# w4p - poa - jitsi chat copy Shalini https://youtu.be/MxgcVadLffc Please give feedback. We are still working on audio part dinesh color code for matching cables 14:29 Geeta channel token is kazak-duvuf kazak-duvuf 14:41 Debasis Really interesting Bhanu.. Few questions: Can raspberry pie used to create content or only laptop is needed? It will be helpful if we have a bit of clarity on the role of the pie and laptops! Also, Why Kolibiri? is there any platform similar to Kolibiri? Bhanu: there is Edx and other mooc platforms. Managing is a headache. 14:46 dinesh kolibri is developed for local mesh needs (everything will work with out internet as we had planned earlier mesh-networks) for now we are using the internet. due to lockdown and covid 14:48 Debasis Thanks Bhanu... That clarity helps... If a list of activties be made (what can be done by Pie).. and What activities will require laptop.. I guess this may help MEDHA team to design contents accordingly! Thanks Dinesh- my question still remains - if Kolibiri has an alternative? Or it is the 'only' such platform? 14:53 Mayank Nautiyal During creation of content in a channel, can you show how tagging will happen? 14:55 dinesh we will do that mayank. tagging for now we are encouraging for bottom up content. 14:56 athithya @dinesh: moodle 14:58 Debasis Nice question Shad Ji Preeti it might be helpful, if you can design a journey map with the girls! This will help us find point of interventions https://www.nngroup.com/articles/journey-mapping-101/#:~:text=Definition%3A%20A%20journey%20map%20is,order%20to%20create%20a%20narrative . You may refer to this... It might helpful! Team Janastu can also look into this tool... It might help in implementation of the technology! https://uxplanet.org/a-beginners-guide-to-user-journey-mapping-bd914f4c517c For team Janastu's reference! What would be interesting to see, how the virtual safe space can come about through the pie and the mesh... Hope Shalini and Preeti are also working around that as well! Exactly! Shalini and Preeti, will be really helpful, if you both can make 1 pager note on the implementation plan... It's high time we should share some concrete plan with La Caixa~ Nothing detailed... Just a 1pager or 2 pager with some good pics... They will be really happy to see this progress! 15:20 Preeti Singh Saw the document will try it out 15:24 Debasis Thanks Preeti... Need to ask as many how and why as possible! Jayant, if you want to visit our TARAGRAM campus, Jhansi... Let us know! We also have few good partners there! I am really excited about this technology and can't wait to see it on ground... Let us know, some dates... We can plan a visit together! I need to go, I have another meeting. Thank you everyone! Shalini and Preeti, please let us know if you need help with the 1 Pager! Thanks everyone! **References** * [Webinar Pi Platform](/@sagesalus/SylxjUBbw) * [Dry run for Mirzapur](/sL7FSMahTIyCNV9PKEJ8GQ) * [Dry run for distributed syncing across devices](/7s3JVZ5ySIqj4G73Qe29Cw?both) * Activities document * kolibri doc - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tNEwPNyQpJCoE83wv_dbmj_S8aVPx6oEPlbwu2tMHvg/edit * https://www.notion.so/Raspberry-Pi-for-Garima-Girls-Mirzapur-7d50df79a10a40ad92004ede36250f06 * https://hackmd.io/Kouz_pwgS56Oi0SU88LCvA * https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tOPR10jCPmJ4YeOYd-dIQNznxu0RXYrbEyYSp-PTj80/edit * https://hackmd.io/2NsMkpJNTB6uHgW51ctOoQ