<div class='heading'> <img src=https://en.gravatar.com/userimage/73614860/06049f53621d0d7aeb32f5a6b7890d41.jpg?size=400 /> <div class='contact-details'> <h1>Susan Basterfield <span>| CV</span></h1> <div><b>@opentogrow</b> </div> <div>susan@greaterthan.works</div> <div>+64 27 564 4552</div> </div> </div> >Proof that 25 years working in multi-nationals is a reversible condition, today I undertake my portfolio of work from within the **[Enspiral](https://enspiral.com) collective of impact-oriented entrepreneurs**, and serve as a **Foundation Director**. >>Enspiral is a global network of entrepreneurs who utilize the principles of self-management to create systemic change via social impact entrepreneurialism. Born in New Zealand, today its **150 contributors span some 20 countries** and have been practicing **de-centralized open and participatory governance and decision making, collaborative funding, and non-hierarchical ways of working** since 2010. >I earn my livelihood alongside my partners at **[Greaterthan](https://greaterthan.works)** >Our mission is to make self-management and participatory governance in organizations a new normal by spreading culture, knowledge and practices. >Our vision is for a world where workplaces are communities that provide agency, personal growth and meaning. We believe that this will contribute to a system where value exchange is in balance. > > >My passion is work that **builds the capacity to build capacity**. I’m a facilitator, coach, product designer and teacher - creating for the commons. > >As a catalyst, convenor, and thinking partner, I help individuals, teams, and organisations experiment with **new ways of working and being, to actualise the workplace of the future**. > >**I believe that self-organising principles emancipate potential and create humane workplaces. And that awareness and discernment can unblock drains and move mountains.** ### What's Energising me in May <span class='fs-1'>May 2021</span> [#spacemesh](https://spacemesh.io/) [Willful Blindness by Margaret Heffernan](https://www.brainpickings.org/2014/08/27/willful-blindness-margaret-heffernan/) [Questions to check sociopathy](https://www.thesundaysoother.com/home/the-best-questions-i-ask-myself?utm_campaign=Recomendo&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Revue%20newsletter) [Empathy Edge](https://theempathyedge.com/brent-lowe-and-susan-basterfield-how-innovative-organizations-lead-and-scale-no-managers-required/) podcast with Brent Lowe and me, hosted by Maria Ross ### Greaterthan Our world is facing increasingly complex and interconnected challenges. To address them, we need to go beyond the organisational structures and cultures we inherited from the industrial age. Bold companies, brave communities, networks and individuals are already venturing into the unknown and showing us that radically new ways of organising are possible and sustainable. Greaterthan trains, supports and advises leaders, teams and organizations at the forefront of decentralized, self-managed and participatory work. We use a variety of tools and practices to help these organizations face some of the biggest challenges related to power, money and governance. Our mission is to make self-management and participatory governance in organizations a new normal by spreading culture, knowledge and practices. Our vision is for a world where workplaces are communities that provide agency, personal growth and meaning. We believe that this will contribute to a system where value exchange is in balance. **[greaterthan.works](https://)** ### Greaterthan Academy <span class='fs-1'>February 2017 - ongoing</span> Greaterthan Academy is a new type of learning experience. Like-minded, motivated individuals learn through live sessions, group and personal work. It couples the best of in-person education (live interaction, accountability, strong connections), with the best of online education (the ability to connect with like-minded leaders from all over the world). We are inspired by the learning experiences created by u.Lab and altMBA. The **Practical Self Management Intensive** is a 5-week immersive experience that focuses on doing - co-creating projects with your cohort, and truly learning through practice. **https://academy.greaterthan.works/** ## Projects The projects I choose are aligned around the common purpose of ending suffering in the workplace. I understand and am liberated by the knowledge that the transition to a paradigm of work that enlivens our current reality (i.e. not one based on industrialised extraction) is a long-game - but with an extremely tight window. I focus on **thinking with leaders** who are ready to do the hard work of transformation, co-creating customised **participatory experiences** for organisations and teams, and creating scaleable, replicable development scaffolds for those ready to explore. Here's an overview of the projects that have been most important to me and **why**. ### 1-Year ++ <span class='fs-1'>June 2015 - ongoing</span> 1-Year++ is code for my **commitment to transformation**. I choose not to enter into relationships with leaders or organisations who want a quick fix; one year minimum. There is no magic bullet, this is hard work - unlearning and re-learning (i.e. development) takes time and practice. **Practice, practice, practice** [Tautoko Services](http://www.tautoko.org.nz/) - New Zealand [Tergar Asia](http://www.tergarasia.org/) - Kathmandu [Bennington College](https://www.bennington.edu/)- Vermont USA [Yash Pakka](http://www.yashpapers.com/) - Ayodhya, India [Careershifters](https://www.careershifters.org/) - UK and distributed [ConsenSys](http://www.consensys.net) - Decentralised Globally [Avivo](http://www.avivo.org.au/) - Perth, Western Australia [Fairground](https://fairground.co.nz/) - New Zealand [Optimi](https://optimi.co.nz) - New Zealand [c.](https://www.facebook.com/cdot.org/) - South Korea [tribute.coop](https://www.tribute.global/) - France ![](https://i.imgur.com/N1dK66b.png ) > To create #TBFWPIN **the best fricken workplace in India** Organisations from all industries: Manufacturing, Services Companies, Disability Services, Product Development, Accounting and beyond have visionary leaders, enspired from many sources, knowing that their legacy will not be how well they performed for their shareholders, but the difference they made by **creating a workplace that enabled everyone to develop and flourish**. ### Lead Together: The Brave, Bold, Intentional Path to Scaling your Businesss <span class='fs-1'> Published 20 November 2020 </span> "Business" no longer has to be considered a dirty word. This is 21st Century thinking, in which "scale" no longer means growing your business as big as possible, but - like any living thing - as vibrant and vital as it can manifest. **Douglas Rushkoff** ![](https://imgur.com/mptQcss.png) https://www.leadtogether.co ### Better Work Together: How the Power of Community can Transform your Business This is not a book of theory. Stories and tools from the front lines of the future of working together. Co-Producing Author ![](https://imgur.com/Hawq3q9.png) https://www.betterworktogether.co ### Reinventing Scale-Ups <span class='fs-1'> July 2016 - Beta 3.0 in 2019</span> In 2015, I was part of a community called Teal For Startups, whose intention was to make practical the ideas presented in Frederic Laloux's *[Reinventing Organisations](http://www.reinventingorganizations.com/)*. That project floundered, but 3 of us decided to perservere. In 2016, we hosted a session at SXSW and invited leaders of 2 self-managing organisations to share their stories. The dearth of practical how-to advice available inspired us to write this book. ![](https://i.imgur.com/7UtYSVVl.png?1) > Reinventing Scale-Ups is now a burgening community of practitioners on their self-management journey. This book is my endeavour in providing tools and techniques to anyone interested in pursuing the ideas and ideals of **less hierarchical organising**. **reinventingscaleups.com** ### Hybrid Sector Development <span class='fs-1'>Ongoing </span> The Practical Self-Management Intensive is a successful and proven design for devoloping the muscles of self-management. > The human services sector has shown itself to be leaders in self-organization, inspired by [Buurtzorg](https://www.buurtzorg.com/) in the Netherlands and [Wellbeing Teams](http://wellbeingteams.org/) in the UK The Hybrid program - "Rethinking Organizations" extends the 5-week intensive curriculum of the Practical Self-Management Intensive and spreads it over 5-7 months, enabling particpants to engage multiple iterative cycles of experiments as they assess their readiness and capacity for transformation. ![](https://imgur.com/pBvKaX4.png) Here is a link to our published outcomes: https://www.dropbox.com/s/icbpx3ib4jezi4u/WAIS_RethinkingOrganisation.pdf?dl=0 ### Enspiral <span class='fs-1'>October 2015 - Ongoing</span> If I believe my personal hypothesis that the future of work will be brought about through community and practice, I need to practice **Every Day** I've served the Enspiral network in myriad roles - all self-selected and congruent with a fluid experiment in intentional co-creation. * **Catalyst** CEO/COO equivalent April 2016 - April 2018 * **Foundation Director** October 2017 - Present (Minimum Viable Board) * **Ambassador** Ongoing * **Member** May 2016 - Present ![](https://i.imgur.com/uDDtXBUh.gif) **enspiral.com** ### Speaking & Workshops <span class='fs-1'>Ongoing</span> **Keynotes** > Future of Work, The Power of Community, etc. * HR Leaders 2019 - Bratislava, Slovakia * CRHA Congres 2018 - Montreal * Agile Indonesia - Jakarta * [Noble Minds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4f7qvKfBwmc&feature=youtu.be) - Stockholm * Futurefest - London * University of Santiago - Chile * Transformer - Montreal * Futur-en-Seine - Paris * Social Enterprise World Forum - Christchurch * International Conference of NPO - South Korea * Reinventing Organizations - Bulgaria * Global Scrum Gathering - Bangalore **Podcast Appearances** * Douglas Rushkoff's [Team Human](https://teamhuman.fm/episodes/ep-110-enspiral-better-work-together/) * Lisa Gill's [Leadermorphosis](http://leadermorphosis.co/susan-basterfield-from-enspiral-on-self-management) * [Engendered](https://engendered.us/episode-75-enspiral-and-its-feminist-business-ecosystem-part-1-of-2/) with Gina Rembe-Stevens * [Sobol Sessions](https://anchor.fm/sobol/episodes/Susan-Basterfield-esjrsn) with Donnie Benjamin * [Thrive Loud](https://thriveloud.com/thrive_loud/535-lead-together/) with Lou Diamond * [My Quest for the Best](https://myquestforthebest.com/306-susan-basterfield/) with Bill Ringle * [Soulfront](https://anchor.fm/lead-together/episodes/The-book--Interview-with-Scott-Riddell-from-Soulfront-etthkk) with Scott Riddell * [Enliven Podcast](https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zaW1wbGVjYXN0LmNvbS9WV0YwNEdxXw&episode=NGEyM2EzODktZjcxYy00ODUxLTllYTItYWE5OTlmNjRiNmJk&hl=en-AU&ved=2ahUKEwiopKWGy4foAhWlILcAHbB5BbUQjrkEegQIARAG&ep=6) with Andrew Skotzko * Dawna Jones' [Insight to Action](https://podcasts.apple.com/artist/dawnajones/1218439755?ls=1&mt=2) * Kelly Vandever's [Speaking Practically](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-25-susan-basterfield/id1071903048?i=1000378580609) **Open Enspiral** > Partial and full day overviews of the inner workings and foibles of a global entrepreneurs collective. Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, UK, Switzerland, Denmark, France **Open Organising Masterclasses** > Participatory Deep-Dives in the practices of self-management > * Bennington College, Vermont USA * HR Leaders/Maxmann Bratislava * Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Israel * Kathmandu, Nepal * OuishareFest Paris * Santiago, Chile * Seoul, South Korea * Helsinki, Finland * Agile People Sweden ### Thinking Partner/Coach <span class='fs-1'> 2005 - continuing</span> I have committed relationships with a number of humans who value my brain and heart (and heart-brain!). Some of these relationships last for months, some decades. Current relationships include [Dev Academy](https://devacademy.co.nz/) and the [Minneapolis College of Art and Design](https://mcad.edu/) ![](https://i.imgur.com/pEmHgXp.png) ### Convening (Virtual and Live) <span class='fs-1'> Ongoing</span> **The Deliberately Developmental Practitioners Network** > A global community enabling 1,000,000 workplaces to operate developmentally by 2030 - serving on the core team > **Liberating Structures Studio (via Greaterthan Academy)** >"Include and unleash everyone" >Liberating Structures make it easy for leaders of all levels to create conditions for people to work at the top of their intelligence and creativity. In this environment, people thrive and enjoy their work. ![](https://i.imgur.com/z01msrf.png) ### Life Before <span class='fs-1'> 1981 - 2014 </span> BP New Zealand - **Head of Commercial Fuels** Vodafone New Zealand/TelstraClear - **Head of Enterprise and Government** 180Degrees Alternative Ed High School - **Head Teacher** Clarus Agile - **General Manager** Gen-i/Telecom - **Enterprise Solution Specialist** AJ Hackett International - **Managing Director** Vistorm (Later EDS/HP) - **Director of Development R&D +Leadership** IBM Tivoli - **UK, Ireland, Benelux Channel Manager** Tektronix - **Head of Sales UK and Nordic** MicroAge - **Portfolio Manager** Pacific Mountain Computer Products - **Aftermarket Champion** ## Formal Education ### Seth Godin's altMBA <span class='fs-1'>2015</span> ![](https://i.imgur.com/oRsGgprm.jpg) > This intensive experience changed everything i thought I knew about learning and development - and about my potential to co-create, connect, and write. It gave me the confidence and understanding that 25 years of senior leadership in multi-nationals was just the appetiser to my impact. Founded in 2015 by bestselling author and entrepreneur Seth Godin, the altMBA is an intensive online workshop designed to help leaders level up. It challenges people to learn to see differently, to make better decisions and to engage and connect. **I was the recipent of the Perkins Award for best body of work in altMBA02** **altmba.com** ### University of Canterbury <span class='fs-1'>2009 - 2010</span> #### Post Graduate Diploma Secondary Teaching and Learning > Fulfilling the 'what do you want to be when you grow up' promise to become a High School History Teacher. Triple Major/Accreditations: * History * Geography * Outdoor Education ### Cal State University Northridge <span class='fs-1'>1981 - 1987 </span> > I thought I wanted to be a journalist > **BA Communications - Radio, TV, Film** Post-Grad History ## Evidence of insatiable learning ### Professional Accreditations #### Agile - Certified Scrum Master - Certified Agile Facilitator #### Future of Work - Integral Facilitation - Ten Directions - Certified Holacracy Practitioner - HolacracyOne - Certified Working Out Loud Facilitator #### Teaching - Certificate: Personal Training - NZ Institute of Sport - Certificate: Improving Sports Performance - Aoraki #### Psychometric Instruments - Certified Myers Briggs Type Indicator <style> #doc .heading { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: center; margin-bottom: 4rem; } #doc .heading img { width: 18rem; height: 18rem; border-radius: 10rem; margin-right: 2rem; } #doc .heading h1 { font-size: 4rem; border-bottom: none; margin: 0 0 0 -.2rem; } #doc .heading .contact-details { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } #doc h2 { font-size: 3rem; margin-top: 6rem; } #doc h3 { font-size: 2.4rem; font-family: monospace, arial; background-color: #333; color: #fff; padding: .5rem .5rem .2rem; margin-top: 4rem; margin-left: -0.2rem; } #doc p { line-height: 1.6; } #doc span { font-weight: 300; } #doc span.fs-1 { font-size: 1.2rem; } #doc.markdown-body blockquote { color: #555; border-left: 0.3em solid #dedede; font-style: italic; } #doc.markdown-body p.part img { display: block; margin: 0 auto } </style>