rest of the Rust Project - especially T-compiler 2. Build expertise in the Rust macro system - understand the current state of the macro system 3. (longer term) drive the implementation of Rust macros More internally focused for the near term - build our own expertise before we start trying to drive things externally. ---