--- title: 🔰 Safe apps tags: safe description: Safe apps image: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/8467082/1674046807/1500x500 --- <h1 style="text-align: center;">🔰 Safe apps</h1> # Safe Ecosystem Hub - Site: [safe.global/ecosystem](https://safe.global/ecosystem) - Contribute: [Adding projects](https://github.com/safe-global/safe-ecosystem-database#adding-projects) # Sign-in with Safe ## About - Social account creation and sign in - E.g. Google, Apple, Facebook, and Twitter ## SafeAuth - About - Safe and social login accounts are compatible across all apps that use SafeAuth - Resources - [Documentation](https://docs.safe.global/safe-core-aa-sdk/auth-kit/guides/safe-auth) - [Safe + Web3Auth = SafeAuth: Portable Safe Accounts with social login](https://safe.mirror.xyz/WKxK5FENvkT8BjpowJQAhokYzb22438zUCG3wUSWvjc) *by Safe* - To research - Web3Auth doesn't have the same level of Safe compatibility with accounts across apps - Opportunity - Compatibility with Yubikeys: [@adamshurwitz Tweet 2023-12-11](https://twitter.com/adamshurwitz/status/1734258723953004844) ## Web3Auth - Site: [web3auth.io](https://web3auth.io) - About - Uses multi-party computation (MPC) - Safe account beta on Gnosis Chain - *See [@safe Tweet 2023-08-09](https://twitter.com/safe/status/1689313162817093633)* ## SSX (Self-Sovereign Anything) - About - Individual signers login on behalf of individual/team/DAO Safes - Site: [spruceid.com](https://spruceid.com) - Built by Spruce - Site: [spruceid.com](https://spruceid.com) - Twitter: [@SpruceID](https://twitter.com/spruceid) - Similar to Sign-In with Ethereum (SIWE) - Twitter: [@signinwitheth](https://twitter.com/signinwitheth) - Blog: [blog.spruceid.com/author/spruce](https://blog.spruceid.com/author/spruce) # Coordination ## Castle - About: NFT management - Site: [castle.link](https://castle.link) - Twitter: [@CastleLinkHQ](https://twitter.com/CastleLinkHQ) ## Coinshift - About: Treasury management and reporting - Site: [coinshift.xyz](https://coinshift.xyz/) - Community and support - Twitter: [@0xCoinShift](https://twitter.com/0xCoinshift) - Blog: [blog.coinshift.xyz](https://blog.coinshift.xyz) - Reports - Using TaxBit APIs - [Feature Spotlight: Portfolio History](https://blog.coinshift.xyz/portfolio-history) *by Coinshift* ## den - About: Coordination for teams - Site: [onchainden.com](https://www.onchainden.com) - Twitter: [@OnChainDen](https://twitter.com/OnChainDen) - Origin story: [@IttaiSvidler Tweet 2023-01-17](https://twitter.com/IttaiSvidler/status/1615364681157468163) - Features - Open beta 2023-01-17 - Custom contract/token allowance approvals - Pay for transaction costs from Safe - Instead of individual accounts - *See [@OnChainDen Tweet 2023-07-11](https://twitter.com/OnChainDen/status/1678760342422183937)* - Adoption: Lido, PleasrDAO, OlympusDAO, and etc. - Investors - IDEO CoLab Ventures - Gnosis - Balaji Srinivasan - etc. - Resources - [Den Raises $2.8M to Help Teams Execute Onchain Transactions 10X Faster](https://www.onchainden.com/blog/fundraise) *by Den 2023-02-23* - [Crypto Wallet Startup Den Gets $2.8M in Seed Funding Led by IDEO CoLab Ventures](https://www.coindesk.com/business/2023/02/22/crypto-wallet-startup-den-gets-28m-in-seed-funding-led-by-ideo-colab-ventures/) *by CoinDesk 2023-02-23* ## Firm - About: Coordination for teams - Site: [firm.org](https://firm.org/) - Twitter: [@firm](https://twitter.com/firm) ## Karma - About: User analytics for DAOs - Site: [showkarma.xyz](https://www.showkarma.xyz/) - Twitter: [@karmahq_](https://twitter.com/karmahq_) ## Metropolis - About - Explorer for account access controls - Manager role for adding and removing other signer accounts - Site: [pod.xyz](https://pod.xyz) - Twitter: [0xMetropolis](https://twitter.com/0xMetropolis) ## Multis ([Major operational changes 2023-10](https://twitter.com/soona/status/1709701450866340271)) - About - Checking accounts, corporate cards, and crypto access - Offramp assets to bank accounts - Powered by [bridge.xyz](https://www.bridge.xyz) - Site: [multis.co](https://multis.co) - Twitter: [@multisHQ](https://twitter.com/multishq) ## Nest #### About - Multi-factor authentication and advanced features for Safe accounts - Site: [nestwallet.xyz](https://nestwallet.xyz/) - X: [@nestwalletxyz](https://twitter.com/nestwalletxyz) #### Features - [Multi-factor authentication (MFA)](https://hackmd.io/@safe/oi/https%3A%2F%2Fhackmd.io%2F%40safe%2Fverify-transactions#Multi-factor-authentication-MFA) across devices, e.g. Web and mobile - Verify action details on mobile - Approve and confirm actions onchain on mobile - These upgrades add a layer of security by having multiple devices to fully interact with Safe rather than relying on 1 source of truth from the web app - Create a Safe account with an email - Browser extension bridge for Safes - Email notifications - Manage Safes on mobile - Settings: Gear button in the top-right - Approval accounts: "Signers" > "Edit Signers" - Add account addresses to interact with: "Contacts" - Multinetwork Safes: "Multichain Deploy" - Arbitrum One - Polygon - Gnosis - BNB Smart Chain - In-progress (2023-07-13): Purchase crypto with credit cards, powered by Stripe #### Tech - Uses the Safe SDK/API to interact with the Safe Singleton and Proxy ## Parcel - About: Payment operating system for teams - Site: [parcel.money](https://parcel.money) - Adoption: Bankless DAO, Index Coop, ENS DAO, Developer DAO, Audio Grants Committee, dydx, Forefront - Investors: Dragonfly Capital, Consensys, Sandeep Nailwal (Polygon co-founder), and etc. ## Screen - About: Optional custodial recovery and fraud detection - Site: [screenprotocol.io](https://screenprotocol.io) - Twitter: [@screenprotocol](https://twitter.com/screenprotocol) ## Tally - About: On-chain governance, e.g., voting, spending, and permissioning - Site: [tally.xyz](https://www.tally.xyz) - [Types of DAOs](https://www.tally.xyz/add-a-dao) - Twitter: [@tallyxyz](https://twitter.com/tallyxyz) - ERC20 token or an NFT for membership and voting power ## Utopia Labs ([Major operational changes 2023-10-02](https://twitter.com/0xkaito/status/1708924086922182936)) - Site: [utopialabs.com](https://www.utopialabs.com/) - Community and support - Twitter: [@utopialabs_](https://twitter.com/utopialabs_) - Blog: [mirror.xyz/utopialabs.eth](https://mirror.xyz/utopialabs.eth) - Features - Offramp assets to your bank account - Powered by [bridge.xyz](https://www.bridge.xyz) - [Introducing Off Ramps](https://mirror.xyz/utopialabs.eth/U02sqbb6mt9MDdjaykz2DGfDbiJZtF0gz2hSo7HLHNM) - Make payments to any bank or business - [@utopialabs_ Tweet 2023-07-20](https://twitter.com/utopialabs_/status/1682104692246212608) - Reports - [How to manage your transactions and view your insights](https://utopia-labs.notion.site/How-to-manage-your-transactions-and-view-your-insights-7b13e55a3f0742ffb66d66eb4679114f) *by Utopia Labs* - [Welcome, Bookkeeping.](https://mirror.xyz/utopialabs.eth/8Wrz2Y2FuE9klFh4sbmcw9ds5j6rhPt7VkHTTlSkFXY) *by Utopia Labs* - [Introducing: Multi-Safe Organizations and Our Official Bid as Your Crypto Accounting Tool](https://mirror.xyz/utopialabs.eth/1QeX3L2IPUFGXJ5GINaUyi75DH2U0w9oRc5eT7XdDlM) *by Utopia Labs* - Layer 2 (L2) support: Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, Gnosis Chain, BNB Chain, Avalanche - Adoption: Gitcoin, SushiSwap, Badger, etc. - Investors: Paradigm, Kindred Ventures, Circle Ventures, Gusto, Coinbase Ventures, Infinity Ventures Crypto, Distributed Global, and Fourth Revolution Capital - [paradigm.xyz/portfolio](https://www.paradigm.xyz/portfolio) - [Utopia: The Future of Coordination](https://mirror.xyz/utopialabs.eth/H1-KPA2HxHzow0WQt35afJl-uQtTv2alTzFqRpRXeNU): $23mm raised - Related topics - Utopia was used to raise funds for Ukraine in the initial days of the Russian 2022 invasion - [NFT backed by Pussy Riot member raises $6.7 million for Ukraine](https://www.cnn.com/style/article/ukrainedao-pussy-riot-nft-flag-war-fundraising/index.html) *by CNN 2022-03-02* - [@Ukraine_DAO Tweet 2022-06-25](https://twitter.com/Ukraine_DAO/status/1540845735297572864) ## ZenGuard - About - Easily create new Safe accounts with social accounts - Add custom features to existing Safe accounts - Site: [zenguard.xyz](https://zenguard.xyz) - Social account creation and sign in - Integrations: Google and Apple - Built with Web3Auth - Site: [web3auth.io](https://web3auth.io) - Plugin examples - Session key - Auto payment - Recovery - Two-factor authentication (2FA) - Deadman switch - Bill split - Dollar cost average (DCA) - Social recovery # Messaging tools ## NinDAO - About: Create a safe from a Telegram chat. - Site: [nindao.xyz](https://nindao.xyz) - Twitter: [@nindao_bot](https://twitter.com/nindao_bot) - Built by Daoism Systems - Site: [daoism.systems](https://daoism.systems) # Tax and accounting ## Bitwave - About: Tax and accounting for teams - Site: [bitwave.io](https://www.bitwave.io) - Twitter: [@BitwavePlatform](https://twitter.com/bitwaveplatform) - Adoption: Opensea, Compound, and Polygon - *See [Bitwave raises $15 million for crypto-focused tax and accounting platform](https://www.theblock.co/post/192648/bitwave-raises-15-million-for-crypto-focused-tax-and-accounting-platform) by The Block 2022-12-06* # Multinetwork Safe [Multinetwork Safe](https://hackmd.io/@safe/oi/https%3A%2F%2Fhackmd.io%2F%40safe%2Fmultinetwork) <p style="text-align: center; font-style: italic">This is not financial, technical, or legal advice. Consult professionals and do your own research.</p> <style> .markdown-body h1 { font-weight: 700; font-size: 3.4rem; } .markdown-body { font-size: 1.8rem; } .markdown-body a:link { color: #3C8974 } .markdown-body a:hover { color: #225347 } .markdown-body a:active { color: #225347 } </style>