## Ricky (阿祁)的程式筆記與幹話家常 ### 之後補個自介好了 XD ### 以前用的部落格 (應該少更新了) https://r1cky.pixnet.net/blog ### 文章 No | 文章名稱 | tag | 最後更新日期 | | --- | ------ | ---- | ----------- | |1 | [My DC Club for coding](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/SJGIVmxap)||2024/3/2| |2 | [ZJ h901 電橘子與電耗子 題解](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/ByL9GIl95)|biparte, binary search|2024/3/2| |3 | [111北二區桃竹苗資訊學科能力複賽 Java Solution](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/BJ2Q85_ns)|contest|2024/3/2| |4 | [ZJ f999 SCP - A 特訓班 題解](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/rJ06V5sL5)|divide&conquer|2024/3/2| |5 | [ZJ k914 - 肯肯肯的正方形 題解](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/H1XjMRJuh)|math, matrix|2024/3/2| |6 | [ZJ i531 - 拿竿拿來 題解](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/S18pr5Us3)|mo's algorithm, sqrt|2024/3/2| |7 | [ZJ b793 - I最後的饗宴 題解](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/S1-u-d5Yh)||2024/3/2| |8 | [ZJ k799 - WEBWORK 的逆襲 題解](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/SJJbZRoLT)|math, simpson integral|2024/3/2| |9 | [ZJ k683 - A+B Problem - Revisited 題解](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/H1DeJxtMT)|bit manipulation, output-only|2024/3/2| |10 | [ZJ m399 - print(max(A,B)) 題解](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/r1eb29qM6)|bit manipulation, output-only|2024/3/2| |11 | [ZJ i253 - 正三角形非常好......差不多一樣凸多邊形 題解](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/rkCufvvo2)|math |2024/3/2| |12 | [ABC 342G - Retroactive Range Chmax](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/rkaHrmgT6)|data structures, segtree, pq|2024/3/2| |13 | [Leetcode 3031. Minimum Time to Revert Word to Initial State II](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/ryrEzG466)|string, kmp|2024/3/5| |14 | [校內 Spring Practices 1 心得](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/rkW7klUpp)|contest, solution, review|2024/3/6| |15 | [ZJ k217. Antimonotonicity](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/ryUw-5uTp)|greedy|2024/3/8| |16 | [校內 Spring Practices 2 心得](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/SyUiUz2pa)|contest, solution, review|2024/3/11| |17 | [ARC 173A - Neq Number](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/rJfn2Y3TT)|dp, binary serach|2024/3/11| |18 | [ARC 173B - Make Many Triangles](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/By-RfB6Tp)|math|2024/3/12| |19 | [CSES - Forbidden Cities](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/Sk6Pwxl0a)|graph|2024/3/15| |20 | [校內 Spring Practices 3 心得](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/HkXGk9rCT)||2024/3/19| |21 | [TenhouWatch - 天鳳昇段観戦](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/BJfMTZnCa)||2024/3/23| |22 | [校內 Spring Practices 4 心得](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/ByZZeekkR)||2024/3/31| |23 | [(出題者視角)調酒專家 題解](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/HJOZ6m8yC)|problemsetting, dp, convolution|2024/3/21| |24 | [校內 Spring Practices 5 心得](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/Sk2X56DyC)||2024/4/20| |25 | [校內 Spring Practices 6 心得](https://hackmd.io/@r1cky/S1yUE35l0)||2024/4/20|