# [2021q1](http://wiki.csie.ncku.edu.tw/linux/schedule) 第 9 週測驗題
###### tags: `linux2021`
目的: 檢驗學員對 ==[Linux 核心設計: 不僅是個執行單元的 Process](https://hackmd.io/@sysprog/linux-process)== 和 ==[並行程式設計](https://hackmd.io/@sysprog/concurrency)== 的認知
### 測驗 `1`
延伸[第 8 週測驗題](https://hackmd.io/@sysprog/linux2021-quiz8)提到的 single-producer/multiple-consumer (SPMC) queue,以下實作提出 multiple-producer/multiple-consumer (MPMC),使用 GCC [Built-in Functions for Memory Model Aware Atomic Operations](https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/_005f_005fatomic-Builtins.html) 和 [futex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Futex):
> [futex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Futex) 全名為 fast user-space mutex locking,是 Linux 核心一種機制,主要提供使用者層級中有效與多執行緒的同步方式,並降低 Linux 核心的介入。可參考 [Basics of Futexes](https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2018/basics-of-futexes/)。futex 主要有 wait 和 wake 等二個操作,其定義如下:
> ```cpp
> /* uaddr 指向一個地址,val 代表這個地址期待的值, 當 *uaddr == val 時,才會進行 wait */
> int futex_wait(int *uaddr, int val);
> /* 喚醒 n 個 uaddr 指向的 lock 變數,對應到等待中的行程或執行緒 */
> int futex_wake(int *uaddr, int n);
> ```
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <malloc.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define PAGE_SIZE 4096 /* FIXME: avoid hard-coded */
#define CACHE_LINE_SIZE 64 /* FIXME: make it configurable */
#define CACHE_ALIGNED __attribute__((aligned(CACHE_LINE_SIZE)))
#define DOUBLE_CACHE_ALIGNED __attribute__((aligned(2 * CACHE_LINE_SIZE)))
static inline void *align_malloc(size_t align, size_t size)
void *ptr;
int ret = posix_memalign(&ptr, align, size);
if (ret != 0) {
return ptr;
#define N (1 << 12) /* node size */
#define NBITS (N - 1)
typedef struct __node {
struct __node *volatile next DOUBLE_CACHE_ALIGNED;
void *volatile cells[N] DOUBLE_CACHE_ALIGNED;
} node_t;
#define HANDLES 128 /* support 127 threads */
typedef struct {
node_t *spare;
node_t *volatile put_node CACHE_ALIGNED;
node_t *volatile pop_node CACHE_ALIGNED;
} handle_t;
typedef struct {
node_t *init_node;
volatile long init_id DOUBLE_CACHE_ALIGNED;
volatile long put_index DOUBLE_CACHE_ALIGNED;
volatile long pop_index DOUBLE_CACHE_ALIGNED;
handle_t *volatile enq_handles[HANDLES];
handle_t *volatile deq_handles[HANDLES];
int threshold;
pthread_barrier_t enq_barrier, deq_barrier;
} mpmc_t;
static inline node_t *mpmc_new_node()
node_t *n = align_malloc(PAGE_SIZE, sizeof(node_t));
memset(n, 0, sizeof(node_t));
return n;
enum queue_ops {
ENQ = 1 << 1,
DEQ = 1 << 0,
/* regiseter the enqueuers first, dequeuers second. */
void mpmc_queue_register(mpmc_t *q, handle_t *th, int flag)
th->spare = mpmc_new_node();
th->put_node = th->pop_node = q->init_node;
if (flag & ENQ) {
handle_t **tail = q->enq_handles;
for (int i = 0;; ++i) {
handle_t *init = NULL;
if (!tail[i] &&
__atomic_compare_exchange_n(tail + i, &init, th, 0,
/* wait for the other enqueuers to register */
if (flag & DEQ) {
handle_t **tail = q->deq_handles;
for (int i = 0;; ++i) {
handle_t *init = NULL;
if (!tail[i] &&
__atomic_compare_exchange_n(tail + i, &init, th, 0,
/* wait for the other dequeuers to register */
void mpmc_init_queue(mpmc_t *q, int enqs, int deqs, int threshold)
q->init_node = mpmc_new_node();
q->threshold = threshold;
q->put_index = q->pop_index = q->init_id = 0;
pthread_barrier_init(&q->enq_barrier, NULL, enqs); /* enqueuers */
pthread_barrier_init(&q->deq_barrier, NULL, deqs); /* dequeuers */
/* locate the offset on the nodes and nodes needed. */
static void *mpmc_find_cell(node_t *volatile *ptr, long i, handle_t *th)
node_t *curr = *ptr; /* get current node */
/* j is thread's local node'id (put node or pop node), (i / N) is the cell
* needed node'id. and we shoud take it, By filling the nodes between the j
* and (i / N) through 'next' field
for (long j = curr->id; j < i / N; ++j) {
node_t *next = curr->next;
if (!next) { /* start filling */
/* use thread's standby node */
node_t *tmp = th->spare;
if (!tmp) {
tmp = mpmc_new_node();
th->spare = tmp;
tmp->id = NNN; /* next node's id */
/* if true, then use this thread's node, else then thread has have
* done this.
/* __atomic_compare_exchange_n(ptr, cmp, val, 0, __ATOMIC_RELEASE,
* __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE) is an atomic compare-and-swap that ensures
* release semantic when succeed or acquire semantic when failed.
if (__atomic_compare_exchange_n(&curr->next, &next, tmp, 0,
next = tmp;
th->spare = NULL; /* now thread there is no standby node */
curr = next; /* take the next node */
*ptr = curr; /* update our node to the present node */
/* Orders processor execution, so other thread can see the '*ptr = curr' */
__asm("sfence" ::: "cc", "memory"); /* FIXME: x86-only */
/* now we get the needed cell, its node is curr */
return &curr->cells[CCC];
#include <linux/futex.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifndef SYS_futex
#define SYS_futex __NR_futex
static inline int mpmc_futex_wake(void *addr, int val)
return syscall(SYS_futex, addr, FUTEX_WAKE, val, NULL, NULL, 0);
static inline int mpmc_futex_wait(void *addr, int val)
return syscall(SYS_futex, addr, FUTEX_WAIT, val, NULL, NULL, 0);
void mpmc_enqueue(mpmc_t *q, handle_t *th, void *v)
/* return the needed index */
void *volatile *c = mpmc_find_cell(
&th->put_node, __atomic_fetch_add(&q->put_index, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST),
/* __atomic_fetch_add(ptr, val) is an atomic fetch-and-add that also
* ensures sequential consistency
/* now c is the nedded cell */
void *cv;
/* if XCHG (ATOMIC: Exchange Register/Memory with Register) return NULL,
* so our value has put into the cell, just return.
if ((cv = __atomic_exchange_n(c, v, __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL)) == NULL)
/* else the couterpart pop thread has wait this cell, so we just change the
* wating value and wake it
*((int *) cv) = VVV;
mpmc_futex_wake(cv, 1);
void *mpmc_dequeue(mpmc_t *q, handle_t *th)
void *cv;
int futex_addr = 1;
/* the needed pop_index */
long index = __atomic_fetch_add(&q->pop_index, DDD, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
/* locate the needed cell */
void *volatile *c = mpmc_find_cell(&th->pop_node, index, th);
/* because the queue is a blocking queue, so we just use more spin. */
int times = (1 << 20);
do {
cv = *c;
if (cv)
goto over;
__asm__("pause"); /* FIXME: x86-only */
} while (times-- > 0);
/* XCHG, if return NULL so this cell is NULL, we just wait and observe the
* futex_addr's value to 0.
if ((cv = __atomic_exchange_n(c, &futex_addr, __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL)) == NULL) {
/* call wait before compare futex_addr to prevent use-after-free of
* futex_addr at mpmc_enqueue(call wake)
do {
mpmc_futex_wait(&futex_addr, 1);
} while (futex_addr == 1);
/* the couterpart put thread has change futex_addr's value to 0. and the
* data has into cell(c).
cv = *c;
/* if the index is the node's last cell: (NBITS == 4095), it Try to reclaim
* the memory. so we just take the smallest ID node that is not
* reclaimed(init_node), and At the same time, by traversing the local data
* of other threads, we get a larger ID node(min_node). So it is safe to
* recycle the memory [init_node, min_node).
if ((index & NBITS) == NBITS) {
/* __atomic_load_n(ptr, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE) is a load with a following
* acquire fence to ensure no following load and stores can start before
* the current load completes.
long init_index = __atomic_load_n(&q->init_id, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE);
/* __atomic_compare_exchange_n(ptr, cmp, val, 0, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE,
* __ATOMIC_RELAXED) is an atomic compare-and-swap that ensures acquire
* semantic when succeed or relaxed semantic when failed.
if ((th->pop_node->id - init_index) >= q->threshold &&
init_index >= 0 &&
__atomic_compare_exchange_n(&q->init_id, &init_index, -1, 0,
node_t *init_node = q->init_node;
th = q->deq_handles[0];
node_t *min_node = th->pop_node;
int i;
handle_t *next = q->deq_handles[i = 1];
while (next) {
node_t *next_min = next->pop_node;
if (next_min->id < min_node->id)
min_node = next_min;
if (min_node->id <= init_index)
next = q->deq_handles[++i];
next = q->enq_handles[i = 0];
while (next) {
node_t *next_min = next->put_node;
if (next_min->id < min_node->id)
min_node = next_min;
if (min_node->id <= init_index)
next = q->enq_handles[++i];
long new_id = min_node->id;
if (new_id <= init_index)
/* __atomic_store_n(ptr, val, __ATOMIC_RELEASE) is a store with
* a preceding release fence to ensure all previous load and
* stores completes before the current store is visiable.
__atomic_store_n(&q->init_id, init_index, __ATOMIC_RELEASE);
else {
q->init_node = min_node;
__atomic_store_n(&q->init_id, new_id, __ATOMIC_RELEASE);
do {
node_t *tmp = init_node->next;
init_node = tmp;
} while (init_node != min_node);
return cv;
#include <sys/time.h>
static long COUNTS_PER_THREAD = 2500000;
static int threshold = 8;
static mpmc_t mpmc;
static pthread_barrier_t prod_barrier, cons_barrier;
static void *producer(void *index)
mpmc_t *q = &mpmc;
handle_t *th = malloc(sizeof(handle_t));
memset(th, 0, sizeof(handle_t));
mpmc_queue_register(q, th, ENQ);
for (;;) {
for (int i = 0; i < COUNTS_PER_THREAD; ++i)
mpmc_enqueue(q, th, 1 + i + ((int) index) * COUNTS_PER_THREAD);
return NULL;
#define THREAD_NUM 4
static bool *array;
static void *consumer(void *index)
mpmc_t *q = &mpmc;
handle_t *th = malloc(sizeof(handle_t));
memset(th, 0, sizeof(handle_t));
mpmc_queue_register(q, th, DEQ);
for (;;) {
for (long i = 0; i < COUNTS_PER_THREAD; ++i) {
int value;
if (!(value = mpmc_dequeue(q, th)))
return NULL;
array[value] = true;
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
pthread_barrier_init(&prod_barrier, NULL, THREAD_NUM + 1);
pthread_barrier_init(&cons_barrier, NULL, THREAD_NUM + 1);
if (argc >= 3) {
COUNTS_PER_THREAD = atol(argv[1]);
threshold = atoi(argv[2]);
printf("Amount: %ld\n", THREAD_NUM * COUNTS_PER_THREAD);
array = malloc((1 + THREAD_NUM * COUNTS_PER_THREAD) * sizeof(bool));
memset(array, 0, (1 + THREAD_NUM * COUNTS_PER_THREAD) * sizeof(bool));
mpmc_init_queue(&mpmc, THREAD_NUM, THREAD_NUM, threshold);
pthread_t pids[THREAD_NUM];
for (int i = 0; i < THREAD_NUM; ++i) {
if (-1 == pthread_create(&pids[i], NULL, producer, i) ||
-1 == pthread_create(&pids[i], NULL, consumer, i)) {
printf("error create thread\n");
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
printf("\n#%d\n", i);
struct timeval start, prod_end;
gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
gettimeofday(&prod_end, NULL);
bool verify = true;
for (int j = 1; j <= THREAD_NUM * COUNTS_PER_THREAD; ++j) {
if (!array[j]) {
printf("Error: ints[%d]\n", j);
verify = false;
if (verify)
printf("ints[1-%ld] have been verified through\n",
float cost_time = (prod_end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) +
(prod_end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec) / 1000000.0;
printf("elapsed time: %f seconds\n", cost_time);
printf("DONE #%d\n", i);
memset(array, 0, (1 + THREAD_NUM * COUNTS_PER_THREAD) * sizeof(bool));
return 0;
$ gcc -Wall -std=c11 -o mpmc mpmc.c -lpthread
Amount: 10000000
ints[1-10000000] have been verified through
elapsed time: 0.837920 seconds
ints[1-10000000] have been verified through
elapsed time: 1.278960 seconds
ints[1-10000000] have been verified through
elapsed time: 1.745488 seconds
VVV = ?
NNN = ?
DDD = ?
CCC = ?
1. 解釋上述程式碼運作原理,指出實作上的限制
2. 研讀 [logger-thread](https://github.com/ledav-net/logger-thread),此為 MPSC 的應用,請說明原理,並分析其效能改進的機會
3. 研讀 Linux 核心 [Concurrency Managed Workqueue](https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/core-api/workqueue.html) 的文件和實作,指出其設計和實作考量