--- tags: juliacon, ssi, binder, turing-way, workshop --- Project Binder and the Julia Community: Planning for the Future === :::info - **Event:** Project Binder and the Julia Community: Planning for the Future - **Date:** [July 29, 2020 7:00 PM (BST)](https://arewemeetingyet.com/London/2020-07-29/19:00/JuliaCon:%20Binder%20Birds%20of%20a%20Feather%20session) - **Instructor:** Sarah Gibson - **Contact:** [sgibson@turing.ac.uk](mailto:sgibson@turing.ac.uk) ::: [TOC] --- ## :pencil: Admin - **Slides:** https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3956320 - **Shared Notes:** https://hackmd.io/@sgibson91/JuliaCon-Binder-BoF - **Timer:** https://cuckoo.team/julia-binder ## :dart: Agenda | Time | Activity | | :--- | :--- | | 0-15mins | :wave: Welcome and Introduction | | 15-25mins | :speaking_head_in_silhouette: Breakout Session 1 | | 25-30mins | :busts_in_silhouette: Group Feedback | | 30-40mins | :speaking_head_in_silhouette: Breakout Session 2 | | 40-45mins | :wave: Feedback and Goodbye | ## :computer: Introductions ### :wave: Roll call **Name / Pronouns / Affiliation / GitHub:** - Sarah Gibson / she/her / The Alan Turing Institute / @sgibson91 - David P. Sanders / he/his / National University of Mexico / @dpsanders - Fonsi van der Plas / he/his / TU Berlin? / @fonsp - Roger Powell / he/his/it / RACE, Culham Centre for Fusion Engineering/ @rogpowell - - - - - - - **Icebreaker question:** If you were the captain of a pirate ship, what would you name your ship? - - - Notapirateipromise - Flying Dutchman (from Spongebob Square Pants) - or maybe DiffEqFlux - - - - - ### :speaking_head_in_silhouette: Talk - Slides: **Questions?** _If you have any questions, please add them below._ - - - ## :speaking_head_in_silhouette: Breakout Session 1 ### Topic > What would motivate you to join/contribute to Project Binder? What support/onboarding would you need to feel confident/comfortable contributing? Some relevant docs: - https://github.com/jupyterhub/binderhub#contributing - https://github.com/jupyterhub/binderhub/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md - https://jupyterhub-team-compass.readthedocs.io/en/latest/team/skills.html ### Notes #### Notes from breakout room 1 - @sgibson91 I would like to have an actual chat. See my msg in Discord. - - #### Notes from breakout room 2 - - - #### Notes from breakout room `<N>` - - - ## :speaking_head_in_silhouette: Breakout Session 2 ### Topic > Are there any updated Julia standards you'd like to see supported by Binder? Such as how requirements are defined, repository organisation or structure, etc? ### Notes #### Notes from breakout room 1 - Artifacts.toml for binaries, not just source trees. Meant for stuff like if you need Python, put the executable in Artifacts - interact.jl - VSCode out-of-box - cool project: Add custom sysimg compilation as part of the image build. Package installer was not stable at the time, but now? #### Notes from breakout room 2 - - - #### Notes from breakout room `<N>` - - - ## :closed_book: Feedback _Regarding this session, please add something that went well under "Pluses" and something that could be improved under "Deltas"._ **Pluses:** - - - **Deltas:** - - - ### Connect with us! Stay in touch through one of the many pathways below! - [BinderHub GitHub](https://github.com/jupyterhub/binderhub) - [Discourse](https://discourse.jupyter.org/c/binder) - [Gitter](https://gitter.im/jupyterhub/binder) - Twitter: [@mybinderteam](https://twitter.com/mybinderteam) - Binder tutorial in Julia: [bit.ly/zero-to-binder-julia](https://bit.ly/zero-to-binder-julia) - https://mybinder.org and [Documentation](https://mybinder.readthedocs.io) - Get in touch with [Sarah Gibson](mail:tosgibson@turing.ac.uk)