# Hai-Ting Liao's notes ###### tags: `PARTICIPANTS` 從擊樂手身份出發的創作者,專注於跨領域的聲響呈現。 2004年自澳洲昆士蘭省音樂院畢業後前往義大利 Fabrica 駐村,開始結合現代音樂及表演藝術的創作。 隨後前往法國,以「評審一致通過第一獎」取得法國國立巴黎高等音樂院(CNSMdP)文憑。 學生時期以詮釋現代音樂作品為中心,沿著當代音樂發展的脈絡,延伸至對聲音的熱愛。 近年專注於模組合成器、自然聲音取樣及原聲樂器的融合,透過劇場式聲響演出、專輯製作、現場聲音表演和跨域合作來實踐創作理念、找出聲音發生和聆聽的更多可能性。 2017年成立實驗音樂品牌 - 噪音印製。 現居台北,為輔仁大學專案助理教授、Ableton Live認證講師、音樂/聲音工作者。 - LAB KILL LAB 的工作坊想跟大家分享的是模組合成器/聲音合成的樂趣。 從常會看到的字認識到實際動手接線(patching!),希望未來有機會與更多的女孩或酷兒們一起 jam。除此之外,也想多認識與學習大家的領域,期待! see you soon - HT is a sound artist coming from a percussion background who's works had shown in different fields in variety of forms. After graduating from Queensland Conservatorium, Australia in 2004, HT headed for Fabrica, Italy as an artist in residence and began her creation that combines contemporary music and performing arts. Later HT moved on to France and received a diploma from Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de danse de Paris (CNSMDP) with a First Prize by unanimity of the jury. Since 2017, HT founded the experimental music brand - “PrintedNoise Lab” and started to experiment blending sound of modular synthesiser, environmental and acoustic instruments through different practices including: theatrical music performances, music productions, sound live-set and cross-disciplinary projects. HT is now based in taipei, works as an Associate Professor at Fu-Jen Catholic University, Ableton Live certified trainer and freelance in music and sound design. ![](https://i.imgur.com/DjMgTE5.jpg) ![](https://i.imgur.com/5p4YXOT.jpg) ![](https://i.imgur.com/CsDZ57V.jpg) ![](https://i.imgur.com/D7dcQI8.jpg)