# RaidGuild Ops & Maintanance Shares Proposal ![Raid Party](https://i.imgur.com/pwllxIO.png) This is regarding a proposal to request shares for the work done on various raidguild internal operations, maintanance & hosting bot services. Earlier before the migration of our dao to xDai, I had [this proposal](https://hackmd.io/@saimano/Skw_nytXv) which passed and counts all the work done till 22.09.2020. And for all the work done after September, I wanna request shares same as before but on our new xDai DAO. As per that previous proposal, I had been allocated _5 shares on mainnet per month_ for hosting & maintaining the keeper bot. Based on that, it would be 25 mainnet shares **(5 months * 5 shares/month)** that needs to be requested. Adding to that, I request an additional _10 mainnet shares per month_ counting from last October 2020 for the additional internal operations that am handling as of now which includes - server + valhalla ops, - airtable ops, - hire us ops, - escrow ops, - escrow ops, - dot org ops. Based on that, it would be 50 mainnet shares **(5 months * 10 shares/month)** that needs to be requested. |Month |Keeper Shares |Ops Shares |Total Mainnet Shares|Total xDai Shares| |-------| ------------ |-----------|--------------------|-----------------| |October | 5| 10| 15 | 570| |November| 5| 10| 15 | 570| |December| 5| 10| 15 | 570| |January | 5| 10| 15 | 570| |February| 5| 10| 15 | 570| |**Total**|**25**|**50**|**75**|**2850**| _The xdai conversion is done based on [this spreadsheet calc](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VTY0Qr7blE9fN1b76PT0Hi_F8bCEHIbLBi1xZon7oBc/edit#gid=0) which multiplies the mainnet shares by 38._ _The proposal is for the period October 2020 - February 2021_