# Marketing 24 ## From Google Chat 1. Branding Enhancement: In purpose of getting more expose, it might be needed for extending assets based on sciwork logo and visual on websites. 2. Setting the Scope of Target Audience: Besides students from NYCU and NTHU, what kind of contributors we want to promote and recruit? 3. Setting the Topic or Method to Promote sciwork: Compares to other orgs, what will we like to promote sciwork widely? Maybe scisprint Taiwan tour? Maybe we can have a discuss to make these things happen. ### YYC's replies No 2 (scope of TA) is related to a marketing goal in a way of setting the target. It may be helpful to give some examples of people you want and/or do not want to attract to sciwork. @Li-Hung Wang , do you think you can do that? No 1 (branding enhancement) and no 3 (topics) look more like means rather than goals. We can table them before No 2 is made clearer. ## Goals in 2024 + Target Audience of Contributors: + ## Means of Marketing + Channels + Currently: facebook, twitter, PTT(for event sharing), Linkedin + Method + Enhancement on Event Sharing + Enhancement on Project Promote + Monthly Project Report + Other service + Assets + Slide Template + Series graphics for posts (especially for event sharing) + Cookbook for sprint topic + Reference: https://www.unblock.academy/1-6fb9a801-fd99-49bd-a48e-f8de63dfd92d + 曾舉辦過的講座釋出slides? ## Promotional Plan of January Scisprint [January Scisprint workbook](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1McCyjOk-H64HpkptHGbuAJhuE58w4IrIKBTQOw9JC1M/edit#heading=h.n1hueehnz5eu) 共5篇 (活動前有四篇+活動後一篇) 1. 活動開始 (時間地點)1/5 2. 賣票宣傳 1/12 3. 參與專案的宣傳 1/19 4. 活動當周(報名截止) 1/22 5. 活動結束當周發布活動照片