# Scisprint Hsinchu 2023 May ###### tags: `scisprint` Sprint page: https://sciwork.dev/sprint/2023/05-hsinchu Github master issue: https://github.com/sciwork/swportal/issues/179 **Date:** 5/20 (Sat.) **Time:** 10:00 -- 17:00 (7 hours) # Attendees (sign-up) We will use kktix for sign-up and pay for the lunch. KKTIX page: https://sciwork.kktix.cc/events/scisprint-202305-hsinchu # Agenda * 10:00 -- 10:30 Arrival and seating * 10:30 -- 11:00 Project introduction * Quick overview of each project * 11:00 -- 12:00 Coding session 1 / Training Room * 12:00 -- 13:20 Lunch Break (group update and discussion) * 13:30 -- 14:20 Coding session 2 / Training Room * 14:20 -- 14:30 Group update (and discussion) session 2 * 14:30 -- 15:20 Coding session 3 / Training Room * 15:20 -- 15:30 Group update (and discussion) session 3 * 15:30 -- 16:30 Final Sprint / Training Room * 16:30 -- 17:00 Project summary * Include but not limit to the progress on the day * 17:00 Dismiss for dinner :::info Group update (and discussion) : Present progress and issue discussion in the development group ::: # Projects ## modmesh C++/Python hybrid system for hyperbolic PDE solvers and the required mesh definition. * **Project link**: https://github.com/solvcon/modmesh * **Project Contact**: Yung-Yu Chen (@yyc#7718) and Chun-Hsu Lai (@Chun-Hsu#6296) * **Background knowledge**: Proficient in modern C++ (we currently use 17, but most of the time 11 is sufficient), proficient in the CPython (both the Python language and the C part), some understandings to computational mechanics and/or computational geometry. * **Software Requirements:** * **Subjects**: TBD * **Participants** (also add your names here): ## pydoccht Python 官方說明文件臺灣繁體中文翻譯計畫 * **Project link**: https://github.com/python/python-docs-zh-tw * **Project Contact**: Matt Wang (@mattwang44), Josix (@Josix#3800) * **Background knowledge**: 中文、基礎英文、一點點 Python 經驗 * **Software Requirements**: git,有空可以先看看 [README 中的*翻譯流程* 部分](https://github.com/python/python-docs-zh-tw#id3) * **Subjects**: * 熟悉翻譯流程 * sphinx 預設 fallback 簡中相關討論 * **Participants** (also add your names here): ## Training Room - Get Power From Command Line The command-line skills are essential for a programmer. It is not only cool, but also the key to develop software productively. During this training course, Mosky will teach some command line skills and introduce some interesting topics about it. This training room will be like a workshop. There are some hands-on practices for you to get familiar with the course. * **Lecturer**: [Mosky Liu](https://www.linkedin.com/in/moskyliu/?originalSubdomain=tw) * **Material**: [Get Power From Command Line](https://speakerdeck.com/mosky/get-power-from-command-line) (slides by Mosky) * **Project Contact**: oil_lin (@oil_lin#0746) * **Software Requirements**: * 如果您的作業系統是Windows, 可以先安裝好WSL, 我們會使用WSL來練習Command Line, 如果安裝不順利, 也可以到現場再安裝, 我們會協助您一起安裝. * 如果作業系統是macOS或是Linux distros(Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch, etc.), 則無須擔心, 通常已經有系統內建的終端機可以來練習Command Line. * **Subjects**: 1. Introduction to command line 2. Text processing: e.g., CSV, JSON, parallelizing. 3. System management: e.g., files, processes, monitoring. 4. Work on a remote machine: e.g., SSH, SSH tunneling. 5. Developing on CLI Add your project with the template below: ## Project name * **Project description**: * **Project link**: * **Project Contact**: * **Background knowledge**: * **Software Requirements**: 1. ... 2. * **Subjects**: --- # Venue # Workspace ## Task - Program setup (projects) - [ ] Collect and maintain project topics [name=] - [ ] Event day host [name=] - Registration [name=Jenny] - [x] KKTIX page [name=Jenny] - [ ] 活動行前信 - [ ] 報到註冊 - Venue [name=EN] [name=] - [ ] Parking coupon - [ ] Table, seat - [x] Wifi - [ ] 需要帶門鈴、延長線、轉接頭 - Promotion - [x] Make sprint page [name=品妤] - [ ] Linedin posts - [ ] twitter posts - [ ] FB? - Lunch [name=Terry] [name=] - more helpers - After dinner [name=] - Records - Blog [name=] - Photo [name=EN] #### 報帳流程: - 參考 pycon 流程: https://hackmd.io/Q0UAT1knT52u0mHaqtWiUg?view - 填寫 sciwork 表單: https://forms.gle/NJdc8NZ5m61X66457 ## Online promotion ## Meeting ### Preparation ### Post-Event Review