# Infrastructure Working Group notes tags: infrastructure ## Time & Place These meetings take place every second Thursday of the month at 4pm London time. **When is the next call?** 14 March 2024, 16:00 - 17:00 Europe/London ([see in your time zone](https://arewemeetingyet.com/London/2024-02-08/16:00)) :::success Join Zoom Meeting https://turing-uk.zoom.us/j/93838795274?pwd=V2VzcklxUGFsNEhyWGwwQW0ycFViZz09 Meeting ID: 938 3879 5274 Passcode: 903646 ::: ### Code of conduct _The Turing Way_ Code of conduct applies to this call. * [Take a moment to read this](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) * For any question or concern please reach out to Malvika and Anne (msharan@turing.ac.uk, asteele@turing.ac.uk). ### Guide [TOC] ---- :::info **Remember, don't forget to use the 🤫 emoji next to any line that you don't want to be archived! ** ::: ## 11-04-2024 Infrastructure Working Group Meeting 14 Attendees: - Jim - Angus - Brigitta - Ale Apologies: - Sarah - Anne - Danny Notes: - Domain migration: https://github.com/the-turing-way/the-turing-way/issues/3266 - risks that everyone is aware of the process - It has been mentioned on the newsletter and Slack Announcements - Changes that might be coming - 2i2c and JupyterBook Opportunities to contribute back - Pathways: - Potential to use Hugo-style taxonomies, tags - Tagged pages could be collected a views generated showing them + a table of contents - Pathways _also_ have order though, not just a collection of pages - Building this on Sphinx could be a bad idea as JupyterBook is moving to MystMD - JupyterBook is looking to move to build on Myst rather than Sphinx - Projects using uncommon/non-standard Sphinx extensions might have problems. - BS: feel free to use any of the tutorials I maintain to use for bug huntings, too.: numpy-tutorials, navo-workshop, astroml-notebook, etc. (or maybe just use numpy, and we propagate any stuff from there) - MystMD notes - JS (Typescript) based - Produces structured representation of document which enables tools to better understand documents - Rabbit-hole references - AST can be rendered by (for example) React - Focus on scientific documents - support for DOIs _etc._ in the core - Hopefully more flexible (easier to add functionality) than Sphinx - Impact on The Turing Way - Requires NodeJS - Produces pages dynamically (although there will are builders for "static" sites) - ReadTheDocs would be targeted specifically - [example static site](https://2i2c.org/report-czi-2021/) - Dynamic rendering would enable more interactive things - Should be backwards compatible, but dependencies will change - Could migrate to MyST now, requiring some markup changes - Angus is keen to have case studies, working with stakeholders to migrate to JupyterBook2 - PDF of the book - MyST can use Typst or LaTeX (e.g. tectonic) to build PDFs (https://mystmd.org/guide/creating-pdf-documents) - Book Dash: reminder to apply till the 27 April - 23 April Turing Way Forum: 5 min slidedeck - Try [MyST sandbox](https://mystmd.org/sandbox) to see e.g. the AST and how the document is interpreted - Please do give it a try; we're quick on bug fixes! (Angus) :tada: - Migrations from Netlify: https://github.com/the-turing-way/the-turing-way/issues/3509 - We should make a considered decision about where to host - RTD - GH pages - Cloud storage (bucket, _etc_) - Container service + NGINX (or similar) - Static site service (cloud provider) - Add painpoints and strengths for each of them - Premature to share with the wider community. Infrastructure WG working on it to give an informed recommendation (it's not urgent but something we need to do, review the best option) ## 14-03-24 Infrastructure Working Group Meeting 13 Attendees: - Ale - Johanna - Jim - Sarah - Danny - Arielle - Brigitta Apologies - Anne - Kirstie - - Agenda: - [Dedicated URL](https://github.com/the-turing-way/the-turing-way/issues/3266) is now available. Review the timeline and which support is needed. Include other subpages on the website - Research for supporting website development (from ALS): https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVMH_HE8M=/?share_link_id=261034489030 - Previous work about TTW Website brief: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Btjl1ryDlAwrAiRSVkbWTUORujPGUaQfhF8To9XtNKo/edit - Confirm Infrastructure WG roles (based on the Slack message): Chair: Danny :couch_and_lamp: Co-chair: Jim, Danny and Brigitta :file_cabinet: Secretary: Sarah :pound: Turing Staff Delivery Team Contact: Ale The chair will change every 6-months, March-August - Setting an Infrastructure repo, reference from the [Book Dash Repo](https://github.com/the-turing-way/bookdash) - Next Community Call: Tuesday 23 April (from 15:00 - 16:30). Save the date and prepare a 5-min presentation - Other Notes: - First thing with the domain is that members of the infra WG should be given access to manage it ---> on Kirstie - Is DNS coming from The Turing? We don't know yet. Authorisation process, where is it bought from? - What you have access to depends on your voluntary - Control is a status --> fight fires should also have access - Access right should be given by team membership --> internal policiies - Create a DNS team who are members of the infrastructure team, maintain a list of who those team members ---> Action to open - DNS team maintain the documentation on the book to share the process - Keep it casual - 2 experience people + documentation (Jim and Sarah). This isn't a life sentence and they could change any time - Most of the time, there will be nothing to do. If DNS is working you don't touch it. - IT was bought on Namecheap, so not Turing related I don’t think Anne's video: - Goal to get the URL is to make sure we have a reliable platform - We can start putting other things in our website - Homepage, having a landing page - Comms can choose any blogpost and infrastructure team would linked it - the-turing-way.org ---> will replace the start page - +1 for book at book.the-turing-way.org - DNS is like postal addresses for buildings - We will be able to redirect very easily with DNS control, point resources to our turing - Time commitment to become a WG chair ## 08-02-24 Infrastructure Working Group Meeting 12 Attendees: - Kirstie - Jim - Sarah - Brigitta - Danny - Richard D Apologies: - Anne (might not be able to make it) - Ale (poorly kiddo) Agenda: - Define WG Chair and WG responsibilities. [This info can be useful for the conversation](https://github.com/the-turing-way/the-turing-way/pull/3499/files): - **Chair and co-chairs**: These person(s) are responsible for the creation and continuation of a working group. They play the role of the facilitator of the group, and are responsible for organising and chairing meetings, distributing responsibilities, and ensuring the broader accountability of the assembled group. While this role may be occupied by multiple people, it is important to establish how each person upholds the responsibilities of a chair in an equitable way. - **Secretary**: This person is responsible for ensuring the logistical reporting of the group. They are responsible for uploading meeting notes, ensuring that time-keeping is set in meetings, and that records of the group's activities are transparent, open, and accessible for others to access. For example, if the duties of the chair are distributed across multiple people, the secretary is responsible for documenting this format in the working group's repository. - **Leadership Council Liason**: Members of working groups have historically provided operational, strategic and advisory support for their area of work to *The Turing Way* leadership council (the collective group that includes the core delivery staff and (co-)leads of working groups). This has allowed them to inform project-related decisions and/or remain active in their specified area of work. In this iteration, an identified core team representative will participate in leadership council meetings, and represent the working group in wider governance meeting spaces. They will be responsible for relaying feedback, announcements, and discussions from the leadership council to the working group. - **Turing Staff Delivery Team Contact**: While working groups should be able to operate with autonomy in most decisions that apply to their work, sometimes they may require help from the TTW core staff delivery team in order to enable their operations, and/or support the incubation of the group. Each working group should have an assigned contact from the staff delivery team, most likely either the project Community Manager or Project Manager. - **Member**: Any Turing Way community member may join a working group without restriction, and without taking on a leadership role. - Add a ReadMe on the Infrastructure repo: https://github.com/the-turing-way/infrastructure-working-group - Summarise what the working groups are - How can people get involve - Roles and responsibilities of the members - **Proposal: Mixed voting system** for [the dedicated URL](https://github.com/the-turing-way/the-turing-way/issues/3266) ---> Can we use Feb to decide the URL and buy it in March? What would be the next stage, once we have it? **Context:** This is Anne's proposal, posted on slack for voting about the URL * Slack: Anne (or anyone in the @infrastructure-wg) can post in the #ask-away channel with a global tag, using emoji reactions to vote. The vote can be a collective infrastructure working group proposal, with three options of 1) No issue, 2) Different preference but go ahead and 3) Disagree, and commitment to comment. Adding draft language here now. Comments will be cross-posted to this issue. * Collaboration Cafe: I can reserve the next 'main room' discussion in the Collab Cafe so that folks can join in/discuss the names in real time. The next one is next week on 7 February. Notes can be used for reporting can be added to this issue as well. * Newsletter: Flag that voting is happening, linking outwards. Say that it closes on 14 Feb. * Social media: Voting is not happening directly on those platforms, but can link people to appropriate channels if they want to engage similarly with deadline. * Votes and comments are compiled and then presented at Community Call, with confirmation of URL name. - GSOC (Kirstie) ### Notes #### URL - Proposal to vote on _change_ of URL (yes, no opinion, no) rather than the URL itself - Consensus to avoid `.io` - Dashes or no dashes - Dashes is consistent with current URL and GitHub org - Do we feel this _should_ be voted on by the community - Could _only_ go to a vote _if_ the issue shows there are conflicting opinions - Likely to be uncontroversial, but can voting prompts disagreement - Consensus that we don't need a vote on the name - Better to put a proposal on the name - Consensus is `the-turing-way.org` - Open for comments - responses are "no issue", "weak disagree (go ahead)", "strong disagree (with comment/justification)" - Action (Danny): Write proposal as a new issue (or use existing issue) and draw attention (Slack, _etc._) ##### Hosting - Changing URl is related to hosting and recent issues with Python dependencies - Netlify supports Python 3.8 at the latest - Netlify is therefore blocking us from upgrading to more recent package - Getting a URL _first_ would mean we could put in effort to inform everyone the new URL is "the-turing-way.org", for example, then migrating hosting providers should be invisible to readers Rather than having multiple changes in URL. - Would be good to deploy from the CI build (so that CI is _exactly_ the same as deployed site) - Brigitta has examples/experience of using GitHub Actions and Circle CI to do this - Should consider how choice of hosting affects our ability to deploy multiple languages #### GSOC - Last meeting we didn't feel we had a _strong_ plan for GSOC - There are community members who are keen to run a GSOC-style project - JB is, in particular, interested in having a mentor as she learns more infrastructure/backend things - There is an ask for mentorship outside of GSOC for JB - Could one member act as a mentor, joint mentorship from multiple members? - Some reservations that being a good mentor requires a time investment to be actively involved - For now, there isn't a clear project for a mentee to work on. We should return to this when we have a good piece of work. - ACTION for Kirstie to feed decision back to JB #### README - Action on who to write the README? #### WG roles - Tertiary structure - Members (agree to CoC, can contribute, review, join events) - Maintenance level (includes WGs, ability to make delegated decisions, _e.g._ decisions that will have some impact but don't need constitutional level decision. Also, ability to handle enquiries _e.g._ "We don't have an opinion or need to be involved, you can proceed as you'd like") - Constitution level (major, complex decisions. _E.g._ finances, employed staff. Previously Kirstie & Malvika) - Would like WG chairs to be involved in constitutional level decisions - Monthly meetings of constitutional decision makers - WG chairs can bring proposals to this meeting - _e.g._ splitting repository, changing hosting provider - WG chairs join discussions to provide input - Other roles - Secretary - Keeping track of priorities - Leadership council liason - This is actually the chair, ignore - Turing Staff Delivery Team contact - Secretariat - (Alé) - Member - Should be open for anyone who is interested in helping - Action (Jim): Post an message in Slack to let WG members indicate interest in the roles ## 11-01-24 Infrastructure Working Group Meeting 11 Attendees: - Jim - Sarah - Ale - Danny - Kirstie - Anne Agenda: - Meta logistics - Archiving/organising WG notes (logistics for me to help sort out!) - Meeting cadence - GSoC - FOSDEM talk - Translation team collaboration - Upcoming platform switches? - From ALS: two research documents, one for switching from [Tinyletter](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i8KM1IXyWyUQ_hmz8iGezrxwva7oToilyJGyUbWGemA/edit) and the other for [Eventbrite] (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tt2puVoBoVDnTtcPLxN_qoo2KhrtWFMRQR0fMWjU3I4/edit - Also bringing back this thread from Github? https://github.com/the-turing-way/the-turing-way/issues/2811#issuecomment-1794285174 - Action: can we review and update this handbook page: https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/afterword/subprojects#working-groups-funded-projects-and-informal-initiatives - Other plans? Notes: - Meta-logistics: - Should we change our meeting cadence? - Transparency mechanism - Archive existing notes for the group --> ALS & AAA will archive notes in new repository - Sandy: using Crowdin platform, will continue to use in the 2024 year, - Q: Supporting contributions in languages other than English because everything is in Github. Not sure how the crowdin platform - Requires a source language ('parent language') --> replicating a colonial dynamic - SG: I kind of don’t want to go too far down the rabbit hole of publishing the translations until we’ve got the URL and moved from Netlify because it will be a lot of work to set them up on both - The book goes into a separate repo from the rest of the repository - URL - Splitting up the repository: https://github.com/the-turing-way/the-turing-way/issues/3352 - Alex will coordinate a meeting with Danny, Anne and Ale to prepare a plan to split the repository a roadmap (in Jan). That will be approved by Kirstie - About platform switch, they trust that people who use it will take the right decision. - Unless we want to host something, they trust that the users can make the right decision without their input - GSoC: we only join if there's a specific coding task we want to suffer. They will do something that will be positive for the community. Only propose a project/goals that are already of interest of us. If we don't have anything, we should not have one this year. Who will be named mentor? In the previous year, Johana lead it and so far, the infrastructure team don't have a particular project to give ## 07-12-23 Infrastructure Working Group Meeting 10 Attendees: - Jim - Angus - Sarah - Ale - Brigitta Notes: - Help to understand the sense of this meeting - What we would like to accomplish - Angus backgroung: using jupyterhub for some time. Experience with Onboarding people ---> Jupyterhub has a barrier if people are not technical - Identify core offerings from Jupyterhub - How can we onboard new users into the new Jupiterhub notebook ---> figure out if there are opportunities of new features that could be beneficial for the community - Learn more about the background of this TTW infrastructure meetings - SG: has been involved in TTW from the beginning and is the reason why she's still involved in binderhub - TTW will be an interesting case study for Angus as to bring people into version control - What kind of people are coming to TTW? academic students? where in the lifecycle are they? - BS: TTW has different type users where not all would come and work on deployment, hiding features or adding --> there are different interest - We get not only students, or postdocs, but policy makers, organisations - Obtain metrics - Since we have Kirstie here, I’m also flagging that Sarah’s point about the need for personnel help with the infrastructure building) has been documented since July 2023! ❤️ https://docs.google.com/document/d/162ZaTNMxnH2PyTsJ44ResoXNlDxyxjigyfwDQAHuhtc/edit#heading=h.r4oim1pgb0rw (added by Anne) Actions for the next meeting (11 January 2024): - Connect the Translation and Localisation team to work on the book translation ---> which language you translate it from. How do they organise their work and priorities. - splitting the repo: https://github.com/the-turing-way/the-turing-way/issues/3352 ## 09-11-23 Infrastructure Working Group Meeting 10 Attendees: - Jim - Sarah - Batool - Richie - Notes - Deploying various languages in the book (Batool and Richie updated the group about the translation and localisation team) - SG: her goal for the book dash is to look into the deployment to run the languages locally - run away of netlify. - having our own domain - running away of netlify - being as ready as possible so when we get the flix to move we will be able to be multilingual - Batool: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/ - Level/amount of translation in different chapters - https://turingway-arabic.netlify.app/ - Richie: duplicated the English version to other languages versions, do the switches using prefixes - SG: Thought to discuss: a ‘default’ 404 page that says “this page is available in these languages, if not your desired one” - Another thought: a dropdown menu of languages instead of manipulating URLs - All we need to do is align and deep dive sphinx-intl extension, what problems it iterate and - Rules of Yaml, linked it to style guide. Introduce a Yaml checker - Jim: Not sure if things like prettier and pre-commit are helpful if you find yaml/indenting confusing or if they just add to the confusion. - Balance between how to move on, is it a new book and what will be available in different languages - Breakdown the book into different repositories as we have an independent organisation - SG: 2i2c has a guideline not to extract Actions: - Richie will share all the links of where he has been working - Jim will open up an issue on Githut about openning up different repos - Sarah will represent the Infrastructure working group on the meeting on Friday 17 November ## 12-10-23 Infrastructure Working Group Meeting 9 - Book Dash team planning - WG status on 17 November, prepare which projects we would like to share - Multilanguage Website (Sara's contact could support on this) -- > https://github.com/the-turing-way/the-turing-way/issues/3255 - MVP: with the right people on board it could be fairly quick job. Assuming that the file names are the same. Alex will contact Sarah to check when her contact could meet Danny - Connection between the Translation and Localisation team and this project - Team permission at Github project (Brigitta), permissions are allowed by teams - Funding & support needs - Core team meeting review - Github org transition - issue review & task division - - ### Check-in *Please note your ability to attend here* * :negative_squared_cross_mark: Sarah - annual leave * :negative_squared_cross_mark: Jim - Turing @ Exeter event (representing REG, TPS, DSH, TTW) * :heavy_check_mark: Danny - but I was hoping that Sarah and their translation tech friend might be able to attend this one. Worth rescheduling to enable that? * Danny * Alex * Brigitta ## 09-23 Infrastructure Working Group Meeting 8 - Infrastructure needs more broadly after transition (informal notes are here: https://github.com/the-turing-way/the-turing-way/issues/2690#issuecomment-1719689163) ## 08-23 Infrastructure Working Group Meeting 7 - Github transition ## 07-23 Infrastructure Working Group Meeting 6 - Planning for Github orgasation - Coworking on Infrastructure WG: https://docs.google.com/document/d/162ZaTNMxnH2PyTsJ44ResoXNlDxyxjigyfwDQAHuhtc/edit ## 08-06-23 Infrastructure Working Group Meeting 5 ### Check-in **What are you most excited for in this transition to a Github Organisation?** * Jim - Groups! Automatically assigning groups to issues/PRs/etc. * Sarah * Danny * Anne ### Agenda :hourglass_flowing_sand: **Timing:** --- **Check-in Question | Duration | Activity | | ---- | -------- | | Start | 👋 Welcome | | 05 mins | Check in | | 30 mins | Review of Infrastructure task list | | 15 mins | PR reviews (Book dash) | | 10 mins | Final tasks for next meeting (13 July 2023) ### Preparing for *The Turing Way* Github Organisation 1. What is required in order to prepare for a Github Organisation? 2. Reviewing materials & posting on [Github issue](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues/3213) 3. What might a timeline look like? Notes: - ALS: Advocating for a while. Got the okay! Want Infra WG to spearhead the process. Power & skills to make this transition. - DG: Shouldn't this be a paid person's role? Seems more of a question of skills? - ALS: Both power and skills? - SG - Things may break - [name=Sarah] Netlify probably, should be easy to fix. - [name=Sarah] Not much else should break - How to do this - [name=Sarah] GitHub process to migrate repository to a new Org. **Everything** moves **except** permissions. - [name=Sarah] Could use the API to extract permissions, add them back - May be an opportunity to *check* if people need the permissions they have. - Sometimes letting people complain when permissions are removed helps prune unnecessary permissions that had been granted previously. - JM: Haven't migrated a repo before. May affect broken links, etc. - SG: One member of each WG having admin rights - DG: I agree with Jim: opportunity for permissions clean slate is a security bonus - JM: Infra 'team' and Review 'team' are an ongoing list that can be added to the new repo, cleaning up? - DG: Process for who gets to merge. Contextual people can merge. Person starting Issue/PR can merge involved in PR is all. What's to stop us from starting a github org right now? - SG: We can create teams, create an organisation. We can add people to those teams. We can have a count down to the transfer. - DG: Github good at redirecting. - SG: Better to let people know. Automatic assignment to infra team for different things. - DG: Arrange another meeting for folks on hand? - JM: Code owners and required reviews? Cannot be merged until they look at it? - Might be too restrictive for The Turing Way - ALS/AAA: Get list of folks from each working group & their github handles - DG: Can we make sure that next Infrastructure meeting is when it merges? Could we do it at a Collab Cafe? - SG: Can we ask people to come to this meeting as a d - ALS: Github issue? - SG: A banner on the actual book! A countdown? - DG: We want to be underwhelmed by this countdown? - ALS: What invites are missing? - DG: Anything else that needs to be discussed? - SG: Redirects - ALS: We'll need to split it later on? - ALS: All the people who have made a PR, would they be in a group? - JM: Is there a better way to do this? Zulip bot links: - https://zulip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/contributing/zulipbot-usage.html - https://github.com/zulip/zulipbot/ - https://pyvideo.org/search.html?q=zulipbot ### Planning the timeline - Transfer in 1 month - How do we communicate the shift of the repository? - Setting up teams - Hit transfer in next meeting - Figuring out how to split later on - Splitting repo in the future (much longer time line) ### Next steps: - Write on the Github issue - Permissions - Onboarding and offboarding for these processing - Management of the teams - List of active contributors (AAA/ALS) - Future work - TTW url - TTW website - Paying people to work on infrastructure - A full time role(?) - Infrastructure research - guiding in priorities? Recommendations? - Implementing findings? - [Danny's PR](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues/3218) - Some REG time from folks(?) - Should the person doing the recommendation also be doing the implementation? - Communication Plan - - Slack: @channel message announcing - Github organistaion - Inviting people to next meeting - --- # Archive of Notes ## 08-06-23 Infrastructure Working Group Meeting 5 Time: Thursday, 8 June, 16:00 pm Attendees: Jim, Alex, Danny & Anne **What are your priorities and interests for being part of the Infrastructure team?** * [name=Jim] (Probably can't join the call ☹️) Making everything work really well and being able to explain it. * [name=Alex] (Joined super late) as Anne and I were in a Turing way meeting. Support the team * [name=Danny] Making it easy for others to contribute and use the guides * [name=Anne] Helping to formalise and handover power to folks here! ### Review of Infrastructure task: The following is a work in progress and the discussion today will allow us to improve it and feed into our Governance review https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lDnbSU0_jYB-qVpOj7mMAynvvMERwxpFAeWbq7FoHaM/edit#gid=699453517 ### PR Reviews - [name=Jim] I have two from the book dash that I would like some input on - https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/pull/3093 --- Is finished and approved by Sarah but it does change how the contributors record is updated so I wanted to have some authoritative sign off (from Malvika?) - https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/pull/3102 --- Starting on infrastructure documentation using the above PR as an example. (Would be good to add the broken link issue workflow here) #### Anne presented the Governance infrastucture document Sarah: Recommended to have an audit role (could be a .5 fte) to research which tools *The Turing Way*, the feature of each of them, who is using it (which working group) and how they are relying on it. Do a research about other available tools that could be replaced with. The person producing this report should not be responsible for the implementation Alex: Suggested that maybe Arya, as the GSoC Student could support us with it. Sarah: The student could help to prototype this role and evidence why it is needed with a student. To gather evidence and a first set of recommendation ### Structures from the Working Group S: looking at what is doing at Netlify and Jupyter book G: Documentation, leave a the knowledge in place in case anyone from the working group leaves. (Very urgent priority) Copy notes from this document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18DvwnQ88Bwo_5QVHNdGBrKf2gQH1-1wqzTrDvGSQ874/edit# Urgent needs: - Need for personnel that is dedicated specifically to open source ecosystem research (can also be involved in operational work). Perhaps a RAM or REG? - Combination of product manager, “technical enough”, and open source strategy (community guidance, what are contributors/users trying to achieve?) - Not expected to implement - Generate reports on status of ecosystem, provides “stick or switch” recommendations for certain tools, based on ongoing assessment of needs of users and other WGs - Documenting and updating existing infrastructure on regular basis - Status: Currently being drafted by various WG & community members - Running Jupyter locally (issue #) - Infrastructure group documentation (issue #) - Resources & loose structures to enable decision-making (organisational vs operational) - Types: package updates, feature management (like IT services for entire community), upstream as a service - Status: Getting references from team and community. Core delivery team can draft an example around how this structure might work. Possibility of Open Source Infrastructure role within the team? - References: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/governance.md https://mybinder-sre.readthedocs.io/en/latest/operation_guide/common_problems.html https://jupyterhub-team-compass.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#we-sail-together - Github Organisation (long term - but growing need) Teams can be created for each type of work Will help with clarifying roles within the team ## 11-05-23 Infrastructure Working Group Meeting 4 Time: Thursday, 11 May, 16:00 pm Attendees: Bastian, Jim and Alex. There was no agenda as we have agreed that this was a prep meeting for the ones starting on the 2nd Thursday of the month. - We spoke about how we could support in structuring the infrastructure working group. - Jim will be at the Book Dash (in May) and that was a good opportunity for him to work on the infrastructure team documentation. He wanted to speak to Malvika to answer some technical questions - We spoke about the possibility of TTW having an Infrastructure custodian who can focus and guide all the technicalities of the space. This person should have authority to make decisions and make it evident for other contributors. - Are the Collaborations Cafes the right space for the infrastructure team to work. Is it a focus time to go through PR? - Is is possible to bring more resources to the infrastructure team to be able to invest in more automations and structure? ### Actions: - Alex agreed to talk to Malvika about this points # 20-04-23 Infrastructure Working Group Meeting 3 # Agenda **Time**: Thursdat, 20 April, 16:00 UTC+1 ([in your timezone](https://arewemeetingyet.com/london/2023-03-29/16:00)) **Chair**: Anne **Scribe**: Otter.ai (from Sarah) | Duration | Activity | | ---- | -------- | | 10 mins | 👋 Welcome + Introductions | | 5 mins | Review Developing Principles & Ways of Working| | 20 mins | Review PR | | 20 mins |Documentation| | 5 mins | Action items & Next steps | ## Welcome back + Introductions Attendees: Sarah, Brigitta, Anne and Ale ### Meeting discussions Sarah - Redirection of files around - Link checks PR Working group - How are we using this meeting? - Fundamental work needs to happen offstream - The Turing - Jim (how do good meetings look like): Project Tracker Quick overview of issues. Higher level of prioritation. High level of conversation. Quick refresh of people opinions. - Anne (Open Roadmap) Propose to have someone from Translation to guide us on how to organise the group Translation and Location notes: https://hackmd.io/HQQQMlwvTIOtX5nHH9R4eg - Sarah (on inviting someone from the Translation group) Sounds like a good idea. Documenting what we have might be a good idea. - Brigitta: on building the roadmap. ## Planning the documentation - Prepare templates and sessions for a Collaboration Space ## Roadmap - Jim and Sarah are not certain that this might be a solution for this WG. **Next meetings will be the 2nd Thursday of the month from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm** May will be a month full of Conferences for the Collaborations Workshops SciPy / mid July: Send stickers and cards to Brigitta # 29-03-23 Infrastructure Working Group Meeting 2 :::success Join Zoom Meeting https://turing-uk.zoom.us/j/91535808129?pwd=bko5RkJ3SmFOYkQ4YjRHOWdERGJvdz09 Meeting ID: 915 3580 8129 Passcode: 739877 ::: ### Code of conduct _The Turing Way_ Code of conduct applies to this call. * [Take a moment to read this](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) * For any question or concern please reach out to Malvika and Anne (msharan@turing.ac.uk, asteele@turing.ac.uk). # Agenda **Time**: Wednesday, 29 March, 16:00 UTC+1 ([in your timezone](https://arewemeetingyet.com/london/2023-03-29/16:00)) **Chair**: Anne **Scribe**: Otter.ai (from Sarah) | Duration | Activity | | ---- | -------- | | 10 mins | 👋 Welcome + Introductions | | 5 mins | Review of WG Proposal! | | 20 mins | Review of last year | | 20 mins | Developing Principles & Ways of Working | | 5 mins | Action items & Next steps | ## Welcome back + Introductions Time: 0:00-0:05 (Please add your name and you can respond to the questions verbally during the introduction.) **Name (optional: pronouns) + How did you start getting involved with open source infrastructure (with The Turing Way or otherwise?)?** * [name=Danny] (he/him) - I think I saw things that bugged me in the formatting of the Turing Way, and saw that they were fixed in a new version, and the rest is history! 😅 * [name=Brigitta] (she/her) - I started to contribute to open source as a GSoC student, gravitated towards the infrastructure parts over the years. During the pandemic joined one or two book dashes, and naturally ended up enjoying fixing infrastructure for TTW more than writing content. * [name=Anne] (she/her) - * [name=Jim] (he/him) - Wanting to self-host and manage multiple Raspberry Pis in a sensible way * [name=Bastian] (he/him) - Some self-hosting blogs and stuff and then wanting to run openSNP.org * [name=Sarah] (she/her) From the beginning of the Turing Way, working with Project Binder and JupyterHub, deploying "traditional" compute-based infrastructure ## Review: What we've done so far Time: 00:10 - 00:55 [Anne] Notes: - Instructions for building locally: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/pull/2922 - Worked with Outreachy interns to test documentation, which was great! - Planning documentation for infrastructure maintainers: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues/2809 - What has worked, what hasn't? - Flagging infrastructure work for Book Dash: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues/2988 - Reviewing core principles from last year - Availability & Commitment: has anything changed? - [name=Jim] In principle, no change. In practice, I'm probably going to have less 'Turing time' to use for TTW. - [name=Sarah] Low availability. I feel like I am in a position to be consulted and provide designs for solutions to problems, but I probably don't have time for implementations. - [name=Brigitta] ad-hoc, availability for PR review is definitely there (I need to receive a direct github notification about it), less commitment for implementing new ideas - [name=Bastian] No prior availability reported :wink: - [name=Anne] There's a lot more that I wanted to do with everyone, but am being pulled in a couple of different directions! I could commit to a regular set time. - [name=Danny] Unclear currently - I'm in the process of wrapping up my postdoc and deciding what comes next, and I'm currently planning my life only several days ahead at a time! - Github organisation, github teams - We got the ok! :thumbsup: - ALS: How can we host a conversations about this transition in public? - SG: Github teams -> each WG can be a team. Separating event planning from maintenance issues. - BS: Hard to find issues that you can find in 10-15 minutes that I have. Labels is one thing. Project board can be helpful and directly being pinged on pull requests. Balance of pinging group & pinging individuals... - SG: We can ping each other... but can people outside the WG know how to do it. - JM: Can you assign a team to a PR or request a review from a team? - ALS: We have slack channel... but should that happen in this context? - What would be needed to flag a working group? - SG: Currently is through ATI, but will need github organisation - BS: First hurdle is to get the organisation - JM: We'll just do what makes sense and worry about improving it later! Teams on Github had be a tree structure, can have sub-team of infrastructure maintainers. - SG: Downside of pinging a team can be that no one is responsible... - ALS: How can we be a buffer during this process? - JM: Tagging, people who play that triage role... Sounds a bit risky, you have to have a lot of knowledge about who everyone is. - SG: Pull request reminder bot... burden the robot! - How can we start planning for a github organisation in 6 months? - JM: We can do this? - SG: Will dig into how the reminder bot is done - BS: Getting org wide anything requires the hacking, not the other way around - - Communication: platform, cadence, method - Infrastructure reminders on Slack channel - BS: Every other week a summary of what is going on? - JM: Monthly, weekly summary, - BST: i would feel like having a bot do automated reminders in a separate channel can easily lead to notification fatigue (and a same vague responsibility) - Github team: Can only add Turing folks to the Github team... - Openess: sharing with TTW communinity - Membership: who should be in this group? - ALS: Maybe pause on thinking about this? - 1) Github teams - Now: - AAA & ALS: can see on Turing level - JM: Can people be added as 'Outside Collaborators'? Jim tested it and it was not possible. - Organisation: We'll need our own team. - 2) Notifications - Github email digests - Slack channel - 3) Accountability + Scheduling - Meeting structures - Book Dash & Collab Cafe - Planning in the long term for a sprint of some sort? - Once a quarter? - Slack channel ## Next steps Time: 00:55-01:00 - Scheduling a monthly meeting - AAA: Start with scheduling one month check-in - - Schedule time - Schedule monthly meeting - Github organisation - :::info Previous meeting notes: 10-11-22 https://hackmd.io/_aY35tIaTpWKeYotoMcYRQ ::: ## Summary - ------ ## Review previous structure: What do we work on? Time: 00:30 - 00:45 ### 1. Reviewing ongoing tasks [Taken from Github Issue](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues/2690) > * Day to day: package updates, managing bug reports > * Longer-term: managing automation requests from working groups, developing strategy for tech adoption, onboarding new infrastructure maintainers, self-directed projects > * Preparation required: developing documentation (for internal use, to be added to the Community Handbook) Notes: - What is this missing? - - ### 2. Reviewing timeline [Taken from Github Issue](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues/2690) > 1. Phase 1: Documentation > 2. Phase 2: Testing and Developing System > 3. Phase 3: Expanding system & maintainers group Notes: - Are these the logical steps to take? - - ### 3. Planning for Phase 1 [Taken from Github Issue](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues/2690) > Answering questions like 'Who is doing what?' and 'What do people need to know when they join?', these phase is focused on documenting existing processes to develop, update, and maintain TTW as it is currently. This can form the framework for something like an SRE guide for TTW maintainers, including resources like a Q&A, and information about its platform building tools Notes: - Action Points: - ALS - Making issue of what should go in documentation? - SG - Sending otter.ai transcript ### Next Steps Time: 00:55 - 01:00 - - ---- ## References * List of members: * * Link to transcript: * https://hackmd.io/@turingway/Hk5Ywl2Bo # 10.11.22 Infrastructure Working Group Kick-off Contained here: https://hackmd.io/@turingway/ttw-infra-kick-off