(Anastasiia, Umea): Hi! Is it possible to define constant parts (let's say a sequence) and then use variables in regex instead of printing the same constant parts many times (especially if they are long - it takes a lot of time)? If yes, how to do it? Maybe you can show an example/or just comment it. Thanks a lot!
e.g. I have AAAAATTTTTCTCCCCCCCCCCT as a constant part
and i have AAAAATTTTTCTCCCCCCCCCCTTATATATTATAT my seq which should match
how to write regex?
I don't get how the funcition solves the problem
(LuzMa, Upps):1. If a function needs a module can import it within the function?
2. Can a function A call another function B that is defined somewhere else in the code, is it not recommended?
question from wednesday(sorry, a bit late): what is sys.argv
Reminder: Anastasiias question above
R: I hope that helped!
(Anastasiia, Umea): Hi! Is it possible to define constant parts (let's say a sequence) and then use variables in regex instead of printing the same constant parts many times (especially if they are long - it takes a lot of time)? If yes, how to do it? Maybe you can show an example/or just comment it. Thanks a lot!
e.g. I have AAAAATTTTTCTCCCCCCCCCCT as a constant part
and i have AAAAATTTTTCTCCCCCCCCCCTTATATATTATAT my seq which should match
how to write regex?
could you please copy-paste your code! THANKS :~)
R: Hmm, Anastasiia was not the only one copy-pasting :-)
import re
def get_std_pattern():
Get the string that is part
of all the other regexes
assert get_std_pattern() == "AAAAATTTTTCTCCCCCCCCCCT"
def does_match_to_std_pattern(s):
r = re.compile(get_std_pattern())
return bool(r.match(s))
assert does_match_to_std_pattern("AAAAATTTTTCTCCCCCCCCCCT")
assert does_match_to_std_pattern("AAAAATTTTTCTCCCCCCCCCCTTTTTTTTTTTTTT")
assert not does_match_to_std_pattern("TTTTTTTTTTTTAAAAATTTTTCTCCCCCCCCCCT")
assert not does_match_to_std_pattern("TTTTTTT")
J: Sidenote: You can also use variables when creating the regular expression, as the expressions are just text stings.
# the following matches if common_seq is at the beginning:
r = re.compile("^"+common_seq)
# the folowing matches if common_seq is followed by G or C:
q = re.compile(common_seq+"[GC]")
R: More questions?
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