# 2023-05-16-NCL Version Control with Git
### This document:
# https://hackmd.io/@rseteam-ncl/2023-05-16-NCL
### JupyterHub:
# https://jupyter.ncldata.dev
**We asked for your uni login when you registered. Please use that to login - it is <span style="color:red;">case sensitive</span>. You don't have a password yet. The password you enter the first time you log in will become your password.**
### Introduction ###
- Instructors
- Helpers
- What is The Carpentries
- What is the RSE Team
- Coffee breaks and lunch
- Morning break: 11:00
- Lunch: 13:00
- Afternoon break: 15:30
### Links:
- [Code of Conduct](https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/policies/code-of-conduct.html)
- [Workshop website](https://nclrse-training.github.io/2023-05-16-NCL/)
- [Link to lesson website](https://nclrse-training.github.io/git-novice/)
- [Pre-workshop survey](https://carpentries.typeform.com/to/wi32rS?slug=2023-05-16-NCL)
- [Post-workshop survey](https://carpentries.typeform.com/to/UgVdRQ?slug=2023-05-16-NCL)
### Attendance:
## Please sign in using your <span style="color:red">university email</span> and your <span style="color:red">name</span>:
1. frances.turner@newcastle.ac.uk, Frances Turner
2. l.a.bruce@newcastle.ac.uk, Lawrence Bruce
3. s.lane4@newcastle.ac.uk, Stephen Lane
4. s.coaster@newcastle.ac.uk, Samual Coaster
5. n.allen1@ncl.ac.uk, Nicholas Allen
6. e.collinson@newcastle.ac.uk, Ethan Collinson
7. a.bell16@newcastle.ac.uk, Alexander Bell
8. bethany.little@newcastle.ac.uk, Beth Little
9. n.s.a.altwala2@newcastle.ac.uk, Nada Altwala
10. h.kamali2@newcastle.ac.uk, Hasti Kamali
## Cheat Sheet: command line
`cd` change directory
`ls` list contents of directory
`mkdir directory_name` make directory
`rm filename` remove file
`pwd` print current working directory
`touch` create a blank file
`nano filename` create and/or open file with the nano text editor
`mv filename newfilename` move file or rename file (if in the same location)
## Cheat Sheet: git
`git init` make a new repository
`git add` stage file(s) for committing
`git commit -m "message"` commit any staged files
`git commit -a` stage and commit all files that have been modified or created
`git push remotebranchname localbranchname` push changes to a remote repository
`git pull remotebranchname localbranchname` pull changes from a remote repository
`git checkout -b branchname` create a new branch and switch to it
`git checkout branchname` switch to an existing branch