--- tags: computer-arch --- # Computer Archiecture 2020: Term Project > :notebook: You must provide the materials and demonstrate to the lecturer before ==Jan 19, 2021== ## Fill in the table for your term project > [Terms projects for 2019](https://hackmd.io/@wsp50317/H1Qa8hVk8) | Group(add your name here)| Topic | Your Links | |---------|---------|------------| | 段雅培| Implement RISC-V compressed instruction support for [rv32emu-next](https://github.com/sysprog21/rv32emu-next). <br>Reference: [RISC-V Compressed Instruction Set on rv32emu](https://hackmd.io/@kksweet8845/rv32emu) | [Implement RISC-V compressed instruction support for rv32emu-next](https://hackmd.io/@kaeteyaruyo/risc-v-rvc) / [PR on Github](https://github.com/sysprog21/rv32emu-next/pull/4) | |江松穎, 洪邵澤| Implement RISC-V compressed instruction support for [rv32emu-next](https://github.com/sysprog21/rv32emu-next). <br>Reference: [RISC-V Compressed Instruction Set on rv32emu](https://hackmd.io/@kksweet8845/rv32emu) | [RISC-V Compressed Instruction Support for rv32emu-next](https://hackmd.io/@cccccs100203/RISCV-Compressed) / [github](https://github.com/ccs100203/rv32emu-next/tree/shao) | | 3 汪宗諺 吳昱宗| Run FreeRTOS on VexRiscv and access the peripherals such as VGA. <br>Reference: [VexRiscv](https://hackmd.io/@oR8-QX4TQzGKDJ72DmqDUg/S1eKmCbkU) | [Run FreeRTOS on VexRiscv and access the peripherals](https://hackmd.io/@4a740UnwQE6K9pc5tNlJpg/H1olFPOCD) | | 3 | Analyze [PulseRain Rattlesnake](https://github.com/PulseRain/Rattlesnake): Explain how it works and validate it. | - | | 1 曾鈜寬 | Contribute RV32C support back to Reindeer. You must send pull request(s) and collaborate with upstteam. <br>Reference: [Implement RISC-V Compressed Instruction Set for Reindeer](https://hackmd.io/@4BjpaFDLSNuA6FyRpybMdA/Hyr5FND18) | - | | 2+ 許龍君, 楊承翰, 陳柏廷| Contribute to [Ripes](https://github.com/mortbopet/Ripes/issues): pick up pending issues, work on them, and finally send pull request(s). | [Add instruction formats to assembly error tooltip](https://hackmd.io/@Rwbh0z6QRXqUP7ovs7txiQ/HySbbdSCw) | | 鄭育丞|Implement RV32I backend for [shecc](https://github.com/jserv/shecc)| [shecc backend summary](https://hackmd.io/@eecheng/Sy50Xy5Cw) | | 1 魏晉成 林柏維| Analyze [ria-jit](https://github.com/ria-jit/ria-jit) and contribute | [Analyze ria-jit and Contribute](https://hackmd.io/x_gfPC-HSY-1Jqxs_ygX1A) | | 3 呂紹樺, 林霆寬| Analyze [minrv32](https://github.com/arghhhh/minrv32) and verify its internals |[Analyze minrv32 and verify its internals](/LhnaI6QiTl298uBLFm_iCw) | | 3 鄭惟, 謝宜紘, 王傑世 | Analyze and improve [srv32](https://github.com/kuopinghsu/srv32) ^MIT^ | [Analyze and improve srv32](https://hackmd.io/@WeiCheng14159/HkNvemOpD) | | 3 | Analyze [spu32](https://github.com/maikmerten/spu32) with Yosys open synthesis suite. Explain how it works and validate it. | - | |陳冠宇|Annotate and explain Quiz3|[Quiz3](https://hackmd.io/@guaneec/arch2020-quiz3-sol)| | 江承緯| Annotate and explain Quiz3 | [Quiz3](https://hackmd.io/qzxbRQ_0QC-0eWztFrWdnA?view) | | 施丞宥 | Annotate and explain Quiz4 | [Quiz4](https://hackmd.io/@charley871103/H15SGArCv) | | 夏晨鈞 :wink: | Annotate and explain Quiz4 | [Quiz4](https://hackmd.io/q_ny6x99TEyIGACRZfCtZA?view) | | 林楷倫| Annotate and explain Quiz5 | [Quiz5](https://hackmd.io/@kevinlin30292/2020ca-Term) | | 曾紹銘| Annotate and explain Quiz5 | [Quiz5](https://hackmd.io/@shauming1020/ca-quiz5) | | 徐郁淞| Annotate and explain Quiz6 | [Quiz6](https://hackmd.io/@joe-U16/SyWcrvKAD) |