# scisprint host manual ###### tags: `planning`, `sciwork` # Procedure in temporal order 1. (**4 weeks before the sprint day**) Find a venue * Check https://hackmd.io/@sciwork/venue-candidates. Pick one that you like. If you find a good venue, add it to the document. 2. Check the events under planning (https://hackmd.io/@sciwork/event-plan-2022) and pick a couple of candidate date. It is recommended to use a Saturday afternoon for scisprint. * It is OK to have two events in different towns to happen close in time (e.g., consecutive weekends). But we try not to have two events happenging at exactly the same time. 3. Go to discord https://discord.gg/cXPT5GMraj to collect feedback about the attendance, time, and place. 4. Book the venue as soon as possible. 5. (**3 weeks before the sprint day**) Finalize time and place. 6. Set up workbook in sciwork hackmd team using the template: https://hackmd.io/@sciwork/scisprint-template. 7. Identify projects, project leaders, and project subjects. The information helps attract like-minded. 8. Set up a sprint web page at https://sciwork.dev/ through https://github.com/sciwork/swportal. 9. (**1-2 weeks before the sprint day**) Finalize all online paperwork and start online and offline promotion. * Encourage attendees to join the discord server. 10. Event day. Remarks: 1. We plan events ahead of time in https://hackmd.io/@sciwork/event-plan-2022. The earlier the plan starts, the less efforts and risks it takes. # Task ## 事前準備 - HackMD workbook ### 議程 - 確認當天會參與的專案 - 活動前事先聯絡講者,確認當天到場時間 ### 註冊 - 建立 KKTIX 頁面 - make a copy from previouse scisprint evnet. Modify some general information, like date, time, venue, etc. - 發送行前信 - use `mail_handler` to send bulk email: https://pycontw.github.io/mail_handler/ - organize the list of attendees - email template ### 場地 - 場勘 - 空間容納人數估計 - 設備 (投影機、wifi、插座...) - 是否有門禁 - 是否可飲食 - 申請場地 - 提供申請需要的相關資料 - 活動相關資訊 - 參與者名單 - 餐飲規劃 - 午餐 - 餐食數量估計 - 會後晚餐 - 尋找餐廳選項 (距離活動地點走路大概 15 分鐘內、價位$400以下) ### 宣傳 - twitter - 學校社團 - python Taiwan ## 活動當天 ### 議程 - 活動主持人 - 與講者抱持聯繫,協助抵達場地 ### 註冊 - 報到,確認報名資訊 ### 場地 - 場佈 - 安排桌椅、確定設備沒問題 - 引導會眾前往場地 - 餐飲 - 午餐 - 協助取餐 - 收拾 - 會後晚餐