# Resist project ![](https://i.imgur.com/YiE3yHR.png) Unprecedented [wide-reaching sanctions](https://www.natlawreview.com/article/ofac-blocks-smart-contract-mixer-adding-tornado-to-sdn-list) are hitting the online world. At the same time, [banks](https://www.business-standard.com/article/finance/rbi-restricts-withdrawals-from-maharashtra-s-shankarrao-cooperative-bank-122051301377_1.html) are [panicking](https://beincrypto.com/canadians-withdraw-money-from-banks-in-astonishing-numbers/) fearing [bank-runs](https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-cash-some-afghans-desperately-need-is-trapped-in-their-bank-accounts-11646578800), and [limiting](https://www.business-standard.com/article/international/central-bank-of-russia-limits-foreign-cash-withdrawals-until-sept-9-122030900107_1.html) people's [withdrawals](https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/nigerian-banks-suspend-card-withdrawals-abroad-2022-03-15/) while being [defended by tanks](https://www.firstpost.com/world/tiananmen-square-2-0-china-deploys-tanks-to-prevent-people-from-withdrawing-money-from-crisis-hit-banks-10938001.html) - the alternative is being held [at gunpoint](theguardian.com/world/2022/aug/11/gunman-takes-hostages-at-beirut-bank-to-try-to-free-his-trapped-savings) to release people's own money for medical bills. [Countries](https://www.outlookindia.com/international/sri-lanka-economic-crisis-five-other-countries-facing-a-similar-catastrophe-news-188636) are [sinking](https://www.wired.com/story/dystopia-tips-prepare-fight-back/) into [dystopian](https://old.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/voaicx/10_error_rate_is_okay_leaked_eu_commission/) nightmare [scenarios](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/10/facebook-user-data-abortion-nebraska-police) for [anyone outside](https://www.pcwelt.de/news/Urteil-Schon-ein-Like-kann-strafbar-sein-in-sozialen-Netzen-11285419.html) the political supercaste, and the only thing they all have in common is, in the past 5 years, they all said "this will never happen here". Meanwhile, in our "parallel economy", the 2021 bull market has made web3 lose all perspective of the greater mission and vision. Competing L1s popping up left and right, claming superiority, only to be proven fallible time and again. Developers following the loudest shills and largest bribes coming from the headquarters of these mockchains, building on anti-technology designed to fall apart at the gentlest breeze. The ecosystem is full of NFTs pretending to have utility, projects fundraising for 10 years only to deliver clumsy single-A "metaverses", sporting [barely 1000 daily active users combined](https://twitter.com/w0000CE0/status/1537401568328404993?s=20&t=KzMsdqwT6kflnCJ4-cYF0Q) including bots. DeFi projects [banning people](https://twitter.com/justinsuntron/status/1558397647165091840) without warning based on one badly designed sanctions list from ~~North Korea~~ USA. It is entirely realistic that the next step will be a license to publish smart contracts, and the requirement to have the contracts come with built in sanctions lists, or be banned from running special software in special jurisdictions. EthPoW, EthOFAC, EthNoFAC. Web3 in the bull market is a parody. It is a fun ball, a grand party, a massive masquerade of pretentiousness and posing. Everyone is aware of it, everyone makes compromises they pretend do not matter, and [no one wants to leave the ball. But those who stay longest get hurt the worst, pay the largest ape tax](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJzwEi9iJsc). Once the regulators come knocking, the Hetzner servers go down, and the LP incentives expressed in tokens that inevitably trend towards zero evaporate, what is left of web3? ![](https://i.imgur.com/5dld40E.jpg) RESIST is a web3 persistence project. At its core, a simple ethos: ![](https://c.tenor.com/NFjcJuTj9LYAAAAC/rage-against-the-machine.gif) Not a competing L1, not Yet Another Storage Chain™️, and definitely not another fully-doxxed-we-are-at-USA's-mercy-VC-funded-vanity-project-from-Silicon-Valley. RESIST, at its core, is an NFT powered governance experiment in a fully decentralized and on-chain hosted token-curated list of censorship resistant resources and tools designed specifically to Fuck The Man. Only instead of [books being used for illegal code export](https://hoffmang9.github.io/free-speech/the-history-code-is-free-speech.html), this time we use the blockchain. Was all this a mouthful? Let's break it down. RESIST is: - NFT powered - using some [cool NFT 2.0 tech](https://docs.rmrk.app), the RESIST collection is an **uncapped** set of non-transferable avatars that gain reputation (and through that Sybil resistance) and voting power through two means: fungible token holdings, and past actions in the system. The reputation is conveyed through [soulbound 2.0](https://docs.rmrk.app/nontransferable) NFTs inside the avatars attained over time, while fungible tokens can be freely bought, but **only for Tornado-laundered ether**. The NFTs are also designed to be good "fuck the system" PFPs, and to propagate the message. - governance experiment - using some advanced weighing mechanics coupled with turnout biased voting, the governance experiment is designed mainly to test the feasability of "governance by experts" or "meritocracy" if you will. - fully decentralized and on-chain hosted - using EthSites and smart contracts, the UI for this project will be forever accessible directly from any Ethereum node using just a small snippet of JavaScript that anyone can memorize. DNS convenience shortcuts will be provided, but since the content is fully on-chain, the takedown of a domain, CDN, or any caching server will not affect availability. - token-curated list - the governance experiment will, at first, curate the list of resources by popularity and certain attribute scores (reliability, decentralization, etc.), which will allow newcomers to easily and instantly identify the tools and apps where most users congregate, building strong communities on decentralized platforms. Only NFT owners will be able to vote on this list, and the power of their vote will depend on their "level", and on the number of fungible tokens they locked into the contract. - censorship resistant - with the above infrastructure in place, the only way to censor the list will be to buy the majority of tokens across many NFT-ed accounts, using Tornado cash itself (thereby committing a crime), and to outvote whatever tool is in the lead, which will make other tokenholders richer, and allow them to simply redeploy the contract elsewhere and continue operation undisturbed. - resources and tools - resources and tools in the list will be anything from decentralized and private chats to repositories, tools, and smart contracts built to resist the new world order. Submissions will happen via a simple UI connected straight to the contract, runnable from a locally running copy of the site too. After a voting process finishes, the new submissions will appear for everyone. - Fuck The Man - See gif above To begin the project, 0xTODO will be accepting Tornado Cash ether donations ONLY, for 7 days. This period will correspond to 10% of the total supply of $RESIST, distributed proportionally to contributors during this period. _Note: The amount counting towards contribution will be the amount **arriving**, so if the relayer fee is 0.05 eth, then it only counts as 0.05 on the 0.1 eth withdrawal._ Once the account is funded, it will be used to launch the $RESIST NFT collection and deploy the ethsites website along with other necessary contracts for the project to work. Once live in its initial version: - the remaining 90% of the fungible tokens will be put up for sale (pricing method to be defined), but will only accept Tornado-laundered eth **on initial purchase** from the website (tokens will subsequently be tradable on regular DEXes). - anyone will be able to mint a new NON TRANSFERABLE avatar. These are [soulbound 2.0 NFTs](https://docs.rmrk.app/nontransferable), their swag is tradable but their reputation, achievements, and the avatars themselves are not. - anyone will be able to vote on and propose new entries into the token curated registry of RESIST tools - anyone will be able to bind $RESIST tokens to their avatar (place the fungibles inside the NFT) to boost their voting power - anyone will be able to initiate an avatar migration to a new address with a deposit of $RESIST, and others will be able to vote on this decision using the same weight as used for curation. This allows a non-transferable NFT to be recovered and transfered, if agreed upon by the supermajority of other holders. Stay tuned. ## NFTs ![](https://i.imgur.com/K42RP30.png) The NFTs being sold are a symbol of resistance directed at both American oppression and the bending of the knee of key figures and projects in the ex-DeFi (now ["FairFi"](https://twitter.com/lex_node/status/1560602444094062593?s=20&t=zDmoQHvTzx2TEjTkxxDUVQ)) space. There is only one DeFi, and there is only one way to be free: complete and total civil disobedience towards the archaic laws of present-day nationstates and dictatorships. ![](https://i.imgur.com/PPCo1iz.png) The NFTs are symbols of a fist raised in _DeFi_-ance, each having both transferable and non-transferable elements. The NFTs are circular in design, fitting well into the hexagonal and circular shape of social media profile pictures, and the _frame_ of the NFT indicates its rarity in **four distinct neon colors**. Transferable elements: - fistwear (bracer, bracelet): 10 - middle-finger ring (must accommodate for finger position - see below): 5 - aura: 5 - object (cameras, Faraday cage, Guy Fawkes mask, etc.), behind the fist but in front of the backround: 20 - background pattern: 10 - background color 1: 10 - background color 2: 10 Non-transferable elements - fist color: 7 - finger position: 2 (horns 🤘 vs fist ✊) - fingernails (none, demon, fancy, bitten): 4 ## Privacy Resources - Archived twitter threads like [this one](https://twitter.com/cybercrimemlm/status/1557354242670731271?s=21&t=IdbXuFNBY-gQ3H2BdsGclg), explaining one of the problems from one of the angles - Tools like [this one](https://snitchy.xyz/) for detecting failed RPC endpoints who snitch on you and betray web3 - [Alternative UI](https://www.reddit.com/r/TornadoCashDev/comments/yf10ar/tornadocash_post_censorship/) - [Mullvad VPN](https://mullvad.net/en/) - bitcoin/monero accepted, no personal info to give, works in China too ## Using Tornado Cash post-OFAC Make sure you are connected to a VPN. Next, make sure you are using a clean machine. That means: - clean browser - no extensions, no browsing history other than what you browse for this process. Brave is good for privacy. - clean Metamask or Frame.sh - make a wallet, but do nothing else before doing the RPC steps below because MM immediately phones home with your IP and all addresses inside it meaning all the VCs and USA superpolice have all your information, including linked addresses, as soon as you start it. ### Connecting to RPCs - when connecting to an RPC node, pick one of - zmok.io - unmarshall - hopr - alternatively, run a light client like [helios](github.com/a16z/helios) - also check out - github.com/shark0der/rpc-proxy - github.com/emilianobonassi/loadbalanceeeer