terence tsao


Joined on Jul 18, 2018

  • ⏳ Genesis time related questions: Q: Is there any estimate time for the genesis of Oynx? A: Not yet, the deposit contract needs to hit the threshold of 16384 deposits then wait for 48 hours until genesis. ✉️ Deposit related questions: Q: If there is anyway to get back the GoETH I deposit in the topaz testnet with the shardwithdrawalkey ? A: There is no way to get back that GoETH. Deposits into eth2 phase 0 are one-way Q: https://prylabs.net/participate still sends ETH to old contract. A: Try clearing your browser cache
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  • Author: Terence Tsao (terence@prysmaticlabs.com) :wave: Background In the current Ethereum road map, Ethereum2.0 (ETH2.0)'s phase 1 implements sharding of data. As the phase 1 spec continues to mature, evolve and improved by the researchers and the community members. There's great value and synergy to begin implement a phase 1 proof of concept client that aims to serve many great purposes. Prysm from Prysmatic Labs is the phase 0 beacon chain implementation in Golang. The project consists of implemenations of beacon node and validator client. Both implementations are aiming to be production ready as beacon chain goes mainnet starting day 0. As we are heading towards the mainnet production readiness phase for phase 0, it naturally makes sense to begin and explore experimental phase 1 functionality using Prysm. :goal_net: Outlined Goals Implement shard chains that get built along side beacon chain in run time, shard chains should be crosslinking with the beacon chain Implement benchmarks on what is feasible and what is not feasible with design decisions outlined in the spec
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  • Author: Terence Tsao Objective In this page, we aim to achieve an end to end design between BN RPC server and VC RPC client so that BN can properly subscribes to attestation subnet such that: BN serving attester can find persistent peers on the subnet in question to publish attestation BN serving aggregator can join the subnet Required readings for background https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/pull/1615
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