--- title: User Guide for Webex Webinar as a Panelist image: https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Byfvy2H8n.png description: Step by step guide to help you testing your computer working good on Webex. Also with tl;dr guide. langs: en --- # User Guide for Webex Webinar as a Panelist For attendees, see [User Guide for Webex Webinar as a Attendee](https://hackmd.io/@tmonk/user_guide_for_webex_webinar_as_an_attendee). ## TL;DR 1. Install Webex client app through [offical download page](https://www.webex.com/downloads.html). 2. Click the meeting link in invitation letter to join the roundtable. 3. In the very first page you can choose to join through client app or browser. Click **Open Webex** on the pop-up window. 4. Enter your name you want to be displayed, and the your email address you received the invitation letter with. Then click **Next**. 5. The next page will ask you to enter the **Panelist password** to prove you are the panelist. You can find the password in your invitation letter. Then click **Continue**. 6. Now you are in preparing room. Click **Join Meeting** if you are ready. ## The Detailed Guide (4 mins read) ### Testing your computer working good on Webex It is always a good idea to be prepared before any online meeting. The following steps help you checking your computer is working good on Webex. - First go to this Webex Network Testing site https://mediatest.ciscospark.com/ for checking your connection is good on Webex. ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJm5nKHLn.png) *▲ Test Results if your connection is good on webex* - Although you can join any Webex meeting through web browser, it is **strongly recommended** to install the client app from https://www.webex.com/downloads.html for better user experience. - After client app installed, go to this Webex offical page https://www.webex.com/test-meeting.html for testing your computer hardware and internet connection. - Type in the name and email<sup>①</sup> (**they can be arbitrary**) to enter the testing meeting. - Before entering Webex meeting, there will be a page let you choose to join through Webex client app or browser. Click **Open Webex**<sup>②</sup> on the pop-up window. ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/S1s_wKSL2.png) - The first window you see will be a preparing room where you can select your mic and webcam.<sup>③</sup> When you are ready, Click **Join Meeting**<sup>④</sup> located at the bottom-right. ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SJKwotSI2.png) - Now you are in the test meeting. Please check the following items: ⑤ You can see your internet status on the top-right of the window. Is it a green light to indicate your internet is working good? ⑥ Say something through the mic, is the mic volume bar moving while you talking? ⑦ Can you see your webcam video on the window? ⑧ Try to share your screen/window by clicking the share botton located at the bottom-middle. ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rySmRKSL2.png) 🎉 Congratulations. Now you are ready to join Webex Webinar. 🎉 ### Joining Webex Webinar Welcome to **Roundtable on Dissent in China: From Housing Protests to the White Paper Movement** hosted by Freedom House. To join the Webex Webinar, please click the meeting link provided in invitation letter. - Similar to the previous guide, the first thing you see on the page let you choose to join webinar through Webex client app or browser. Click **Open Webex** on the pop-up window. - For starter on the client app, type in the name<sup>①</sup> you want to be displayed and **your email address**<sup>②</sup> you received the invitation letter with. Then click **Next**. :::warning Please ensure that you enter **the correct email address**. Otherwise, you will join the webinar as an attendee, where you won't be able to speak or share your webcam. ::: - The next page will ask you to type in the **Panelist password**<sup>③</sup> to prove you are the panelist. You can find the password in your invitation letter. Then click **Continue**. :::warning There are two kinds of password: **Panelist password** and Webinar password. Make sure you enter the **Panelist password**. ::: ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Bkn97jSU2.png) - Now you are in preparing room. Click **Join Meeting** when you ready. ### Uninstall Webex Client after the Webinar If you want to uninstall Webex Client, you may find it hard to do it completely. The official provides the software to help you uninstall it thoroughly. For Windows: [Meeting-Services-Removal-Tool](https://collaborationhelp.cisco.com/en-us/article/WBX000026378/Meeting-Services-Removal-Tool) For Mac: [Mac-Cisco-Webex-Meetings-Application-Uninstaller](https://help.webex.com/en-us/article/WBX000026377/Mac-Cisco-Webex-Meetings-Application-Uninstaller) ## License This document is prvided by typingmonk, licensed under [CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/H1AyPsSU2.png =120x)