# Pangeo - Online Show & Tell ![](https://i.imgur.com/fIHHpD1.png) ###### tags: `S&T` `pangeo` ## October 6, 2022: DGGS and their __potential__ impact in Geoscience and Geospatial communities Thank you for joining the Pangeo online Show & Tell 🎎 💎 ! We're delighted to have you here 🎉 **What?** [Pangeo](https://pangeo.io/) is a community-centric initiative that promotes open, reproducible, and scalable geoscience. Show and Tell are **online calls** to gather feedback informally, but more importantly, it's a monthly celebration of what the Pangeo community has accomplished. S&T are organised by members of **Pangeo Europe continental meetings** (see notes of previous meetings [here](https://pangeo.io/meeting-notes.html)). **When?** 8 October 2022, 14:00 - 15:00 CEST ([see in your time zone](https://arewemeetingyet.com/Paris/2022-09-01/14:00)) **Next call:** TBC, November 2022 **How?** **Join Zoom Meeting** https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/94270013019?pwd=eVB1OUJ6SW5lQ0N5MVB4aGhBWUNGUT09 ***All questions, comments and recommendations are welcome!*** ### Code of conduct :heavy_check_mark: * [Take a moment to read this](https://github.com/pangeo-data/governance/blob/master/conduct/code_of_conduct.md) ### Chat (Gitter) :loudspeaker: * [Pangeo Global](https://gitter.im/pangeo-data/Lobby) * [Pangeo Europe](https://gitter.im/pangeo-data/Europe) ### Sign-up :pencil: **Name + an emoji to represent your mood today ([emoji cheatsheet](https://github.com/ikatyang/emoji-cheat-sheet/blob/master/README.md))** *(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)* * Pier Lorenzo Marasco, SEIDOR, ðŸĪŠ * Anne Fouilloux, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway, 😃 * Tina Odaka, UMR-LOPS IFREMER France, :sunflower: * Justus Magin, UMR-LOPS Ifremer France, :ocean: * Alejandro Coca-Castro, the Alan Turing Institute UK, :taco: * Greg Duveiller, MPI-BGC, Jena, Germany :footprints: * Alexander Kmoch, Tartu University, Estonia :earth_africa: ### Notes and Q&A :question: *(Add here any question or issue you might need assistance. Feel free to put it below or ask in the [Pangeo Europe Gitter](https://gitter.im/pangeo-data/Europe))* * Q: What library should we use to "interpolate/convert" from geotiff to DGGS? I mean for physical quantities. A: Depends. * Q: Can the ID of hexagons be made to be intuitive (i.e. to include notions of lat and lon for for instance)? A: No, it's systematic. * Tips: * check the Binder and the Presi # Previous talks ## September 1, 2022: Handling large geo data with Julia ### Discourse :information_source: [Pangeo Discourse Ad](https://discourse.pangeo.io/t/september-1-2022-handling-large-geo-data-with-julia/2656) ### Recording :tv: [Pangeo YouTube Channel](https://youtu.be/18_e8wmI9Os) ### Sign-up :pencil: **Name + an emoji to represent your mood today ([emoji cheatsheet](https://github.com/ikatyang/emoji-cheat-sheet/blob/master/README.md))** *(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)* * Anne 😄 * Alejandro :hot_pepper: * Lorenzo 🙃 * Tina ðŸ’ŪðŸŦ * Felix :smiley: * Fabian :sunflower: * Jean :grinning: * Holger * Guillaume :children_crossing: ### Notes and Q&A :question: *(Add here any question or issue you might need assistance. Feel free to put it below or ask in the [Pangeo Europe Gitter](https://gitter.im/pangeo-data/Europe))* git hub repo of this presentation: https://github.com/JuliaDataCubes/ESDLTutorials * Q: plotting is based on matplotlib/hvplot like in python? how is it different from python enviroment? A: In this example, the backend is matplotlib. It can be something else. * Q: when plotting `plot(europe.time.values,europe[Variable="air_temperature_2m", lat=50, lon=11].data)` do we need to provide the exact lat/lon or the nearest? point is selected? * Q: Can users set the strategy for imputing missing values? A: yes, it needs to be passed through the function * Q: Can you transform YAXArray objects to sort of xarray.Dataset? A: There is DataSets object * Tips: cutting connection to rmprocs(workers()) starting process : addprocs, it can be for on the same node as threads, it can be process outside the node that main julila process is running. * Tips: docstring is with '?' , for example ?addprocs * Tips: 'a .+ b ' is for applying the '+' operation for all the element of 'a' . For example if you have a=rand(3,3) b=rand(3,3), 'a .* b ' and 'a * b' do not have same answer. > *This HackMD is adapted under a CC-BY license from [_the EDS_ show and tell template](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/environmental-ds-book/blob/master/book/community/templates/template-coworking-showtell.md)*