# Pulpcore/katello/pulp_deb integration meeting See also: https://discourse.pulpproject.org/t/katello-pulp-community-integration-meeting-minutes/39 ## Overview * Purpose: Facilitate release-planning between Pulp3, Katello, and pulp_deb releases * Attendees: pulpcore, katello, pulp_deb reps; others as needed ## Template ``` ## YYYY-MM-DD 1000-1030 GMT-5 ### Attendees: ### Regrets: ### Agenda: * Previous AIs: ### Action Items: * ggainey to add minutes to https://discourse.pulpproject.org/t/katello-pulp-community-integration-meeting-minutes/39 ``` # 2024 ## 2024-06-04 1000-1030 GMT-5 ### Attendees: ### Regrets: ### Agenda: * Previous AIs: * In Katello content can be "seen" at `URL/pulp/repos/`, but also at `URL/pulp/content/` and by content type for example at `URL/pulp/deb/` (does not appear to show just deb content). * Are any of these the "preferred" URL? * Are there any plans to ever deprecate/remove any of these duplicate locations? ### Action Items: * ggainey to add minutes to https://discourse.pulpproject.org/t/katello-pulp-community-integration-meeting-minutes/39 ## 2024-05-07 1000-1030 GMT-5 ### Attendees: ggainey, dosas, jbundesmann, mbucher, quba42, iballou, sjha, pbrochado, dalley, vsedmik, ssingh ### Regrets: ### Agenda: * Katello and robottelo * We are experimenting with robottelo tests * Since robottelo is owned by SatelliteQE, we wanted to ask (to the extent you can/want to tell us) how Katello and robottelo development interacts? * Who adds new tests? * Who fixes them if a Katello change breaks them? * If we think a test is broken how best to contribute a fix? * Who are the best contacts for questions? * See also: * https://github.com/SatelliteQE/robottelo/pull/14608 * We think this test is passing even though it should be failing: https://github.com/SatelliteQE/robottelo/blob/master/tests/foreman/api/test_repository.py#L521 The actual error we see is `The repository's publication is missing. Please run a 'complete sync' ` which is not the error being tested for, but any error will satisfy the test. * iballou: * dev/qe work very closely together * QE makes the required changes/automation in robotello as features/bugs are being addressed by dev * long-standing backlog in robotello of "things to fix", that QE is working their way through * process is being improved, but has more work to do * bandwidth is *always* an issue (as it is for everyone, everywhere, forever) * ATIX appreciates having someone to ping just to verify something is actually a bug/problem before opening a PR? * https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/10942 * How to add better test coverage here? * maybe merge this fix, but plan to add some more tests around these odd edge-cases * iballou: * good to accept PR as-is * happy to do a peer-coding-exercise on how to add more tests, or rubber-duck on a PR * Are there plans to use the Pulp replicate features (for smart proxies or otherwise)? * some conversations happened at CfgMgt camp * sjha: * not on the roadmap yet * there are some katello-side constraints to be considered * still considered desireable * quba42: please remember to ping if/when/as we decide to start implementing * iballou: * N-2 syncing is higher prio * *maybe* can take advantage of replication? * pulp-glue? * proxies shipping their own bindings? * Does Katello have any special plans to handle [this](https://discourse.pulpproject.org/t/starting-the-migration-countdown-with-a-new-release-of-the-pulp-container-plugin/1217)? * sjha: * handled in foreman-maintain: https://github.com/theforeman/foreman_maintain/pull/829 * iballou * for upstream, docs say "do This" * needs to be indexed in katello * ggainey * the goal is to not-require-multiple-upgrades to go from X.Y to X.Y+N * if you jump from pre-that-change, to post-container-dropped-old-codepaths, then your upgrade will pay the (long) price as part of the migration * structured-apt-work is still in-progress * ATIX getting up to speed on "becoming a katello dev" :) * Fun! * actions often missing the "why" of actions * iballou: technical debt is...A Thing :( * iballou: absolutely up for getting together for a "community design review" * maybe record and get it up on katello's youtube channel ### Action Items: * ggainey to add minutes to https://discourse.pulpproject.org/t/katello-pulp-community-integration-meeting-minutes/39 ## 2024-04-02 1000-1030 GMT-5 ### Attendees: quba42, iballou, dalley, sjha, ggainey ### Regrets: ### Agenda: * Previous AIs: * ~~Apparently it is not possible to "request a review" from arbitrary people in GitHub (perhaps this requires merge access? or maybe you can't do it if there already are two reviewers on the PR?), so we did a normal ping instead: https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/10905/#issuecomment-1980695028~~ * Was merged. * quba42: Who is the expert on js/UI bugs? https://projects.theforeman.org/issues/37240 * Was merged. * You can always ping sjha or jeremylenz * Forklift, lived practice questions (quba42): * Which boxes do you use for development? (centos8-katello-devel, centos8-katello-devel-stable, centos8-katello-nightly-stable, ...? So many to choose from...) * spread of who-uses-what on katello * lots of folks use just the -stable boxes * -stable has some limitations * DNS subtleties * tab-complete doesn't work? * iballou uses centos8 (soon centos9) * DON'T FORGET TO UPDATE YOUR BASE IMAGE! * Do you upgrade your active box, or just vagrant destroy and re-create it? * "It Depends" * `bundle exec rails katello:reset` * How long do you tend to keep your boxes? * "It Depends" * I keep randomly getting `An error occurred saving the Repository: uninitialized constant ForemanTasks::TimeoutError` only for things to succeed if I take the same action again?! * mismatch between "UI expecting sync-task when backend has started an async task" * sounds like a bug - look for an issue, and open one if not already existing? * repository-pages are being converted from Angular and prob won't take non-critical issues right now * Inconsistent KatelloRepositories * pointing to a pulp-repo-version and a pulp-distribution that aren't in the same repository?!? * CCV with 2 CVs that are the same repo * container-repo forbids this! * can't reproduce on current katello (happens on katello/4.7) * only see it with debian content * structured-apt story * katello-library starts "empty" * works for rpm, **but not for deb** * needs some empty-content for publishing to even work * but we **don't** want that when we copy into CVs * how can we tell the difference between these two cases? * is there any way to know using current/existing data? * do we need to add a new flag to the related foreman-task-invocation? * at what point would we punt and create a completely-new-action to handle specific usecase? * next katello uses new pulpcore! * if there's a new version of pulp_deb coming, there's a small window still to ask for a newer version * waiting on 3.25.2 of pulp_rpm * button being pushed ### Action Items: * ggainey to add minutes to https://discourse.pulpproject.org/t/katello-pulp-community-integration-meeting-minutes/39 ## 2024-03-05 1000-1030 GMT-5 ### Attendees: ggainey, iballou, sjha, sweta, quba42, hstct ### Regrets: ### Agenda: * Previous AIs: none? * quba42: I would like to learn to better understand these posts: https://community.theforeman.org/t/katello-4-11-1-release-process/36915 * how to go from this, to "how long should I wait to rely on the release-rpms being available?" * hard to give a solid "how much time left" * ping release-owner/engineer for status if/when/as needed * quba42: How to add a new RPM?: https://github.com/theforeman/pulpcore-packaging/pull/881 * need help on how to generate the initial .spec file for a new package * is there a good tool? * pulp-cli-deb is currently blocked waiting on pulp-glue-deb * prob should wait till odilon is less-busy to have a conversation * quba42: ATIX Katello PRs near completion: * Katello fix ready for final review: https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/10905 * Looks like final review is already requested, but I add it for completeness: https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/10900 * one can use the github request-reviewer/re-review tools to get some attention if/when/as needed * requesting new core/3.48 for new katello * updating to new pulp_deb as well * core/3.49 coming out "today", includes https://github.com/pulp/pulpcore/issues/5086 * can we tighten the window between katello-announce and build-accepts? * there is always going to be some window * iballou to investigate maybe taking 3.49 instead * pulp-glue discussion happening in katello-land * change smart-proxy talk to pulp instead of katello * would solve the N-2 problem * discussion continues * core/3.55 is coming! * discussion around pulp eventually going to retrieve-when-content-exists * should there be pressure on plugins to change this behavior to the default? ### Action Items: * ggainey to add minutes to https://discourse.pulpproject.org/t/katello-pulp-community-integration-meeting-minutes/39 ## 2024-02-13 1000-1030 GMT-5 ### Attendees: ggainey, mbucher, sja, iballou, quba42, hstct ### Regrets: ### Agenda: * Previous AIs: * ~~ggainey to archive 2023 minutes~~ * ~~https://hackmd.io/@pulp/pulp-deb-katello-integration_2023~~ * meeting in person at conference was Really Useful! * fun with Forklift - lots of fixing has happened! * discussion between ATIX/katello * discussion around katello/UI bug in 4.11 * needs an upstream issue opened? * discussing next-pulp-version for katello/4.13 * prob whatever the latest-Y is at branch-point * would be good if a pulp_deb-Y right before katello-branch so katello gets latest * pulpcore discussed "supported branches" this week * discussion ensues * how can we get katello reviews happening more quickly on pulp-deb/ATIX Stuff? * can we get ATIX approve-access to the affected repos? * sure - there is A Process, let's do it! * Process: https://theforeman.org/handbook.html#Becomingacommitter * iballou to bring up w/ katello team * ATIX needs a candidate to start doing regular katello-reviews? * work w/ iballou/sja to iron out details * ATIX customer is "losing publications"?!? * heavy CVV user * old CVV "loses" pub? * ATIX investigating - rake cleanup task? * how can a repo-version exist, but associated publications are gone?!? * check if pulp was told to delete? * katello/4.7 (we think) is what's in use * might be a related fix, in a newer katello? * sja: there exists a PR to "freeze" repo-access while a publication is happening ### Action Items: * ggainey to add minutes to https://discourse.pulpproject.org/t/katello-pulp-community-integration-meeting-minutes/39 ## 2024-01-09 1000-1030 GMT-5 ### Attendees: bsuttner, quba42, iballou, ggainey, dalley, pbrochado, sweta ### Regrets: ### Agenda: * Previous AIs: * ~~ggainey: schedule mtgs for 2024~~ * ~~iballou: summarize discussion RE global-repair into PR~~ * ~~iballou: Poke People to get other katello PRs reviewed~~ * hstct to report back on customer experience once RemoteArtifact indices applied * no answers yet * Are we looking into [this](https://community.theforeman.org/t/proxy-sync-10x-slower-with-foreman-3-8-katello-4-10/35887/7)? * looks like "yes" based on discussion there * seems to be improving for reporting-user * appears to be resolved now * I can't sync Python on Katello 4.7 (`python39-pulp-python-3.7.3`) * There is a successfull sync task, but no actual content is synced. * The Pulp remote being used looks exactly like the example in the pulp_python docs. * I could be missing something incredibly obvious since I have never used pulp_python before. * might be an old katello bug getting in the way? * maybe retry on 4.11 * https://community.theforeman.org/t/storing-secure-information/36195 * katello issue * secure-storage for things like ssh/gpg keys/uname-pwd * could/should this be a new feature for foreman? * is there/what is the "standard"/existing way foreman stores this kind of info? * feedback/discussion should continue on the thread above * ATIX Katello PRs: * Structured upload: https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/10639 * sjha out till end of Jan * needs a new katello person to do the merge * Fix deb copy API: https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/10734 * needs review * Export/Import for deb: https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/10749 * needs review/merge * Requires: https://github.com/theforeman/pulpcore-packaging/pull/819 * merged, available * Host details tab for deb: https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/10744 * actively in review/discussion * Incremental update concurrency: https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/10781 * already on katello-review-list * Heal broken publications on sync: https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/10776 * merged ### Action Items: * ggainey to add minutes to https://discourse.pulpproject.org/t/katello-pulp-community-integration-meeting-minutes/39 * ggainey to archive 2023 minutes ### Action Items: * AI: [ggainey] schedule 6 months starting first tues in March * AI: [ggainey] clean up mtg-doc * ggainey to add minutes to https://discourse.pulpproject.org/t/katello-pulp-community-integration-meeting-minutes/39 # 2023 * Archived: https://hackmd.io/@pulp/pulp-deb-katello-integration_2023 # 2022 * Archived: https://hackmd.io/@pulp/pulp-deb-katello-integration_2022 # 2021 * Archived : https://hackmd.io/@pulp/pulp-deb-katello-integration_2021 ###### tags: `Minutes`