--- title: 🔰 Perform Safe transactions tags: safe description: Perform Safe transactions image: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/8467082/1674046807/1500x500 --- Perform transactions === ## About #### On-chain - The last cosigner confirms the transaction (txn) that executes on-chain. - The on-chain txn pays the network fee and is recorded in the cosigner's address history. - If the cosigner does not have enough funds for the txn fee the txn can fail with txn fees lost. #### Limits and queue - There are no time limits to sign txns. - [Transaction queue](https://help.safe.global/en/articles/4987205-transaction-queue) - No other txn can be executed until the current txn is executed, canceled, or replaced. - First in first out (FIFO) #### Security features - Transaction simulation - [How Safe Integrates TX Simulations to Bring Multisig Users Security and Peace of Mind](https://blog.tenderly.co/case-studies/safe/) *by tenderly* - DeFirewall by Redefine - Identifies the risks of using the contract(s) involved in making a transaction(s) - Displays the proposed asset balance changes - E.g. Is the contract on a known block list, is there little to no contract activity, etc. - *See [Redefine security with new Safe{Wallet} transaction risk scanner](https://safe.mirror.xyz/rInLWZwD_sf7enjoFerj6FIzCYmVMGrrV8Nhg4THdwI) by Safe* ## Steps 1. Create the txn: Safe > Submit *New Transaction* a. If verifying a txn: Follow the [off and on-chain steps]() to check that the data matches. b. Sign the txn on the wallet. c. Partially signed txns show in *Transactions* > *Queue* 2. Complete the transaction with the required threshold of cosigners: Safe > *Transactions* a. *Confirm* b. *Cancel* - [Why do I need to pay for canceling a transaction?](https://help.safe.global/en/articles/4738501-why-do-i-need-to-pay-for-cancelling-a-transaction) c. [Speed up an approved and pending transaction.](https://hackmd.io/@safe/og/https%3A%2F%2Fhackmd.io%2F%40safe%2Fopportunities#Transaction-management-P2) 3. Check the wallet's [token approval amounts](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1uPMUppk7BZ5ZLmLx0ht0RPrneDTyiXKAfr2kV9YK_C4/edit). ## Features #### Advanced options - Go to Safe > *Transactions > Queue > Confirm> Advanced options > Edit* - *Owner Transaction (Execution) > Nonce*: Use the same nonce on the signer's address as originally used if overwriting or canceling a pending transaction. - *Gas limit*: Auto-generated, do not adjust. - *Gas price (GWEI)*: Auto-generated, can use [Ethereum Gas Tracker](https://etherscan.io/gastracker#historicaldata) to verify. #### Bundle multiple transactions - *See [Transaction Builder](https://help.safe.global/en/articles/40841-transaction-builder)* - Approve multiple transactions with one set of signatures. - Convert to [Uint256 format](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pfGXa-DCOBQ6Ed7w1Q_XNaTtiUwuWRQSLgJ6vZ4v85I/edit#heading=h.ohamhurjxbk) #### Sell multiple assets - [dump.services](https://dump.services) - Built by CoW Swap and Yearn. - Features - Sell multiple assets in an account at a selected quantity - Choose which account to receive the sale proceeds - *See [@CoWSwap Tweet 2023-05-03](https://twitter.com/CoWSwap/status/1653761691442872330)* - Research: Is it possible to execute CoW Swap trades with the Safe Transaction Builder using [CoW Swap's settlement](https://etherscan.io/address/0x9008D19f58AAbD9eD0D60971565AA8510560ab41#events) contract? - The settlement contract has a `swap` method - This could be hard to do with the Transaction Builder since you'd likely need to input a static gas price and token prices, rather than taking the real time gas price and token market prices. #### Send to bank account - Ethereum - Powered by [bridge.xyz](https://bridge.xyz) - Implemented by Multis and Utopia Labs before they began pivoting their operations - Gnosis Chain - Powered by Monerieum - About: EU only (2023-10) - Site: [monerium.com](https://monerium.com/) - Twitter: [@monerium](https://twitter.com/monerium) - Research products for US users - [@adamshurwitz Tweet 2023-10-08](https://twitter.com/adamshurwitz/status/1711086115866673270) #### Spending approvals and limits - *See [Set up and use Spending Limits](https://help.safe.global/en/articles/4667979-set-up-and-use-spending-limits)* - Recurring or one-time - Only beneficiaries who are also owners can actually withdraw funds. #### Manage Safe modules - About: Modules provide features, access, and integrations to apps outside of the main Safe account - Manage: [app.safe.global](https://app.safe.global) > "Settings" (Left navigation menu) > "Modules" tab - Safe Account modules - Transaction guards - Fallback handler ## Troubleshoot - If using a Ledger: [Enable smart contract data](https://hackmd.io/fNvoR6H4RjCygPVIn7-Fzw#2-Add-ETH-addresses-as-signers) - Ensure the cosigner has enough funds to execute the on-chain txn. - Txn not showing in Safe - Check Etherscan in a few minutes. - If showing in Etherscan and not in Safe - Restart Safe and cosigner wallet. - Check the Safe UI in a few minutes. <p style="text-align: center; font-style: italic">This is not financial, technical, or legal advice. Consult professionals and do your own research.</p> <style> .markdown-body h1 { font-weight: 700; font-size: 3.4rem; } .markdown-body { font-size: 1.8rem; } .markdown-body a:link { color: #3C8974 } .markdown-body a:hover { color: #225347 } .markdown-body a:active { color: #225347 } </style>