tags: 2022-organize, 2022-program, sprint
# PyCon APAC 2022 Sprints Summer 衝刺開發
* Date 日期: 09:30 ~ 17:00, 14th, Aug. (台北標準時間 TST, GMT+8)
* Location 地點: Gather Town
* Schedule 流程: [PyCon APAC Sprint rundown](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xMvsMFlaySnyxLZ1Ae5CrK82Es-1xnLEWdzve1aEMAs/edit?usp=sharing)
## Organizing your sprint 如何組織一個衝刺開發
* Introduce your project 介紹你的專案
You can detail your project description and features in HackMD, as well as where you need participants to help. You can also provide a pre-recorded video for participants to quickly pick up the knowledge of your project. For example, a short tutorial video, including project introduction and functionality, how to deploy, test, view issue, pull request, etc. Make participants get started quickly and understand where to start contributing.
你可以在 HackMD 中詳述你的專案內容與特色,以及想要參與者協助的地方。你也可以錄製一個小影片,讓參與者能夠迅速瞭解你的專案內容。例如一個簡短的教學影片,包括專案介紹與操作、如何佈建、測試,觀看 Issue、Pull Request 等等。讓參與者可以很快上手,並瞭解可以從哪開始著手貢獻。
* Interact with participants 與參與者互動
The project host can interact with participants, share ideas with each other, and help participants contribute to your project through meetup sharing, email, chat groups (slack, discord), etc. In this way, contributing to open source is not limited to time and place, but a long-term community promotion.
專案主持人可以透過聚會分享、信件、聊天群組 (Slack, discord) 等等與參與者互動,交流意見,並協助參與者貢獻你的專案。如此一來,貢獻開源便不受限於時間與地點,而是一個長期的社群經營。
* Provide direction for participants to contribute 提供參與者貢獻的方向
You can provide the direction for participants from the existing issues or pull requests that need help in your project, and you can also discuss with participants to find a better direction.
你可以從專案中現有需要幫忙的 issue 或是需要幫助的 pull requests 中提供參與者貢獻的方向,也可以透過與參與者相互討論,尋找可以更好的方向。
* Due to Covid situation, we will organize this event online.
你可以從專案中現有需要幫忙的 issue 或是需要幫助的 pull requests 中提供參與者貢獻的方向,也可以透過與參與者相互討論,尋找可以更好的方向。
## How to submit a project? 如何報名你的專案
* Submission Time 報名時間:Now ~ 7/20 (Wed.) 23:59:59 (台北標準時間 TST)
* Submission Link 報名網址:https://forms.gle/N3hVU7HNtBJL1wqTA
## How to register as a attendee? 如何報名成為參加者
Register on [KKTIX](https://pycontw.kktix.cc/events/pyconapac2022-summersprint)
在 [KKTIX 註冊頁面報名](https://pycontw.kktix.cc/events/pyconapac2022-summersprint)
## 2022 Summer Projects List 專案列表
### modmesh
- **專案描述 Project description**:
C++/Python hybrid system for hyperbolic PDE solvers and the required mesh definition
- **專案連結 Project link**:
- GitHub: https://github.com/solvcon/modmesh
- Discord: https://discord.gg/P9U7PFv
- **專案聯絡人 Project Contact**: Yung-Yu Chen yyc@solvcon.net
- **先需知識 Background knowledge**: Proficient in modern C++ (we currently use 17, but most of the time 11 is sufficient), proficient in the CPython (both the Python language and the C part), some understandings to computational mechanics and/or computational geometry.
- **進行語言 Language**: English and Mandarin
* 專案房間: 1 基隆
* 備用Google Meet連結:
### PyCon TW志工見面會暨志工手冊維護
- **專案描述 Project description**:
[Hackmd page](https://hackmd.io/@pycontw/SJjo0n8J5)
- **專案連結 Project link**:
- [Hackmd page](https://hackmd.io/feMQhSI0SWqE9h2sGoKGOw)
- **專案聯絡人 Project Contact**: Leila fn598017@gmail.com
- **先需知識 Background knowledge**: 參與者:已經是志工 or 想成為志工 or 想了解更多成為志工的相關事情
- **進行語言 Language**: Mandarin
* 專案房間: 8 屏東
* 備用Google Meet連結:
### Let's Visualize PyConTW's Data!
- **專案描述 Project description**:相信大家都非常清楚數據對公司及組織的幫助有多大 所以這次 sprint 我們希望用 Python or SQL 來視覺化 PyConTW 的資料下面是可以應用的場景:
1. 以會眾的角度:把這些資料當作 open data,做任何你有興趣的分析並跟大家分享,希望能吸引更多人來使用 PyConTW 的數據~
2. 以志工的角度:了解該組需求,撈出該組業務幫他們每年能把活動越辦越好~
3. metabase帳密: test@gmail.com / `AJUZWXx93h2xa5`
- **專案連結 Project link**: https://metabase.pycon.tw/
- **專案聯絡人 Project Contact**: David Jr. davidtnfsh@gmail.com
- **先需知識 Background knowledge**:Python or SQL
- **進行語言 Language**: Mandarin Chinese (中文)
* 專案房間: 6 雲林
* 備用Google Meet連結:http://meet.google.com/gwg-jkrx-cgd
### facebook_crawler
- **專案描述 Project description**:Facebook_crawler project can help us collect the data from Facebook's public Fanspage / group. And here are the three big points of this project:
You don't need to log in to your account.
Easy: Just key in the Fanspage/group URL and the target date(to break the while loop).
Efficient: It collects the data through the requests package directly instead of Selenium.
In this event, I need you to contribute to the project with the following tasks:
1. Writing some descriptions of the functions.
2. Develop or improve functions in the package.
3. Help me analyze the unstructured text data in PyConTW group to get insights or exciting findings.
- **專案連結 Project link**:
- GitHub: https://github.com/TLYu0419/facebook_crawler
- **專案聯絡人 Project Contact**: TENG-LIN YU tlyu0419@gmail.com
- **先需知識 Background knowledge**:git, pandas, or your enthusiasm
- **進行語言 Language**: Mandarin Chinese (中文)
* 專案房間: 7 嘉義
* 備用Google Meet連結:
### commitizen-tools
- **專案描述 Project description**:Create committing rules for projects 🚀 auto bump versions ⬆️ and auto changelog generation 📂
commitizen-tools 是一套可以協助團隊管理 git commit message 規範的工具,讓團隊能更容易寫出可讀的 commit message。除了提供符合 conventional commit 的規範外,還有提供數種規範模板。另外一項很重要的功能自動跳版本號跟產生 Changelog,commitizen-tools 會根據最新 merge 回 main / master branch 的 commits 的內容來判斷該怎麼跳版(follow semantic version )我另外有寫一篇教學文[Python Table Manners - Commitizen: 規格化 commit message]說明這個工具該如何使用。
- **專案連結 Project link**:
- GitHub: https://github.com/commitizen-tools
- **專案聯絡人 Project Contact**: Wei weilee.rx@gmail.com
- **先需知識 Background knowledge**:Git
請先按照 Contributing 上的教學設定環境
- **進行語言 Language**: Will use Mandarin if no non-Mandarin speaker presents. Could use English if needed.
* 專案房間: 4 苗栗
* 備用Google Meet連結:
### mlgame
- **專案描述 Project description**:https://github.com/PAIA-Playful-AI-Arena/MLGame
詳細介紹可參閱PAIA網站(mlgame web版): https://www.paia-arena.com/
- **專案連結 Project link**:
- GitHub https://github.com/PAIA-Playful-AI-Arena/MLGame
- **專案聯絡人 Project Contact**: Ivan wyattkidd@gmail.com
- **先需知識 Background knowledge**:python, pygame, scikit-learn.
- **進行語言 Language**: Mandarin Chinese (中文)
* 專案房間: 9 花蓮
* 備用Google Meet連結:
### New micro:bit Python Editor
- **專案描述 Project description**
We are shortly launching a new version of our Python Editor (currently in beta) which has been designed from the ground up with educators to help teach young people age 12+ to code with Python (and the micro:bit).
- **專案連結 Project link**:
- https://python.microbit.org/v/beta
- **專案聯絡人 Project Contact**: Waris Candra waris@microbit.org
- **先需知識 Background knowledge**: NA
- **進行語言 Language**: English (英文)
* 專案房間: 2 宜蘭
* 備用Google Meet連結:
:::spoiler Project template
### Project Name
- **專案描述 Project description**:
- **專案連結 Project link**:
- **專案聯絡人 Project Contact**:
- **先需知識 Background knowledge**:
- **進行語言 Language**:
* 專案房間: Room OO
* 備用Google Meet連結:
::: spoiler ## 2022 spring 歷史專案範例
### Pycon News Feed
- **專案描述 Project description**:
**今天的 [Agenda](https://hackmd.io/Aah_fCbgSUqHO11gfV75Ww)**
來做推薦系統吧!PyconTW 提供的有趣服務越來越多了,如 `PySafe`、`PyCast`、`徵才`等廣告,以及我們的本業也就是`演講`。
所以我們想在 FB Messenger 上提供一個 news feed,用 ML 的方式來推薦用戶適合他的資訊。
在本場 Sprint 的實作分成三個部分,歡迎大家加入!
1. BE-side:Flask + FB API
2. Recommendation-side:algorithm to design
3. ELT-side(負責整理用戶的 feature、event,並蒐集文章來推薦):Airflow + Crawler
- **專案連結 Project link**:
- GitHub: https://github.com/pycontw/pycon-fb-chatbot
- [推薦系統](https://heliotrope-podium-fc5.notion.site/Sprint-0e46144427484a78ac86ebada23cdd5c)
- **專案聯絡人 Project Contact**: @davidtnfsh
- **先需知識 Background knowledge**: 推薦系統、Git、Backend、ML、想學的心(擇二)
- **進行語言 Language**: 中文
* 專案房間: Topic 1
* 備用Google Meet連結:
[2022 spring page link](https://hackmd.io/oWg32ha4TOG2v8Dt4QDH0A?view)