# TTW Core Team 3-month Check-in - 9 June 2023 :::success Note of notes for Core/Organisational Team: https://hackmd.io/@turingway/ttw-team-note-of-notes ::: Meeting information: :::info https://turing-uk.zoom.us/j/92314453636?pwd=alU5MnJuT1NIZ3kzT3RnUk1lQmRjUT09 Meeting ID: 923 1445 3636 Passcode: 871311 ::: ### Code of conduct _The Turing Way_ Code of conduct applies to this call. * [Take a moment to read this](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) * For any question or concern please reach out to Malvika and Anne (msharan@turing.ac.uk, asteele@turing.ac.uk). --- ==NOTE: Malvika and Alex have structured the questions and moved them to the Google sheet for review purpose== https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gjAtPCgk8Izh-xB1iK56wDOTe2ygHq5NG_-WFEPX-40/edit#gid=1687914303 Comment from Malvika: It is not at all easy to work on HackMD when a proper table based review is needed. Therefore, I have moved them to have it followed up via the Google sheet. --- # Agenda and notes ## Welcome :hourglass_flowing_sand: **Schedule:** --- | Duration | Activity | | ---- | -------- | | Start - 5min | 👋 Welcome & review of agenda | | 05 mins | Check-in & starting question | | 05 mins | Clarifying governance progress | | 40 mins | Guided discussion for core team (05 min solo, 10 min small group you know, 10 min small randomised group, 15 min all the group) | | 05 mins | Gathering references & suggestions for governance | | 5 mins | Wrap up & Next steps | ## Check-in Question (~5 minutes) [ Anne ] **Name + Pronouns + Team/WG/Collab with TTW + Would you be able to attend this Core Team Meeting if rescheduled for 3pm (in your timezone) on Thursdays? + an emoji for how you are feeling! (emoji cheatsheet)** ** * Batool (She/Her), Localisation Team , :thumbsup: for 3pm, :honeybee: * Bastian + he/him + Infrastructure + yes + :tired_face: * Sophia (she/her), Training + Mentors (and am trying to wiggle my way into the infrastructure team), no (just had to reschedule therapy to thursday around other meetings and have limited flexibility), :honeybee: * Shakir (he/him) RAM Team :thumbsup: * Gabin (he/him) :thumbsup: * Emma (she/her), Trainers and mentor, :thumbsdown: 12-2pm is ok for me * Alejandro (he/him), EDS book, :thumbsup: flexible as it's only once every three months, :desert_island: * Ale (she/her), RPM TTW, yes * Kirstie (she/her) * Alden (she/her), RAM team, trainers & mentors WG, yes, :deciduous_tree: * David (he/him), RPM, would struggle on Thursdays (depends on the month, will make some not others until october), :sunflower: :sunglasses: :sunflower: * Cass (she/her), TPS, not WG yet!, can't attend Thursdays until September 2023, :sun_with_face: * Anne (she/her), yes * Arielle (she/her), Programme Manager TPS, core team meeting on Thursdays at 3pm technically yes... :octopus: * Jim (he/him), Infrastructure WG, :+1:, 🥱 * * Esther (she,her), Editors/reviewers, BookDash, Yes since only once in every three months :), :dancer: * Sarah, she/her, Infrastructure, yes * Hari, he/him, yes * Danny ## Clarifying Governance Progress (5 min) [ Alexandra ] *The Turing Way* Core staff delivery group (Ale, Anne, Arielle, Kirstie and Malvika) are working on the launch of an official Governance document. Based on the pad you answered [at the community call after the Book Dash](https://pad.sfconservancy.org/p/ttw-may2023-communitycall) and [mapped conversations](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T7rx6Kvsj7OsXkFMjOGRgNlqobGTpMaJD8fL-OFMBVc/edit#gid=0) at Coworking meetings and Collaboration Cafe, we have identified 3 main challenges about our current Governance: | Challenge 1 | Challenge 2 | Challenge 3 | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | **Frameworks** | **Strategy** | **Culture** | - Guidelines for WG to make decisions (Decision trees) |- Long-term Structures | - Differences & clarity about paid and volunteers team members | - Guidelines to onboard members and structure for growth (Mountain of Engagement) | - Short-term Structure | - TTW Funding approaches (paying non-Turing members) | - Guidelines for engagement (Personas & Pathways) | - Separating strategic & operational responsibilities | - Who has the power to make decisions? Therefore, we would like to use this meeting to: - Share the Governance documentation documents - 🤫 Draft 1: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z_r0G6dmtlw0icQ_ctkhLG_QxZDhuRZaSTSkGvAVK6w/edit#heading=h.tpy4degl3nyk - 🤫 Draft 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18DvwnQ88Bwo_5QVHNdGBrKf2gQH1-1wqzTrDvGSQ874/edit#heading=h.ffcz13kp42oa - Collect your impressions about *The Turing Way* Decision Making - Individual reflections about your experience & perceptions - Small Group discussions about various aspects of governance: reviewing key needs & getting feedback on sample structures - Ask for references about good Governance documents you have produced or came across that could be useful in preparation for The Turing Way Governance doc. * REMINDER: Reviewing survey (please fill out if you haven't already!): https://forms.gle/dEyWZpcMUEVbpGYm7 **Next actions:** * Identify the sections/headings our Governance documents will * Develop a timeline and consult each section with community members * **Urgent need**: Produce a governance official document ## Guided discussion for core team (30 min) [ Kirstie ] Building on the 1-3-3 all Librating Format (https://www.liberatingstructures.com/1-1-2-4-all/), we will be using this time to learn more about what teams need, and ### Individual question (05 minutes) **What decisions happen in The Turing Way?** *Please add a :hot_pepper: emoji to the decisions that most urgently need documentation or clarification* * Examples: * Who do I tag in a pull request about a topic? * Who applies for conferences? * How do I join a working group? * What tools do we use? * How do we utilise GitHub? * Who decides on who decides things in TTW? * How are conflicts between members resolved? * Who comes to the bookdash? * Who sets the timelines for bookdash? * What makes you a core member? How much time you should give away as a core member? * Who designs the structure of the bookdask? * Who approves images (scriberia drafts)? * Who gives talks about the turing way * How to get funding to go to a conference * What projects get accepted to bookdash * What content ends up in the book * Who is in the working groups * Who designs fun new things like a new landing page? * Who should review a PR * Who do I _nominate_ to review a PR * When to change a policy, process, tool (e.g. if we think something new is better) * When a piece of work is "done" enough to submit a PR +1 * Who decides to apply for funding for The Turing Way? * Which events does TTW sponsor? * Who decides if content is out of scope for TTW? * Who decides if an edit should be a new chapter or just an edit? * Who represents TTW at conferences/events in an official capacity * Who decides when working groups meet? * Who writes the CoC? * Who makes decisiosn on potential breaches of COC? * Who enforces the CoC? * Who is a working group accountable to? * Chairs, co-chairs, Core * Who should fix a broken link if it is urgent (eg, the home page doesn't load)? * Who should fix a broken link if it is not urgent? * Who to consult if you want to revise or restructure a chapter? * Who resolves differences of opinion between the author of a PR and the reviewer? * How do I get further information of the funding (past, present, future) of the TTW? * Who merges a PR? * Who joins coworking on Monday? * How to manage citation/giving credit to the pulling together of ideas * What content is appropriate for TTW * Who can bring a topic to a collaboration cafe? * Who can bring a guest to a collaboration cafe? * How long can sections/chapters etc be? * What roles people have * What events/training etc we run * How to represent whose opinion's is reflected in a subchapter/chapter (not even resolving, just showing)? * How funds are spent? * How much contribution is expected from TPS team members? * How long is too long to leave a post unasnwered in TTW Slack ### Working Group Discussions (10 min) - Set up in advance https://cuckoo.team/ttw-core-team Same question: **What decisions happen in The Turing Way?** * Group 2 - Infrastructure Maintainers Team + Batool from localisation Team * People: Danny, Sarah, Jim, Bastian, Batool * What tools do we use * Who has the authority to choose which ones? N infrastructure maintainers may have N opinions. * What is the process? * Sarah: We need a paid team member (who doesn't need to be fulltime) who does a regular review (yearly?) of the tools that we use, and the alternatives (and how they align to our needs and values) +1 * How do (can) we enforce/support processes through tools or automation (e.g. assigning reviewers, issue triage) * Blocker: * Inability to access org-level settings in GitHub to self-manage ourselves, e.g., creating teams * Who has authority to decide whether to move to org level? * What is the escalation route when you don't know how much permission you have * Historical/technical knowledge (who did this before, why, who is interested in this) * Do we have/want a BDFL? * Group 3 - Trainers & Mentors WG * People: Arielle, Emma, Alden, Ale * how we decide who is in our group * Prioritizing projects * Help find people to give training/mentors but we don't make those decisions * Are there sufficient numbers of community members now to split the working group into two groups? * Feeling in the group that some would like to focus more on training aspects * Can we decide to split in 2 working groups, training and mentors? * Curating the onboarding documentation and add pathways - who goes into which working groups? Who can come into working groups? * Is there a pre-requisite to be added in a working group? What level of familiarity you should have with the community to lead a working group? * Group 4 – Reviewers & Editors * People: Esther, Hari, Jen, Vicky * What are the criteria for an open issue? * At what point does an issue become stale? * Who merges a PR? * How mandatory are community meetings? * How much time should I be spending on this? How formal is the work? * Should we be reporting on work we do? * Who is in working groups? * How many working groups are there? * What counts as progress? * What is success - for individuals, for working groups, for the community? * * Group 5 – Environmental Data Science Book, Turing Commons, Netherlands eScience Center, VU Amsterdam, TU Delft * People: Alejandro, Chris, Carlos, Lena, Esther * What do we need to report to TTW? * Are we a group? * What are the obligations? How does it differ between Turing institutes members and volunteers? * Group 6 – New staff members with TPS members to TPS & TTW Community Members * People: Arron, Gabin, Cassandra, Shakir, Sophia, David * who writes the code of conduct * who decides who enforces it (mechanisms around it) * :hot_pepper: how do we evaluate and decide the formal time allocated by all TPS * how did the 10% time come about, who enforces it, revises it, and what does 10% include? * how does the 10% time fit with fluxuating work loads of TPS members * what content is appropriate for TTW (is there alignment, curation, and revised) * How to acknowledge the skew of "amount" of contribution (i.e one person may have written an entire chapter vs. 10 people write 1 page). * what is the goal of the model (i.e. Oxford dictionary vs Wikipedia) * How do we identify positionality * How to get stickers :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: ### Randomised Discussions (10 min) - Groups of 3 **What decisions are the least transparent in The Turing Way?** * book dash acceptance +1+1 * TPS members -- accountability to the line manager * What is the overall objective of the Book Dash? * Clarify objectives: https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/community-handbook/bookdash.html * how to participate in decision making / what is appropriate to be fully open and democratic and what isn't - many decisions are very transparent. But difficult to know where to find/be in the room for. +1 * Pathway * funding allocation * TTW team will take this on * what an external collaboration with ttw could look like * relationship between the Turing Institute and The Turing Way +1 million +1+1+1+1 * who becomes core +1 * what it means to be on the core team +1 * What the direction of the Turing Way is - what is the vision, how are we moving towards it +1 * Who is in charge +1+1 * Is anyone in charge? (should anyone be?)+1 * Is there a pathway to decide who's in charge? +1 * What talks and event opportunities are available * Who applies & who is given the opportunity to talk at conferences * Who create a working group? what is expected from working group?+1 * Who can apply for funding on behalf of the project? * Who decide how the volunteers are recruiting to the core team? +1 * How do other working groups operate? Do they need to consult the community? How autonomous are they? +1 * Who governs the working group, can we just join a different one that aligns with our work better * How can a regular community member have decision making power? should they? * How to agree consensus from the community ? * meta point: There is a difference between not being transparent and information not being known (hard to find, not promoted, not consulted, _etc._) +1 (this was our b/o room's EXACT point) +1 * all of them? * who do we consult for big changes e.g. Jupyter Enhancement Proposals? [democratic mediums](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/) * It should definitely be a simpler process than JEPs :sweat_smile: Django * What are the goals of the project? What is our manifesto? Are we still/just a "reproducible, ethical and collaborative data science"? +1 * What is **not** appropriate content for the book? +1+1 * How do we avoid becoming overly broad? * how are people held to account? * TTW will never be finished - but how do we define when things are out of scope and should not be added to the book? is there a point where we have all the themes or guides that are necessary and we keep building on those? +1 * * * ### Big discussion about comments (10 min) **What decisions does the governance document need to clarify?** * transparency vs not being able to find things * acessibility vs transparency are different things * don't want lists of lists to find things * user experience of community contribution * power of relationships & connections as a means of acquiring information * difficult to manage hardcore transparency with importance of building relationships * slack is a lot - important messages can be lost quickly (many people are in multiple workspaces) * turing people in general say please cut down on emails * most visible issue mentioned above is the relationship between the turing institute and the turing way (especially regarding funding allocation) * how can we make this relationship more clear? * is Kirstie the BDFL? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benevolent_dictator_for_life) * emergently, KW is, but written into founding documents of TTW that this should not be the case * upcoming governance documentation should include information about this * design of the turing way should be that it should be able to exist within the turing institute * important to tease apart the relationship with tps & staff members * when should a coup happen???? (lol - jk for the reader) * role of power dynamics & hierarchies, and teasing out these relationships * up to what point does the turing way have a specific vision (that comes from the turing) and the community-led vision (coming from) * what's the difference between being 'community-led' and being 'community-inspired' or 'community-informed' * turing way core delivery staff will draft a version of the document to share more widely with the core team * role of core team is to hold the core delivery staff accountable to reporting out and listening to feedback * ## Gathering references & suggestions for governance (5 min) [ Alexandra ] We would like to review 2-3 existing governance document that could enlighten our process. **What examples of project governance documents that you could be useful for The Turing Way?*** (3min) * Examples (Note: they don't have to be only open source digitally-focused projects!) * Kubernetes: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/governance.md * Decidim: https://meta.decidim.org/assemblies/our-governance * Open Life Science: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pD_P8oKLenyxCM39PZxu3X8a6hZQ4jZi-fA-xBB3DXQ/edit#heading=h.gjdgxs * Django: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/internals/organization/ * Social.coop: https://wiki.social.coop/wiki/Governance - I don't know much about it but the "loomio" system they use looks interesting * Brockwell Greenhouses: https://www.brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk/governance-at-bpcg/ * data.coop (danish): https://data.coop/# * An anti-recommendation [Becoming and Arch Linux Developer](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Getting_involved#Becoming_an_Arch_Developer) --- invitation only, prove your worth, get noticed - Code for Science & Society <- their fiscal sponsorship model - HOT OpenStreetMap: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Humanitarian_OSM_Team/Working_groups/Governance - Wikipedia: https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Home - Pyladies: https://pyladies.com/blog/Announcing-the-Inaugural-PyLadies-Global-Council/inaugural-pyladies-council/ ***Please fill out the survey if you haven't already: https://forms.gle/dEyWZpcMUEVbpGYm7*** ## Closing & Next steps (5 min) [ Anne ] *Feedback on this call & format* * I very much appreciated the time for discussion (instead of everyone sharing a lot of information that could have also been shared via newsletter/issue or email) * The hour went quickly, time flies... --- # NOTES **Not sorted**: Kirstie, Malvika, Arielle, Alex, Anne #### Identifying key needs for Volunteer Working Groups *Review this document that includes a draft information of your group. In particular, focus on your 'urgent needs' section: both strategic and operational.* * Group 1 - Translation and Localisation Team: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_Ofh0i8O5sFyNULi1UqI1Bhk57k8ucFsQuVcasyErN0/edit * People: Batool, Andrea, Camila, * Group 2 - Infrastructure Maintainers Team: https://docs.google.com/document/d/162ZaTNMxnH2PyTsJ44ResoXNlDxyxjigyfwDQAHuhtc/edit * People: Danny, Sarah, Jim, Bastian #### Reviewing sample structures needed for Working Groups *These two groups will explore and revise a proposed structure for their working group: ask lots of questions in the document, and take notes if something is unclear* * Group 3 - Trainers & Mentors WG: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BIhrCLFOJVuopUNiOfd2OkDObMsX_2z_ALIUNQYW56o/edit?usp=sharing * People: Eirini, Emma, Alden * Group 4 - Reviewers & Editors WG: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CZlkzBrez4YOwpGyFUGJygeXkglufVFuoqAvng6OuA4/edit# * People: Esther, Hari, Jen, Vicky * [No group currently] – Accessibility WG #### Templating support for External Collaborators *This shared group will discuss and answer the questions below (don't forget to take notes!), related to needs & priorities for groups that are external collaborators with The Turing Way* * Group 5: Environmental Data Science Book, Turing Commons, Netherlands eScience Center, VU Amsterdam * People: Alejandro, Chris, Carlos, Lena Questions: * What is your status and short description of your collaboration with TTW? * * * * What are the differences & similarities between your collaborations? * * * * What support do you require to enable this collaboration? * * * #### Supporting onboarding for volunteer & Turing staff for project *This shared group will discuss and answer the questions below (don't forget to take notes!), related to needs & priorities for groups that are external collaborators with The Turing Way* * Group 6: New staff members with TPS members to TPS & TTW Community Members * People: Arron, Gabin, Cassandra, Shakir, Sophia Questions: * How have you been engaged in The Turing Way so far? * Shakir (bookdash) and mostly meetings * * * What would be helpful in preparing you in order to join a working group and/or team? * * * #### FAQ - If you are a part of two working groups, choose the one is that is most relevant for your ongoing work. - If you have been put into the wrong group, please flag for Alex & Anne, and we will put you into a different group - ## Reviewing previous core team decisions (5 min) Reviewing previous core team tasks. We will not be able to move forward on these points – yet. [ Alexandra ] **Status: Stalled** - Switching to ReadTheDocs (from Netlify) - Creating processes with Infrastructure Maintainers WG. - Organising the Github Repository - Github organisation vs new repositories - All-Contributors-Bot - updating for new translation roles - Emerging interest groups: - Translation & Localisation: ACC stepping out and new member joining - Accessibility: transitioning into WG, some members not part of core team - Environmental Sustainability: New partnership emerging with Environmental Data Science Book - Membership to Core Team - Developing structure proposals - Account permissions - Infra WG wanting Github team - not possible under ATI Organisation - Translation & Localisation team wanting to use main org for translation - not possible under ATI Organisation ------ #### Reviewing reflections from 2022 (if applicable - from June 2022) What affects your ongoing and future participation in *The Turing Way*? What support looks like for you in *The Turing Way* -- What should be maintained/retained? What should we include/strengthen going forward? * Lena - I personally learn a lot from the Turing Way and enjoy contributing. If my organisation commits to contributing than I have an even stronger motivation to do so. It's important to have sustainability: some security that the resource stays available. FOr my organisation, it woudl be good if we could involve more diverse researchers into the Turing Way, like humanities or social sciences doing qualitative research. * Arron - I work better being able to block out half days or even a whole day and so I'm going to try and sort out meetings to allow for this. I also really enjoy co-working (I'm in Wales 😥) so if anyone else likes to work that way I'm more than happy to work together. My experience is mainly around analysis of healthcare data i.e. in secure environments so anything around security, hosted environments and data science tools really interests me - hit me up if that's your thing too! * Sarah - Time. As always. It's inevitable. For the near future, my participation will look like a collaboration between The Turing Way and myself as JupyterHub Community Strategic Lead to develop strategy in the JupyterHub community by drawing on the Turing Way's learnings, and contributing anything new upstream. Support for this probably looks like brainstorming meetings with community/strategy experts. But it's difficult for me to participate in things like Collaboration Cafe/Book Dash because I need to be interruptible as a legacy member with a lot of context and expertise to share with newcomers. So these meetings are not conducive for me focusing on new/deep work. * Batool - I think my participation is mostly to affected by awful time management skills. I like how I can block some time I the collaboration cafe for some work but this also get affected by other unexpected commitments. * Achintya - I think I enjoy reviewing more than writing and so my contributions tend to be focused on reviewing PRs. But the main factor is time: I have a couple of half-baked branches sitting on my local machine that I haven’t had time to work on for a while. Don’t really have an opinion of what needs to be retained etc. * Hari - The specifics of contributing to the Turing Way are quite different from other day-to-day requirements of my role, so I think it's the clearly earmarking time for being involved - I also think the lack of time sensitivity for a lot of Turing Way contributions makes it easy to become an eternal 'Important not urgent' i.e. 'if I have time' task... but actively setting aside time/a window to engage with Turing Way contributions would help. In terms of what to do going forwards, I feel like some more guidance/direction on what contributions could look like (even maybe active coworking sessions where some easy 'Good first PR approval' tasks, or topic area ideas for chapters and ongoing collaborative content creation docs could be cool, so if you do have the spare time you can join a call/find a place easily where there's lots of actionable stuff to do ) * Andrea: Time, with timezones and different time availabilities we are having trouble working async and the decision making process is either slow or relies on very few people. * Vicky- Time as always! I think I'm running out of things to contribute publishing content wise so need to think about what other content I could work on, especially since I don't have a data science background. I would like to link in the Turing-Roche partnership work but don't think I'm at a point for this yet. * Alden - I find it can be difficult to know where to start, there are so many topics and issues, and it's something I come back to sporadically when I have some extra time, so maybe it would help to create a structure for myself with some contributions I'd like to make so that I don't have to search around for what needs to be done each time I sit down to work on it * Alejandro - Time, busy in my postdoc research and family stuff 👼. I see myself participating Translation team meetings and contributing with creation/revision of new content/PRs in future book dashes. I'd suggest maintaining the community coworking meetings and novel events (firechats are amazing!). It would be great to share and improve metrics measuring the impact of TTW in research/education and private sectors. * Emma - Being very busy on other projects does affect my time so going to regular co-working session does help me to get things done. Regular co-working and bookdash - bookdash is the most productive time for me, even the weeks leading up to it as I tend to prepare and so work more on the parts I am writng. I wonder if we can also plan book sprints - to block 1 day occasionally? * Esther - I think I'm mostly hampered by work load to contribute, I don't think that there's a lot to be done there in terms of support :) I use the regular co working sessions as a blocker to really spend some time on the Turing Way, perhaps shorter sprint sessions could help so that I'm forced to block off time. * Carlos - Time planning - booking time with people at the eScience Center is sometimes a bit of a nightmare (when I try to get people to join an event a month in advance they tend to already have planned a sprint to work on other projects, etc). I think if we were able to at least block times far in advance (ideally like a year) that would help a lot. * Jen - defining a long-term goal as a RAM team (vetted by . the Core Team) I think will be helpful for us. That way we have a big picture to work towards as we make small, incremental progress each month/ tackle bigger chunks during Book Dashes. I think it is essential for us to regularly check-in with other TTW folks though to make sure we are moving in the right direction ### Future plans What would you like to work on in the coming year? What support can we provide to help achieve your goals, and continue your participation in The Turing Way? * Sarah - The JupyterHub Community Strategic Lead is a two year project with in-kind contribution with the Turing Way. So... _that_. As mentioned above, support looks like brainstorming and strategic thinking with other community/strategy experts so I'm not isolated in my work, and also cos the Turing Way has also thought through a lot of this stuff already. * Arron - I would really like to produce content around working within secure, air-gapped environments and ensuring we can remain as collaborative as possible. I am also interested in accountability of Machine Learning and so trying to present best practices to do this is something I'd really like to work on! * Achintya - I want to spend some time closing that lond-standing PR on communications/outreach, and also want to collaborate with Arron on the packages chapter. Plus I need to put in my case study from the ASG white papers… I’d also love to help onboard new members with using GitHub effectively, which I think I do fairly well. * Hari - As the RAM role is so new at Turing (and apparently within the world) I really want to get a sense of what specifically a RAM does that is different and especially value-add than other roles, and then provide documentation/guidance on how to implement those skills. Not entirely sure what this looks like yet but a project to think about! Also encompassing pedagogy in some explicit way to TTW feels v applicable and important, would be cool to explore this too! * Lena - I have a personal dream project of making a tesaurus for the Turing Way. This is my dream of learning semantics and doing somethign useful at the same time. For my insitution, I want to work on our guidlines and make sure they are organised and follow some template. The idea is to refer to the Turing Way for generic stuff and only have VU Amsterdam relevant information as our own resource * Alden - finish the chapter that the RAMs started during the book dash, continue to support general TTW infrastructure (I helped install a bot to check for inclusive language, which was fun and felt helpful). I have a notion of working on some French translation, would probably not be the most efficient translator and I don't know if we already have things translated to French? * Vicky - A case study on the collaborative workshops I ran for the partnership * Esther - I would like to revise some of the RDM content and add some more recent resources to existing pages. Maybe transfer the Open stuff to the communications chapter. We're working on a research infrastructure paper and I would like to contribute insights from this back to the chapter that was set up by Arielle. * Emma - Just finishing those sensitive data chapters would be good and then developing them more in line with the current work that I am doing. * Alejandro - Get live & disseminate the translated version of TTW. SOS, support in the deployment and maintenance of TTW translated content in Netlify. * Carlos - I would like to increase our contribution to all content related to research software. However, for this I know we need more resources -- the most important one being people's time. * Jen - create materials through RAM role that can be resources/links in TTW like the reproducible-research-template some folks made awhile back. Hope this can help more of our colleagues who don't currently use/know of TTW engaged and invovled with our work * Batool - I'd love to continue to do my work and make it reachable to the wider community in the Arab regions. I'd like (with the Translation team) to produce documentation of localisation that not only can be reused by other communities * Andrea - I would love to see the translation team work out in the open and advancing with independent teams for languages. Time and other commitments ($) are constraints but the fellowship put this in priorities for the year. I would like to help implementing a culture of following accessibility practices to the current content and the ways of contributing.