--- tags: SRAM, PCMCIA, PC Card image: https://i.imgur.com/0Kszs9W.png --- # PCMCIA SRAM PC Card Formatting using OmniDrive *The best source of information for utilizing the OmniDrive and the PC Card Manager software it comes with is the documentation that the device comes with — starting with the comprehensive help system contained in PC Card Manager'* ``"Help"`` *menu.* *** A copy of this document is [available online at https://hackmd.io/@synchrotech-inc/HkvsJ3l7U](https://hackmd.io/@synchrotech-inc/HkvsJ3l7U). ## [I. Checking the OmniDrive](#checking) A quick way to determine if the OmniDrive, its drivers, and PC Card Manager are working is to - Open PC Card Manager - Insert a SRAM PC Card into OmniDrive - Select `Menu: "Tools -> Analyze Card"` ![Checking the OmniDrive](https://i.imgur.com/6M1KTs3.png) Here, we used a 2MB 16-bit SRAM PC Card (PCM-SRP16-AM002), so the values populating the fields in the "SRAM Card" section reflect that. What's important is that the fields are filled in with values. If there are issues, see the **[begining of this document](https://synchrotech.tumblr.com/post/133489641659/quick-start-using-an-omnidrive-usb-lf-with-pcmcia)** for instructions on checking the OmniControl utility to ensure that all the drivers and software packages are installed correctly. ## [II. Windows Formatting](#winformat) The typical way to format SRAM PC Cards is to locate the card in `"Windows Explorer"`, right-click on the card's icon and choose `"Format"`. Ensure settings look similar to these and click the `"Start"` button to format. ![Windows Formatting](https://i.imgur.com/p5spiMv.png) If this doesn't work, it may be that the card's Master Boot Record (MBR) is corrupted. Here are two ways to try and address that issue. The most effective way is to copy a factory binary image of the card to the card ([Part III](https://hackmd.io/jRLk-ghRR5ehub9nfZDqsg?both#writing)), you can also try using PC Card Manager's format function ([Part V](https://hackmd.io/jRLk-ghRR5ehub9nfZDqsg?both#pcmformat)). ## [III. Writing binary images to SRAM PC Cards](#writing) You'll need a factory clean binary image of the card. For the 2MB card discussed here, a zipped copy is available for [download](https://www.synchrotech.com/support-download/2mbsramcardimage.PCC.zip). Save or download the attachment 2mbsramcardimage.PCC (or another factory supplied image) to the desktop of your computer. To write a byte-for-byte copy of a binary image to the SRAM PC Card: 1. Open PC Card Manager and insert a SRAM PC Card into OmniDrive 2. Select `Menu: "Actions -> Copy -> File(s) to Card"` ![Writing images to cards](https://i.imgur.com/zc6InUu.png) 3. Click `"New"` in the `"Copy Jobs"` section ![Writing images to cards](https://i.imgur.com/o22xsWi.png) 4. Under `"Source; File"` click the ellipse `"…"` character. 5. Locate the file `"2mbsramcardimage.PCC"` (or another appropriate binary file) on your computer's Desktop and select it. 6. Click "Open" ![Selected](https://i.imgur.com/uiGpWui.png) 8. Under "Target" ensure the following attributes are preset: ``` "Memory Area" Common "Start Address" 0 "Size" [auto] ``` 9. Click `"Copy"`. A progress dialog appears. ![Writing images to cards](https://i.imgur.com/0Kszs9W.png) 10. When complete there will be a checkmark in the box left of `"Source file"` under `"Copy Jobs"`. You may now eject the current PC Card. You can insert a new card if you're imaging multiple cards. ![Writing images to cards](https://i.imgur.com/sNfJ5uq.png) 11. You can click `"Copy"` for all subsequent cards, and `"Cancel"` when you are done. ## [IV. Compares](#compares) A compare function, much like `cmp` in Unix, is available to check cards to binary images. The process described in the document [OmniDrive: Comparing .bin files to Linear Flash images](https://synchrotech.tumblr.com/post/134874328099/omnidrive-comparing-bin-files-to-linear-flash) would be the same for SRAM as it is for Linear Flash. ## [V. PCM Format](#pcmformat) 1. Menu: "Actions -> Format Card" 2. The Format PC Card (FAT) screen appears ![PCM Format](https://i.imgur.com/tW1Ntv0.png) 4. Click "Format" 5. A progress dialog appears 6. We recommend you reformat under Windows using the [instructions above](https://hackmd.io/jRLk-ghRR5ehub9nfZDqsg?both#winformat)