# Leaders Meeting - Playground: https://www.rustexplorer.com/ - Date: Oct. 9th 2023 - Last Weekly meeting agenda: https://hackmd.io/OKHKZwy_QsGE25QwoLgpgw ## Topics - What expect from the triage meeting - https://rust-lang.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/410876-wg-macros.2Ftriage/topic/triage.20meeting.202023-10-20 - What do we mean by assignee? - Assignee field on GitHub is kind of like a mutex, not everyone will know if wg-macros uses it differently so we might discourage new contributors if they see an assignee. - Having someone listed as an expert or mentor would be good. Adding that as a comment on the issue is probably a good way to do that, at least for now. - We want to make a PR for the Forge that defines E-mentor label. - Reading club first steps - https://rust-lang.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/404510-wg-macros/topic/Reading.20Club.20-.20topics - IRLO has lots of threads about macros, could be a source for reading club and background. - https://internals.rust-lang.org/t/pre-rfc-sandboxed-deterministic-reproducible-efficient-wasm-compilation-of-proc-macros/19359/ - Need to set a time, maybe use one of our weekly meetings. - Using triage day polls to pick topic. - How to get external feedback? What do people like? How does the community use macros, both in Rust and outside of Rust? ### Notes