# W43 AIM [toc] ## 1. T1 / AIM - W43 Search Progress Update Hi Paul, Here's a quick summary of our search progress and our sourcing plan for next week. ### Progress Report `Last Week (A = Actuals W42): Week from Oct 20 - Oct 26` `Next Week (F = Forecast W43): Week from Oct 27 - Nov 02` | Opening | Your Urgency | Our Priority | Notes | | -- | :--: | :-: | -- | | [BD Manager](https://jobs.sunrise.io/aimfolds/bd-manager) x1 | High| <font color="green">Resourced</font><br><br>(*A: 0d, 1/2s*)<br>(*F: 8d, <font color='red'>-2.4k/d</font>*) | • **A**: Amanda spent **1 days** to send 12 messages, had 0 calls, and projects **0** subs [*100% below forecast of 1 subs*] <br> • **F**: Amanda will spend **1 days** sourcing (forecasts **1 subs** from 3.3 calls from 11 messages)| | [Marketing](https://jobs.sunrise.io/aimfolds/marketing) x1 | High| <font color="black">Not Resourced</font><br><br>(*A: 9d, 1/9s*)<br>(*F: 11d, <font color='green'>0.1k/d</font>*) |• **A**: Amanda spent **0 days** to send 0 messages, had calls, and projects **0** subs [*100% below forecast of 1 subs*]<br>• **Explanation**: I have 1 cdd going to interview for this role, so I switched to search for BD | | [Tech Lead](https://jobs.sunrise.io/aimfolds/tech-lead) x1 | High| <font color="black">Not Resourced</font><br><br>(*A: 15d, 0/14s*)<br>(*F: 16d, <font color='red'>-1.1k/d</font>*) | | | [CTO](https://jobs.sunrise.io/aimfolds/cto) x1 | High| <font color="black">Not Resourced</font><br><br>(*A: 0d, 0/1s*)<br>(*F: 0d, <font color='red'>-3.8k/d</font>*) | || ### Candidate Funnel ([Live Link](https://t1.me/applicants/aimfolds?code=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhenAiOiJWNTFRTmVZTDUyamJWbmVOMEdLTGl5YjBQM3pQWGtwOSIsInN1YiI6ImF1dGgwfDVmMzUzMmE3ZjdmNWNlMDAzOWViMzJjOCIsImltcGVyc29uYXRvcl9pZCI6ImxpbmtlZGlufFoySUZwLVpXZG4iLCJodHRwczovL2FwaS12My50dHkxLmNvL3Blcm1pc3Npb25zIjpbIlQxIENsaWVudCIsInJfY2FuZGlkYXRlcyIsIndfYXRzIl0sImlhdCI6MTY5ODM4OTgwMSwiZXhwIjoxNzAyMjc3ODAxLCJhdWQiOiJWNTFRTmVZTDUyamJWbmVOMEdLTGl5YjBQM3pQWGtwOSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vdHR5MS5hdXRoMC5jb20vIn0.fkxLto8wpopxcN4LV3uQy_W8SG0i3ko_oDGIjQPKDeE)) ## 2. Meeting Agenda ## 3. Meeting Notes (Taken During Meeting) ## 4. Meeting Minutes (External) ## 5. Meeting Minutes (Internal)