![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/r1ZMJkRMT.png) ***Diverse Code, Stronger Chain: Women, Elevate Ethereum with Us!*** [TOC] # WiEP FAQ ## What is WiEP? ***Women in Ethereum Protocol*** (WiEP) is a community committed to advancing gender diversity within the Ethereum ecosystem. Initiated by the [Ethereum Foundation](https://ethereum.foundation/) and [Ethereum Cat Herders](https://www.ethcatherders.com/), the group focuses on driving innovation, fostering collaboration, and ensuring that the Ethereum protocol evolves into a decentralized future where every voice is heard. Our mission is to create an environment where developers of all genders feel valued, inspired, and supported, making diversity the norm rather than the exception in blockchain technology. ## What is WiEP Study Group? The Women in Ethereum Protocol [(WiEP) Study Group](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOh9Befu64c&list=PL4cwHXAawZxpbEZhQYgOW8mbQDbLoyQDT&index=1&t=177s&pp=gAQBiAQB) is an initiative aimed at fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for women interested in learning about and contributing to the Ethereum protocol. Learn more on [GitHub](https://github.com/wiepteam/studygroup). The study group provides a platform for women to: * **Learn Together**: Collaborative learning sessions focused on various aspects of the Ethereum protocol, including EIPs (Ethereum Improvement Proposals), smart contracts, consensus mechanisms, and other technical topics. * **Build Community**: A space for women to connect, network, and share experiences within the Ethereum ecosystem. * **Skill Development**: Opportunities to develop technical skills and gain deeper knowledge about the Ethereum protocol. * **Mentorship and Support**: Access to mentors and resources that can help guide participants in their learning journey. * **Empowerment**: Encouraging more women to actively participate and take leadership roles in the Ethereum community and make their first Pull Request. The WiEP Study Group is part of broader efforts to increase diversity and representation in the blockchain space, specifically within the Ethereum Protocol community. ## Why do we need to promote WiEP? Championing diversity in the blockchain space is crucial for driving innovation, fostering collaboration, and shaping the Ethereum protocol into a truly decentralized future where every voice matters. A Women in Ethereum Protocol group is essential to ensure that gender diversity becomes the standard, not the exception. By creating a supportive and inspiring environment, we empower developers of all genders to contribute their unique perspectives, leading to a stronger, more inclusive Ethereum ecosystem. # Membership WiEP membership is open to all self-identifying women and non-binary individuals with a passion or interest in Ethereum protocol development. Individuals (including those representing groups) who support the objectives and values of Women in Ethereum Protocol are also welcome to join. ## Identify yourself as WiEP Member * **Protocol Contributor**: Women and non-binary individuals who are actively involved in Ethereum development. This includes, but is not limited to, those working on Ethereum clients, conducting research, or making significant contributions to the broader Ethereum ecosystem. * **Aspiring Contributor**: Individuals who are motivated and eager to contribute to the development, improvement, or governance of the Ethereum network. This category encompasses Protocol Fellowship participants, ESP Grantees, students at colleges and universities, and anyone open to supporting the Ethereum protocol. * **Ally**: Women representing ecosystem projects, DAOs, or grant organizations who extend their support to the development of Women in Ethereum Protocol. * **Advisor**: Individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of Ethereum development and provide guidance and expertise to others in the community. ## Membership Application Process Step 1. Complete the [online WiEP Membership Application Form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSev1MtjHptZ4sX_aUn7r3BL3aCJrpWetJ5Kknag4GxifCFcnw/viewform). Step 2. Agree to abide by the [WiEP Code of Conduct](https://hackmd.io/@poojaranjan/WiEPHandbook#WiEP---Code-of-Conduct). Step 3. Join [WiEP Discord](https://discord.gg/JvEVfKBY6W). # WiEP Events ## IRL meetups ### WiEP @ In The Ether, Singapore, 16th September 2024 - [Invite](https://lu.ma/zcy4q2yq) ### [WiEP Brunch & Networking @EthCC](https://youtu.be/PO7y3bngGAY), Brussels - [Details](https://lu.ma/nwlww2ao) ### Women in Ethereum Protocol – The Launch Gathering Feb 2024, Denver - [Details](https://hackmd.io/@poojaranjan/WiEPDenver2024) & [invite](https://lu.ma/wiep-edge-city) ## Webinar or online meetups ### [WiEP: Launch of Cohort 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOh9Befu64c&list=PL4cwHXAawZxpbEZhQYgOW8mbQDbLoyQDT&index=1&t=177s&pp=gAQBiAQB), Aug 2024 - [Details](https://lu.ma/k0mzjewj) ### [WiEP: Community Call, July 2024](https://youtu.be/Otdh8UyxLkE) - [Details](https://lu.ma/wrxvpzre) ### [Women's Day Celebration with WiEP](https://youtu.be/xXZgc551NRs), March 2024 - [Details](https://lu.ma/m1jokvit) ## What are we looking in a [speaker for WiEP events](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeteYdAHLbFElmA9c-7O4iGU3QMJDTED2k-ZQF1EL8r0YMS9Q/viewform)? If you are the one or know someone who would be a great speaker for a WiEP event, we'd love to [hear nomination from you!](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeteYdAHLbFElmA9c-7O4iGU3QMJDTED2k-ZQF1EL8r0YMS9Q/viewform) ### Video clips accepted If you're thinking about recording a (2-5 mins) video message, you could include: * Your personal journey, sharing your background and what brought you to the Ethereum community, making it relatable and inspiring for new developers. * An overview of the projects you're currently involved in and how they contribute to the Ethereum ecosystem. * Practical tips, encouragement, and guidance for new developers on how to get started, build their skills, and find their place in the Ethereum community. #### Recording Instructions * **Setting**: Choose a quiet, well-lit space with minimal background noise. Natural light or soft indoor lighting works well—just ensure the light source is in front of you to avoid shadows. * **Camera**: A laptop webcam is sufficient. Position the camera at eye level and frame yourself so your face and shoulders are clearly visible. * **Audio**: If you have a microphone or headset, it can enhance sound quality. Otherwise, speak clearly and at a steady pace. * **Positioning**: Sit or stand about 2-3 feet from the camera. Center yourself in the frame, leaving a little space above your head with your shoulders visible. * **Background**: Opt for a simple, uncluttered background. Avoid bright colors or busy patterns if possible. * **Length**: Keep it short and to the point! Aim for 1-2 minutes per question. * **File Naming**: Save your video with your FirstnameLastname (e.g., JohnDoe.mp4). * **File Format**: MP4 or MOV formats are ideal. If using a smartphone, the default settings should work fine. * **Sending the Video**: Once completed, please send the file to WiEP POC. ### IRL Speaking Opportunities * **Industry Pioneers and Leaders:** Women who have made significant contributions to Ethereum or blockchain technology. They can share their journeys, challenges, and successes, offering insights into leadership in a male-dominated industry. * **Technical Experts:** Female developers, researchers, and engineers who are deeply involved in the protocol's development. They can present on topics like smart contracts, Ethereum upgrades (like the latest EIPs), or other technical aspects of blockchain. * **Community Builders:** Women who have played a significant role in building and nurturing the Ethereum community. They can discuss community engagement, organizing, and the importance of diversity in technology spaces. * **Entrepreneurs and Innovators:** Female founders and entrepreneurs who have launched successful projects on Ethereum. They can speak about the intersection of blockchain technology and business, sharing their experiences with startups and innovation. * **Advocates for Diversity and Inclusion:** Speakers who focus on promoting diversity within the blockchain space, particularly in Ethereum. They can address issues like gender disparity, creating inclusive environments, and strategies to encourage more women to enter the field. * **Regulatory and Legal Experts:** Female lawyers or policy experts who specialize in blockchain and cryptocurrency regulation. They can provide valuable insights into the legal challenges and opportunities within the Ethereum ecosystem. * **Academics and Researchers:** Women from academia who are conducting cutting-edge research in blockchain technology or related fields. They can share their findings and discuss future trends in Ethereum and decentralized technologies. * **Artists and Creatives:** Considering the cultural aspects of Ethereum, such as NFTs, inviting women who are artists or creatives using the Ethereum protocol can add a unique and enriching perspective. * **Panel Discussions with Diverse Voices:** We might also consider organizing panels that bring together diverse voices to discuss broader themes such as the future of Ethereum, the role of women in tech, or the impact of blockchain on society. **Thank you** again for your time and effort—your contribution is incredibly valuable to us! # WiEP - Code of Conduct * **Respect and Inclusion** We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where all individuals, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, or background, are respected and valued. Discrimination, harassment, or exclusionary behavior of any kind will not be tolerated. * **Professionalism** All members are expected to conduct themselves professionally and with integrity. This includes maintaining a positive and supportive attitude during discussions, collaborations, and events. Personal attacks, trolling, and derogatory language are strictly prohibited. * **Collaboration and Support** We encourage open collaboration and the sharing of knowledge. Members should feel comfortable asking questions, offering support, and contributing ideas. Constructive feedback should be given with the intent to help others grow, and any criticism should be delivered respectfully. * **Privacy and Confidentiality** Respect the privacy of others. Do not share personal information, private communications, or confidential discussions without explicit consent. Sensitive information discussed within the group should remain within the group unless agreed upon otherwise. * **Anti-Harassment Policy** Harassment includes, but is not limited to, offensive verbal comments, unwanted attention, stalking, and unwelcome physical contact. Any member who experiences or witnesses harassment should report it immediately to the group moderators or organizers. * **Commitment to Diversity** We believe that diversity drives innovation and creativity. All efforts should be made to include diverse voices and perspectives in discussions, projects, and events. Members should actively work to ensure that the group remains a welcoming space for women and non-binary individuals. * **Accountability** Members are accountable for their actions and behavior within the group. Violations of this Code of Conduct may result in warnings, suspension, or removal from the group. Group moderators and organizers have the authority to enforce this Code of Conduct and take appropriate actions to address any issues that arise. * **Continuous Improvement** The Code of Conduct is a living document and may be updated as needed. Members are encouraged to provide feedback and suggestions to improve the group’s culture and policies. * **Commitment to the Ethereum Ecosystem** Members should actively work towards the betterment of the Ethereum protocol and the broader blockchain ecosystem. This includes contributing positively to discussions, projects, and initiatives that advance the technology and its adoption. #### Acknowledgment By participating in the Women in Ethereum Protocol Group, members agree to abide by this Code of Conduct and help create a supportive and inclusive community. # Contact Support Follow us on [X](https://x.com/wiepteam), [email](wiepteam@gmail.com) and/or reach out to [La Donna Higgins](https://x.com/ladonnarhiggins), [Pooja Ranjan](https://x.com/poojaranjan19) & [Hsiao-Wei Wang](https://x.com/icebearhww) for any questions.