# My Ordinary Resume ;) Tech stack I use --- ### Core - ReactJS - NextJS - NodeJS - ExpressJS - GraphQL - Mongo - Postgres - TypeScript ### Web3 - Solidity - Web3JS - EthersJS - Subgraph - IPFS - Chainlink #### Networks - Mainnet, Polygon, xDai, Arbitrum ### Tools - NPM & YARN - Git - DiscordJS - Styled Components - ChakraUI - SASS - Redis - JWT - Vercel, Fleek, Heroku - AWS Lambda DAOs I am In --- - RaidGuild - Metagame A few projects I have worked on --- https://www.raidguild.org/ The landing page of raidguild for which I have worked on the design & frontend implementation. https://smartinvoice.xyz/ https://smartescrow.raidguild.org/ An evolution of smartinvoice for which I worked on the design, frontend, backend & web3 stuff. https://consensus-trade.vercel.app/ Betting on the social consensus around the validity of assertions made on crypto twitter through the use of permaweb (arweave) for which I worked on the frontend & permaweb integration. https://stats.aragon.network/ Network metrics tracker for Aragon for which I worked on the frontend. https://www.monstermaps.world/ A NFT collector type of game inspired from the Loot project for which I worked on the design, frontend, backend, web3 & subgraphs. #### Subgraphs - https://thegraph.com/hosted-service/subgraph/manolingam/rg-pfps-monster-maps-legacy - https://thegraph.com/hosted-service/subgraph/manolingam/rg-pfps-monsters-legacy ### Bots - https://github.com/manolingam/keeper-bot - https://github.com/manolingam/agent-bot Last but not Least --- I have been learning solidity a lot these days and out of self interest, I deployed an onchain NFT collection on Polygon inspired from the Loot project which also rewards two random NFT owner utilizing chainlink VRF. #### Verified Contracts - https://polygonscan.com/address/0x61a3bdbea67816255b6e9f9499a780b6b68165c6 #### Tweet Explainer - https://twitter.com/saimano1996/status/1449453715128131586?s=20 #### Article Explainer - https://medium.com/@manolingam1996/introducing-spooky-cards-nft-a5421dc8a18b For more, pls check my [github](https://github.com/manolingam)